Because he is not a classic scammer.
He just seems to offer such poor performance that most customers use the server for a month or two at most, so he can then sell more servers.
Lying, not keeping promises, seeking excuses over and over again, and pretending comes pretty close though, "dear".
How many times have you been asked for proof of using a descent datacenter now? You even said pictures would be made - yes, not immideately because [lots and lots of excuses deleted]. But still, even quite a number of months later, no pictures have been seen.
@c1vhosting said:
Offering low cost services is not a scam, dear.
It's not important and I don't mind, but IMHO the claims of tier 3 DC, proprietary DC, largest DC in the region, world class network, etc reach beyond mere pompous advertisement when people still wonder if there is a DC at all. Check the definition of frode on Treccani:
In diritto penale, il termine frode indica una serie di condotte caratterizzate da modalità elusive previste come reato dal codice o dalle leggi speciali; frode in commercio, delitto contro l’industria e il commercio commesso da chi, nell’esercizio di un’attività commerciale, o di un pubblico spaccio, consegna all’acquirente una cosa per un’altra, o che abbia comunque origine, provenienza, qualità o quantità diversa da quella dichiarata o pattuita
If 95% of the people claim it is fraud, it may be a good idea to revise the claims in your ads.
I'm not a dentist but that smile seems crooked
@bikegremlin said:
There is a line, but as far as I can tell, the provider hasn't crossed it.
Just out of curiosity: the line would be ?
Maybe @Mason will chime in. It is a question I often get from providers when a provider tag is not approved. Answering it in detail could provide instructions on how to avoid any checks and get a provider tag even if a provider is a summer host (or an outright fraud).
Briefly, generally: deadpool, summer host, frauds (as in taking the money and not providing any service) and similar is not allowed.
Offering imperfect service quality, slow tech. support etc. often goes hand in hand and is a norm more than an exception in the bottom-price (low-end) sector.
We could say that a little bit of shirt-pulling is tollerated, for as long as it's not excessive:
@bikegremlin said:
There is a line, but as far as I can tell, the provider hasn't crossed it.
Just out of curiosity: the line would be ?
"I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of scammers, and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it, and the provider involved in this case is not that." -- @bikegremlin
@bikegremlin said:
There is a line, but as far as I can tell, the provider hasn't crossed it.
Just out of curiosity: the line would be ?
Personally I won't mind that people like C1V have a provider tag. As long as they are open and clear about what they offer and don't lie or make promises they don't keep.
When I got a VPS from him, there was no mention about "low performance" or anything like that. He pretends to be a "big datacenter guy", but in the meanwhile only replies with "it's gonna be better".
Look at the discussions about pictures of his so-called datacenter. Look at what happened during Christmas. After that, he promised to compensate customers for the bad service - didn't happen. Look how he's picking out the posts he reacts to. That all combined, I think, should not be tolerated.
I don't mind bad performance, I don't mind having some downtime. But be honest, and show some knowledge, and treat every customer as someone you want to keep when people have been patient. He does neither.
@bikegremlin said:
There is a line, but as far as I can tell, the provider hasn't crossed it.
Just out of curiosity: the line would be ?
"I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of scammers, and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it, and the provider involved in this case is not that." -- @bikegremlin
Make what you want of it.
Admins and mods act in good faith to the best of their ability.
For free.
@bikegremlin said:
There is a line, but as far as I can tell, the provider hasn't crossed it.
Just out of curiosity: the line would be ?
"I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of scammers, and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it, and the provider involved in this case is not that." -- @bikegremlin
Make what you want of it.
Admins and mods act in good faith to the best of their ability.
For free.
Thanks to @Mason and to @bikegremlin! Without you guys working hard for free we wouldn't have wonderful LES!
@bikegremlin said:
There is a line, but as far as I can tell, the provider hasn't crossed it.
Just out of curiosity: the line would be ?
"I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of scammers, and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it, and the provider involved in this case is not that." -- @bikegremlin
Make what you want of it.
Admins and mods act in good faith to the best of their ability.
For free.
Thanks to @Mason and to @bikegremlin! Without you guys working hard for free we wouldn't have wonderful LES!
Don't forget @Frankz even though he is vacationing
I have asked about @FrankZ several times, both in the Pit during and after the period when his return had been scheduled, and also via private messages. @FrankZ's profile still says that he will will be traveling "until sometime in April 2024." And it's July now. It seems so completely unlike @FrankZ not to do exactly what he said he would do. Maybe it seems oversensitive, but I really liked @FrankZ, so I passed through a period of mourning when he did not return as expected in April. I didn't mention @FrankZ because now I do sadly think he might really be gone, although I still hope not. Nevertheless, I remain positive about the excellent present and the great future of LES!
@bikegremlin said:
There is a line, but as far as I can tell, the provider hasn't crossed it.
Just out of curiosity: the line would be ?
"I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of scammers, and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it, and the provider involved in this case is not that." -- @bikegremlin
Make what you want of it.
Admins and mods act in good faith to the best of their ability.
For free.
In case you took offense somehow, I'm (mis)quoting an American supreme court justice in your defense. We don't always agree but I'm with you on this one.
@bikegremlin said:
There is a line, but as far as I can tell, the provider hasn't crossed it.
Just out of curiosity: the line would be ?
"I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of scammers, and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it, and the provider involved in this case is not that." -- @bikegremlin
Make what you want of it.
Admins and mods act in good faith to the best of their ability.
For free.
In case you took offense somehow, I'm (mis)quoting an American supreme court justice in your defense. We don't always agree but I'm with you on this one.
No offence taken - just adding a further explanation for anyone who may see it differently or disagree with particular moderating policies or decisions.
Relja of House Novović, the First of His Name, King of the Plains, the Breaker of Chains, WirMach Wolves pack member BikeGremlin's web-hosting reviews
im just going to add my 2c what should be taken into consideration of whether a provider should be allowed to post offers freely without addressing their previous faults:
@Calypso said: I don't mind bad performance, I don't mind having some downtime. But be honest, and show some knowledge, and treat every customer as someone you want to keep when people have been patient. He does neither.
maybe it'll get better in two more weeks
@Chievo said:
May be create a poll to put an oficial line from where starts the Minimum requiered quality to be present here.
+1 on this one. would it be hard to be reasonable? (being we're in the low end market).
while I do understand c*vhosting server is providing HDD, so i will get HDD performance, compared to ramnode I'm not even once get the red line of embarassing iowait in their massive kvm(hdd) vps, let alone CPU steal.
the mod bikegremlin can be already seen and implied as "we will still allowing them here teehee!", so it's up to the community if they want some minimum standard or some clearance / honesty (which will never happens knowing it's c*vhosting, using the record how they behave up until now).
even if we're in low-end market, it's still reasonable if you want some sort of standard on your minimum expectation. the moderator here has no saying "waaaahhhhh because it's low-end you have to expect more than worse waaahhhhh", if this only happens in one provider, would that means the market is wrong..or just this one provider is problematic?
I sincerely hope the admin/moderator team still has their humanity stay intact, I want LES to be better than OGF afterall. There's one time I ever saw a mod on OGF is defending a scammer without putting consideration about how the victim would feel about their loses, and when they got called out of it they just gone silent. so I really hope the admin/mod forum here never had a stupid display like that.
How many pages do you think there are here of people talking about their erratic/poor performance? In how many different threads? If a "victim" can't find the knowledge they need to make an informed decision then they can't have actually looked in which case are they really a victim of anyone other than themselves?
@Encoders said:
the mod bikegremlin can be already seen and implied as "we will still allowing them here teehee!"
It's OK to ride a bike without the handlebar, as long as you have good balancing.
It's OK to sell a VPS out of a garage, as long as you have thick face.
Why this scammer tolerated here?
Because he is not a classic scammer.
He just seems to offer such poor performance that most customers use the server for a month or two at most, so he can then sell more servers.
Just my personal assessment.
Take a poll ?
"How miserable life is in the abuses of power..."
F. Battiato ---
Offering low cost services is not a scam, dear.
C1V Hosting: Low cost Italian Cloud & Data Center Solutions 🚀 | Contact us for special offers. | Our deals on Telegram
Lying, not keeping promises, seeking excuses over and over again, and pretending comes pretty close though, "dear".
How many times have you been asked for proof of using a descent datacenter now? You even said pictures would be made - yes, not immideately because [lots and lots of excuses deleted]. But still, even quite a number of months later, no pictures have been seen.
It's not important and I don't mind, but IMHO the claims of tier 3 DC, proprietary DC, largest DC in the region, world class network, etc reach beyond mere pompous advertisement when people still wonder if there is a DC at all. Check the definition of frode on Treccani:
If 95% of the people claim it is fraud, it may be a good idea to revise the claims in your ads.
I'm not a dentist but that smile seems crooked
Because we prefer to err to the side of leniency.
It is low end. Many providers promise more than they deliver.
LES is a community, with feedback and reviews, so I suppose people can see what they are getting into.
There is a line, but as far as I can tell, the provider hasn't crossed it.
Relja of House Novović, the First of His Name, King of the Plains, the Breaker of Chains, WirMach Wolves pack member
BikeGremlin's web-hosting reviews
fair enough, we as victims can all do our best to feedback 😌
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
It's best to check the reviews before buying:
Review for this particular provider:
Relja of House Novović, the First of His Name, King of the Plains, the Breaker of Chains, WirMach Wolves pack member
BikeGremlin's web-hosting reviews
Just out of curiosity: the line would be ?
"How miserable life is in the abuses of power..."
F. Battiato ---
Moved this to a separate topic.
Relja of House Novović, the First of His Name, King of the Plains, the Breaker of Chains, WirMach Wolves pack member
BikeGremlin's web-hosting reviews
May be create a poll to put an oficial line from where starts the Minimum requiered quality to be present here.
I believe in good luck. Harder that I work ,luckier i get.
Maybe @Mason will chime in. It is a question I often get from providers when a provider tag is not approved. Answering it in detail could provide instructions on how to avoid any checks and get a provider tag even if a provider is a summer host (or an outright fraud).
Briefly, generally: deadpool, summer host, frauds (as in taking the money and not providing any service) and similar is not allowed.
Offering imperfect service quality, slow tech. support etc. often goes hand in hand and is a norm more than an exception in the bottom-price (low-end) sector.
We could say that a little bit of shirt-pulling is tollerated, for as long as it's not excessive:
Relja of House Novović, the First of His Name, King of the Plains, the Breaker of Chains, WirMach Wolves pack member
BikeGremlin's web-hosting reviews
"I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of scammers, and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it, and the provider involved in this case is not that." -- @bikegremlin
Personally I won't mind that people like C1V have a provider tag. As long as they are open and clear about what they offer and don't lie or make promises they don't keep.
When I got a VPS from him, there was no mention about "low performance" or anything like that. He pretends to be a "big datacenter guy", but in the meanwhile only replies with "it's gonna be better".
Look at the discussions about pictures of his so-called datacenter. Look at what happened during Christmas. After that, he promised to compensate customers for the bad service - didn't happen. Look how he's picking out the posts he reacts to. That all combined, I think, should not be tolerated.
I don't mind bad performance, I don't mind having some downtime. But be honest, and show some knowledge, and treat every customer as someone you want to keep when people have been patient. He does neither.
Make what you want of it.
Admins and mods act in good faith to the best of their ability.
For free.
Relja of House Novović, the First of His Name, King of the Plains, the Breaker of Chains, WirMach Wolves pack member
BikeGremlin's web-hosting reviews
Thanks to @Mason and to @bikegremlin! Without you guys working hard for free we wouldn't have wonderful LES!
I hope everyone gets the servers they want!
Don't forget @Frankz even though he is vacationing
Free Hosting at YetiNode | Cryptid Security | URL Shortener | LaunchVPS | ExtraVM | Host-C | In the Node, or Out of the Loop?
@FrankZ will never be forgotten!
I have asked about @FrankZ several times, both in the Pit during and after the period when his return had been scheduled, and also via private messages. @FrankZ's profile still says that he will will be traveling "until sometime in April 2024." And it's July now. It seems so completely unlike @FrankZ not to do exactly what he said he would do. Maybe it seems oversensitive, but I really liked @FrankZ, so I passed through a period of mourning when he did not return as expected in April. I didn't mention @FrankZ because now I do sadly think he might really be gone, although I still hope not. Nevertheless, I remain positive about the excellent present and the great future of LES!
I hope everyone gets the servers they want!
In case you took offense somehow, I'm (mis)quoting an American supreme court justice in your defense. We don't always agree but I'm with you on this one.
@Not_Oles your from Mexico and you can find anyone in Mexico.
why not ask one of your boys to check?
No offence taken - just adding a further explanation for anyone who may see it differently or disagree with particular moderating policies or decisions.
Relja of House Novović, the First of His Name, King of the Plains, the Breaker of Chains, WirMach Wolves pack member
BikeGremlin's web-hosting reviews
you're from

It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
Stop the planet! I wish to get off!
im just going to add my 2c what should be taken into consideration of whether a provider should be allowed to post offers freely without addressing their previous faults:
blatant misrepresentation
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
Dial <3456> for emergency crane rescue services
blog | exploring visually |
imagine my shock this thread is about c*vhosting
maybe it'll get better in two more weeks
+1 on this one. would it be hard to be reasonable? (being we're in the low end market).
while I do understand c*vhosting server is providing HDD, so i will get HDD performance, compared to ramnode I'm not even once get the red line of embarassing iowait in their massive kvm(hdd) vps, let alone CPU steal.
the mod bikegremlin can be already seen and implied as "we will still allowing them here teehee!", so it's up to the community if they want some minimum standard or some clearance / honesty (which will never happens knowing it's c*vhosting, using the record how they behave up until now).
even if we're in low-end market, it's still reasonable if you want some sort of standard on your minimum expectation. the moderator here has no saying "waaaahhhhh because it's low-end you have to expect more than worse waaahhhhh", if this only happens in one provider, would that means the market is wrong..or just this one provider is problematic?
I sincerely hope the admin/moderator team still has their humanity stay intact, I want LES to be better than OGF afterall. There's one time I ever saw a mod on OGF is defending a scammer without putting consideration about how the victim would feel about their loses, and when they got called out of it they just gone silent. so I really hope the admin/mod forum here never had a stupid display like that.
Fuck this 24/7 internet spew of trivia and celebrity bullshit.
How many pages do you think there are here of people talking about their erratic/poor performance? In how many different threads? If a "victim" can't find the knowledge they need to make an informed decision then they can't have actually looked in which case are they really a victim of anyone other than themselves?
It's OK to ride a bike without the handlebar, as long as you have good balancing.
It's OK to sell a VPS out of a garage, as long as you have thick face.
No hostname left!