Looking for OVH/Kimsurf KS-LE 1 or KS-LE 2
Here is the order page: https://eco.ovhcloud.com/en/?display=list&range=kimsufi
@tanqt11 said: Looking for OVH/Kimsurf KS-LE 1 or KS-LE 2 Looking for OVH/Kimsurf Kimsurf
It's summertime! Kim surfing!
☰ Storage — AMD EPYC VDS (ref) up to 4TB NVMe & 10TB SAN disk / Big HDD VPS (ref) from $2.42/TB/month
Here is the order page:
It's summertime! Kim surfing!
☰ Storage — AMD EPYC VDS (ref) up to 4TB NVMe & 10TB SAN disk / Big HDD VPS (ref) from $2.42/TB/month