Amitz, a very stable genius (it's true!) and Grand Rectumfier of the official LESLOS® (LES League of Shitposters).
Certified braindead since 1974 and still perfectly happy.
@Daniel said: I'm not very familiar with Vanilla... Is there an option to group email notifications into one thread? The emails don't have any of the regular threading headers (like References or Original-Message-ID) and the subject changes per replier, so most email services (including Gmail / G Suite) don't group the emails into one thread per topic
I'm afraid this is not supported in Vanilla. And while we may at that ourselves that will become a mess when updating the Vanilla core later on. Perhaps filters can help you label them?
@Daniel said: Also, pressing Ctrl+Enter doesn't post the comment... Most modern forms let you submit while a textarea is focused by pressing Ctrl+Enter.
Yeah I kinda miss that functionality myself. Will add it to my backlog.
This is something I personally miss, as I read a lot using my mobile phone, drives me crazy to open external links in the same tab.
Internal links should open here tho, doesn't seem too hard to achieve.
Not sure if its a bug.
OS: Windows 10 / Linux KDE Neon
Browser: Firefox, Chrome, Brave, Opera, Chromium
When I try to open a link in a new tab (pressing the ctrl key) inside a post, the link gets opened in the same tab.
If I do the same on the main page, the discussion link gets opened in a new tab.
@AnthonySmith said:
I think we are meeting coming back now, I believe that 2px change was also a request because the signatures looked like part of the post
Oh I see.
Then shouldn't the entire line be the same size? Because by the looks of it, the hyperlink text in signature is the same size as the post, whereas the normal text in signature is smaller.
Does it work on other sites though?
Can we make links open in a new tab? ? ❤
Hold down control or use your middle mouse button ?. What links are you referring to, the ones embedded in posts?
Yes, it does work on other sites. Thanks for taking a look at it!
Amitz, a very stable genius (it's true!) and Grand Rectumfier of the official LESLOS® (LES League of Shitposters).
Certified braindead since 1974 and still perfectly happy.
That's odd.. I'll take a look later.
Meh. Mobile here...
Yeah embedded in posts ??
Works on every other site I use.
@AnthonySmith there's a plugin for this apparently: Perhaps we should extend it to make it user configurable as it'd drive me nuts personally.
I'm afraid this is not supported in Vanilla. And while we may at that ourselves that will become a mess when updating the Vanilla core later on. Perhaps filters can help you label them?
Yeah I kinda miss that functionality myself. Will add it to my backlog.
If you want to do the necessary on the plugin i am happy to add it yes.
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All right, I've added it to my backlog.
eat more vegetables!
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
Thanks @Solaire and @AnthonySmith
This is something I personally miss, as I read a lot using my mobile phone, drives me crazy to open external links in the same tab.
Internal links should open here tho, doesn't seem too hard to achieve.
Not sure if its a bug.
OS: Windows 10 / Linux KDE Neon
Browser: Firefox, Chrome, Brave, Opera, Chromium
When I try to open a link in a new tab (pressing the ctrl key) inside a post, the link gets opened in the same tab.
If I do the same on the main page, the discussion link gets opened in a new tab.
Is the 1MB santa gif really necessary? It's not even optimized to play as a gif
Odd, I have the same thing happening in Firefox. Seems to be a browser issue somehow, the middle mouse button seems to work just fine though.
'Tis the season for celebrating. It'll be gone in 2 weeks from now.
Noticed this and was just curious if this is intentional or not.
Edit: Hyperlink text is slightly larger than normal text.
Yeah it's 2 px larger it seems
Ah ok.
I'll get it sorted later
Ey no worries mate, just noticed it hence I asked
I think we are meeting coming back now, I believe that 2px change was also a request because the signatures looked like part of the post
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
Oh I see.
Then shouldn't the entire line be the same size? Because by the looks of it, the hyperlink text in signature is the same size as the post, whereas the normal text in signature is smaller.
To be honest I never mistook the signature as the post to begin with, I dont really have an opinion
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
Haha ok
Let it be then.
I'd suggest pinning this topic to the "starting page".
Relja of House Novović, the First of His Name, King of the Plains, the Breaker of Chains, WirMach Wolves pack member
BikeGremlin's web-hosting reviews
... Maybe unpin the BF/CM thread now?
Also, the "Official Troll" tag of @deank seems to be bright on bright in dark mode ...

(I did try clearing cache etc?)
Not a bug but a feature.
The shining troll of Light, the mighty companion of @Herr_Amitz_the_hero.
♻ Amitz day is October 21.
♻ Join Nigh sect by adopting my avatar. Let us spread the joys of the end.
you see it pinned?
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