Hello from BulkVM!
I’m excited to introduce BulkVM to the LES community!
We're all about providing scalable, affordable storage solutions. Based in Phoenix, Arizona, our team is spread across the US.
I oversee the day-to-day operations, and I’m looking forward to engaging with the community!
Sorry, I can't read
Ahh no worries, we'll send a carrier pigeon with the details!
Associated with any other host(s)?
We're our own entity, but I do share rack space with @linveo in Arizona at PhoenixNAP.
How bulky are the VMs, compared to this person?
HostBrr aff best VPS; VirmAche aff worst VPS.
Unable to push-up due to shoulder injury 😣
They make that guy look like he skips leg day
i can help you with your pants only.
Whoa! Haha! Our expertise is in scaling up servers, not pants!
Please send the bulkiest one and make sure it's edible.
You want a Double Big Mac for the price of a small portion of fries?
cmon, any 5TB Storage deals for 12.50$?
Free NAT KVM | Free NAT LXC | Bobr
There. Fixed that for you. 🫡
forgot that time exists.
I did mean to say 3 months.
Free NAT KVM | Free NAT LXC | Bobr
A combo meal? It's on the way.
boot drive is too small. at least 20G.