This has same storage than my GreenCloud 9999 plan at half price.
I'm running my Seafile personal storage in the 9999 plan.
The reliability of VirmAche is insufficient for important services like Seafile.
Okay I think I'm finally going to fix that bug that just reduces prices even if there's insane demand. That would've fixed our $4.90 issue as well. Actually it wouldn't since the timer is too low.
But yeah, I'm going to fix it, maybe! Just watch me!!
Did not get there before time ran out.
But VirMach was kind and gave eight members who worked the hardest to crack the code a consolation prize coupon code.
any more coupon code? want one multi ip plan to play around with proxmox
I've seen many good ones but
when there is a plan, there is no code
when there is a code, there is no plan
when there is a code and the best plan, but the code has already been used.
@Jab said:
Does anyone have a nice list of all deals with theirs updated prices? In some sane format like JSON, CSV etc? Not a bunch of tweets or anything like that :-D
I would like to search if there was something that would be in my budget :-D
After some of the ahem historical events, my (VirMach) collection dwindled to a meagre 2 (my precioussssss - you'd have to pry them from my cold dead hands).
Now with this puzzle and easter eggs and the crowd here oohing and aahing at every < $9 VPS, I caved.
Resistance is futile.
Don't even ask what would have happened if there was also IPv6 in the mix. Shudder.
The rationale for "passing" on the offers by @yoursunny is educative and entertaining at the same time. (invetable downtime)
blog | exploring visually |
unfortunately possible
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
1/5 cores (Epyc zen 3 vs Ryzen zen 2)
less than 1/5 RAM
about 1/5 bandwidth
i think Virmach broke something
no new deals coming out
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
or has the sale ended?
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
hmm, looks like @VirMach really broke something, 2 plans have been at switching soon for a while now!
The Ultimate Speedtest Script | Get Instant Alerts on new LES/LET deals | Cheap VPS Deals | VirMach Flash Sales Notifier
if i was able to buy 1030 and rent out 3 extra IPs would have been decent
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
Now that it has started again, should we be happy or should we be concerned ? (more temptation to avoid )
blog | exploring visually |
Has the discount code ended? Or until we find it?
What if Black Friday lasts until Halloween?
Should you be happy or should you be concerned?
Who is "we"?
No hostname left!
I thought first person plural was back in vogue…you have been using it, quite nice to go back to classical English.
blog | exploring visually |
Someone mentioned wanting a dump of all the sale offers so far?
I think I have some debug output captured somewhere that I can probably clean up and provide (json like format).
If there's interest, please thank or tag and I'll try to get it done.
@VirMach - is this kosher?
I should have saved the 30% off coupon for ID 256 until this offer came.
@Jab was the one who said he wanted it.
I have it on the telegram channel:
Just 1 or 2 are missing when my VPS crashed.
The Ultimate Speedtest Script | Get Instant Alerts on new LES/LET deals | Cheap VPS Deals | VirMach Flash Sales Notifier
The coupon expired hours before that.
Good morning!
What happened with the cracking episode?
I felt the pressure while I was sleeping.
Did not get there before time ran out.
But VirMach was kind and gave eight members who worked the hardest to crack the code a consolation prize coupon code.
any more coupon code? want one multi ip plan to play around with proxmox
I've seen many good ones but
when there is a plan, there is no code
when there is a code, there is no plan
when there is a code and the best plan, but the code has already been used.
Sorry world, I really promised myself not to get more Virmach. Even so, I caved in
And that to fill the time till Host-c reappears.
Have fun guys & gals. I have a meeting with Morpheus so I will catch you later.
red or blue pill?
You can get it from this URL.
VirMach Black Friday Flash Sale Tracker No aff
You've been VirMach'd
Even the strong crumble
The rest of us do, too.
Tell me about it.
After some of the ahem historical events, my (VirMach) collection dwindled to a meagre 2 (my precioussssss - you'd have to pry them from my cold dead hands).
Now with this puzzle and easter eggs and the crowd here oohing and aahing at every < $9 VPS, I caved.
Resistance is futile.
Don't even ask what would have happened if there was also IPv6 in the mix. Shudder.