I prefer minimal/get-out-of-my-way distros, currently Arch if you're into the systemd paradigm, Alpine if not (and to answer the rolling release distro stability question you asked somebody upthread, I've been using Arch as the daily driver for years, and it's been the most stable/just-works distro I know (having experience with openSUSE, Debian, Ubuntu, RHEL, Fedora)).
I can't stand DEs, just a simple window manager for me.
I also use OpenBSD on servers (which is not a Linux distro, but other responses mention BSDs, too, so here goes).
@hobofl said:
I can't stand DEs, just a simple window manager for me.
which wm?
I've used XMonad a lot, which is really overkill for my humble needs, but I usually end up having Haskell installed anyway.
Any tiling WM with a few customizable keyboard shortcuts would work I suppose.
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@hornet said:
Wasn't the project dead, at least for quite some time?
IIRC they released version 13 (based on debian 12) on dec 2023. But since they moved the support forum to discord I don't follow their updates anymore.
I don't understand why peoples moving their support forum/docs to discord (not indexable by search engine, hard to follow etc.).
Isn't that for smartphones & tablets as Wikipedia is saying?..
For me:
Debian/Ubuntu + XFCE/LXDE. I find Debian to be better than Ubuntu in terms of maintenance (no Ubuntu Pro crap for LTS), and LXDE to be faster than XFCE. I used RDP to remote connect to the Desktop only for a short while, since I discovered X2GO~ which is better because it gives me a whole lot more image parameters than RDP!
Fedora with XFCE. Moving back to Slackware after several decades when 15.1 gets released - it's my old flame and I learned on it and miss the simplicity.
We have PinePhone A64 3GB.
It comes out of the closest, maybe twice a year.
No hostname left!
Arch hyprland
I prefer minimal/get-out-of-my-way distros, currently Arch if you're into the systemd paradigm, Alpine if not (and to answer the rolling release distro stability question you asked somebody upthread, I've been using Arch as the daily driver for years, and it's been the most stable/just-works distro I know (having experience with openSUSE, Debian, Ubuntu, RHEL, Fedora)).
I can't stand DEs, just a simple window manager for me.
I also use OpenBSD on servers (which is not a Linux distro, but other responses mention BSDs, too, so here goes).
Am I boring for enjoying Ubuntu for decades?
Insert signature here, $5 tip required
which wm?
I've used XMonad a lot, which is really overkill for my humble needs, but I usually end up having Haskell installed anyway.
Any tiling WM with a few customizable keyboard shortcuts would work I suppose.
Debian + XFCE
[ IncogNET LLC ] - Privacy By Design
We believe that privacy and freedom of expression are two very important things, so we offer solutions to accessing and publishing content safely.
[ USA: Liberty Lake, WA | Kansas City, MO | Allentown, PA ] [EU: Naaldwijk, NL ] [ CL Shared | KVM VPS | VPN | Dedicated Servers | Domain Names ]
I like Cinnamon desktop.
Used XFCE and GNOME for a while, really gave 'em a chance, but they just weren't as nice for me.
Mint is my favourite distro, but I also like antiX because it runs on very low end computers and is the official commie distro!
Relja of House Novović, the First of His Name, King of the Plains, the Breaker of Chains, WirMach Wolves pack member
BikeGremlin's web-hosting reviews
ZorinOS + default DE (it's Gnome iirc)
Ympker's VPN LTD Comparison, Uptime.is, Ympker's GitHub.
After they added snaps yes , use linux mint
Want free vps ? https://microlxc.net
NixOS + hyprland on my main machine
Win 10 on my work machine (can't choose)
NixOS with no graphical systems on VPSs
Proxmox on home dedi.
The all seeing eye sees everything...
wattOS or Linux Lite
Wasn't the project dead, at least for quite some time?
Debian + KDE Plasma on my main desktop.
A shiny Mac for my other needs.
Artix + SwayWM
VPS providers to check out:
IIRC they released version 13 (based on debian 12) on dec 2023. But since they moved the support forum to discord I don't follow their updates anymore.
I don't understand why peoples moving their support forum/docs to discord (not indexable by search engine, hard to follow etc.).
The OS itself is pretty lightweight tho NGL
The answers are too diverse to do a poll~
Isn't that for smartphones & tablets as Wikipedia is saying?..
For me:
Debian/Ubuntu + XFCE/LXDE. I find Debian to be better than Ubuntu in terms of maintenance (no Ubuntu Pro crap for LTS), and LXDE to be faster than XFCE. I used RDP to remote connect to the Desktop only for a short while, since I discovered X2GO~ which is better because it gives me a whole lot more image parameters than RDP!
Correct, this runs on a smartphone:
No hostname left!
Pro or Core version ? Is there any difference except looks?
ServerStatus , slackvpn <-- openVPN auto install script for Slackware 15
Core (free) version. Pro only includes pre-installed (free) software. Only worth if you want to support the project imho.
Ympker's VPN LTD Comparison, Uptime.is, Ympker's GitHub.
That's what i though
Thank you
ServerStatus , slackvpn <-- openVPN auto install script for Slackware 15
Endeavour Plasma after some weeks mint.
OpenBSD with default fvwm
Amadex • Hosting Forums • Wie ist meine IP-Adresse? • AS215325
Forum for System Administrators: sysadminforum.com
Fedora with XFCE. Moving back to Slackware after several decades when 15.1 gets released - it's my old flame and I learned on it and miss the simplicity.
Well that's the spirit
Come join the fun
ServerStatus , slackvpn <-- openVPN auto install script for Slackware 15
Pop OS because it's simple window tiling
I did a change today -.-'
For the first time in life I'm using an Arch based distro, this pacman is so fast.
Amadex • Hosting Forums • Wie ist meine IP-Adresse? • AS215325
Forum for System Administrators: sysadminforum.com
Bunsenlabs are also good