wireguard VPN in China
which is the best location to jump firewall?
simply to access Google , Netflix and Facebook.
not referring to those with premium direct CN network, just the usual VPS locations.
will be using it with Hotel Wifi.
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
Use https://www.itdog.cn/ping/ to check for packet loss across different regions in China (green button with recurring symbol)
Strongly recommend CN2 or at least China optimized VPS.
Packet loss on standard European, Hongkong and Taiwan VPS usually bad.
Maybe https://spartanhost.org/
Amadex • Hosting Forums • Wie ist meine IP-Adresse? • AS215325
Forum for System Administrators: sysadminforum.com
I thought GFW does DPI so even with a anon location it may not work?
i tried twice in China
first time Japan VPN got blocked
recent second time JPN, HK, SG VPN all worked, but JPY and HK felt choppy, perhaps packet loss.
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
Typically wireguard won't work in China,if you insist on using it,please use IPv6 instead of IPv4
it worked for me just last week over IPv4
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
Can anyone guide me how to install nyr wireguard on ipv6 only vps ??
not sure if im reading it right it seems SG is good at 33ms
HK should be best but it was choppy for me, however i was using it on an NAT OVZ vps.
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
SG is generally good indeed, they have direct lines to CN, now that you mention
HK and TW often route their traffic through other continents before reaching CN, effectively making the web-browsing experience unusable
(exception: CN2, China Optimized)
When my acquaintance traveled to China at the beginning of the year, he said he could comfortably watch YouTube LIVE using ****Nerd's VPS on LA DC02 obtained for $10.88/year during BF2021. With their IP address (Multacom), can only watch Netflix Originals, but by using Cloudflare Warp, seem to be able to watch all videos available in the US.
Alternatively, a Tokyo VPS from VirMach
which is better from China - LA or SJ?
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
Even when comparing with test IP on ping.pe, the results don't seem to differ much, but LA (Multacom) should be superior to SJ (****crossing). However, I believe LA02 was not included in ****Nerd's cheapest plan.
If you prioritize cost, NAT VPS + Cloudflare + v2ray would be less than $5 per year.
You'd better think twice before going to China since more attacks to foreigners are happening. Xenophobia is incited by ccp, not to mention the extreme weather in hot summer.
If you insist on going, I wish you safe.
MicroLXC is lovable. Uptime of C1V
If wireguard is not mandatory, it is recommended that you are using hysteria 2 to get over the GFW, it is very fast and easy to use.
thanks, is there like a one command install script i can use?
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
have already been there and was informed of the June 11 incident.
thanks for the heads up, guess it would be helpful to stay low profile while in the country and avoid places like Found158 in Shanghai
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
You can find the information you need at https://v2.hysteria.network/docs/getting-started/Server-Installation-Script/
If you don't have CN premium routing on your servers, it all depends on the ISP you are using and the datacenter your servers are in. The 3 major ISPs (China Unicom, China Telecom and China Mobile) have very different global routing. For example, I have a VPS in Japan, the latency from CU is very low and there is almost no packet loss. But on CT, pinging it always gives me a result of 70%+ packet loss. You can also find locations (or datacenters) that are friendly to CT but not CU. Overall I think CU's global routing is the best of the three.
As for VPN, I don't recommend traditional VPN apps. WireGuard works but there are reports of it being blocked. Also it uses UDP which is often limited by ISPs. Traffic may be throttled if you use a fairly high bandwidth for a bit longer, like downloading files. Hysteria2 has a feature called 'port hopping' to help avoid this. You may also want to try some proxy servers/clients like sing-box and xray.
You can try using IPv6 if possible. Currently IPv6 has fewer restrictions, we usually say "the wall is lower on IPv6". Some proxy apps like shadowsocks, are much less likely to get blocked on IPv6. Also ISPs have much looser QoS policies on IPv6. I can use Hysteria2 on IPv6 without port hopping and not get throttled even when downloading large files, but it may still depend on the network you are using.
By the way, please make sure to set a fair bandwidth limit when using Hysteria2, some providers consider large amount of UDP traffic as attacks.
This. I would recommend you use US west location e.g. LA/SJ with Hysteria2 protocol for a stable experience.
If you insist on WireGuard, a random port script and AS4809/9929/58807 network is essential, otherwise you will be suffering from severe QoS.
It also depends on the province/city you visit, as GFW behaves differently across the country.
appreciate the inputs so far. seems like hysteria2 is a must try next trip!
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
@iKirby hysteria2 doesnt work for android mobile?
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
See 3rd-party apps section in the documentation, there are Android apps with hysteria2 support. I'm currently using sing-box (on servers and clients).
hysteria2 is based on QUIC(UDP),you may suffer QOS heavily.besides hysteria2,you can try Xray ,VLESS+REALITY+XTLS-RPRX-VISION combination is a good choice.There are many client APPs support this,for Android I recomend V2rayNG,for Windows try V2rayN,for IOS you can try Shadowrocket.