[2022] ★ VirMach ★ RYZEN ★ NVMe ★★ The Epic Sales Offer Thread ★★



  • @VirMach said:
    Okay I'm feeling cocky and energetic again so I'm once more taking guesses for the number of tickets I'll get completed by tonight. This time let's say whoever gets within +/-20 but still only one winning so if two or more people get it, then it's whoever is closest.

    How about a consolation prize for those of us who were really close on the last one? =)

    Thanked by (1)skorous
  • @Daevien said:

    I vote for dropping a deal for us here and then sleeping soundly and not dealing with the wave of people that spent the previous 5 months bashing him suddenly wanting a deal from him :p

    I'd be interested in seeing Virmach making a sales thread on OGF (higher cost than the sales thread here) and see how many people who repeatably said they wont renew their services, suddenly pick up new VPS's.

    Thanked by (1)AlwaysSkint
  • 42 .

    Thanked by (1)FrankZ
  • edited October 2022

    @someTom said:
    42 .

    That's ... not very optimistic.
    Let's add another zero to the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything.

    nevermind, @rogerwilco already did it :)
    (i am not competing anyway, just wondering how close/far I am)

  • I'll guess 320.

  • @VirMach said:
    Okay I'm feeling cocky and energetic again so I'm once more taking guesses for the number of tickets I'll get completed by tonight. This time let's say whoever gets within +/-20 but still only one winning so if two or more people get it, then it's whoever is closest.

    Still max one guess per person, only the most recent guess per person counts and no editing posts. I started a few minutes ago for the day.

    (edit) Oh yeah the prize is NVMe32G in your desired location for 5 years.


  • @VirMach said:
    Okay I'm feeling cocky and energetic again so I'm once more taking guesses for the number of tickets I'll get completed by tonight. This time let's say whoever gets within +/-20 but still only one winning so if two or more people get it, then it's whoever is closest.

    Still max one guess per person, only the most recent guess per person counts and no editing posts. I started a few minutes ago for the day.

    (edit) Oh yeah the prize is NVMe32G in your desired location for 5 years.


  • _MS__MS_ OGSenpai


    Thanked by (1)FrankZ
  • 512

  • FrankZFrankZ ModeratorOG


  • 535

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    MY-Unifi Home SmokePing: http://smokeping.mywebping.com/smokeping/

  • JabJab Senpai

    412 as a lot of tickets will be about MY IP IS NOT WORKING.

    Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.

  • Thanked by (1)FrankZ

    It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
    NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)

  • 609 is could be the winner

  • imokimok OG
    edited October 2022

    Is TPAZ002 having issues? I can't see anything in the status page and my VPS is down.

    I still have half an apple pie. But it's at home unfortunately.


  • 444

    I guess, I don't know

  • Hey @VirMach I just want to make sure I'm still on your radar for that backup recovery, I opened a ticket for it as well.

    @VirMach said: (edit) I'll try to locate the older backups and on the chance that you're insanely lucky and it's there, it happened to be the specific segment that got copied over fully intact, and so on. It'll take several days at the very least. Make sure you have a priority ticket if you already don't.

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    @imok said:
    Is TPAZ002 having issues? I can't see anything in the status page and my VPS is down.

    I still have half an apple pie. But it's at home unfortunately.


    Sorry I'm trying to boost the number of easy tickets to complete by apparently adding the IP addresses in reverse order for Tampa so SolusVM functions don't work.

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider
    edited October 2022

    @Ademan said:
    Hey @VirMach I just want to make sure I'm still on your radar for that backup recovery, I opened a ticket for it as well.

    These are all still waiting. They ended up getting scattered all over the place near the end so we have to spend a good amount of time thoroughly checking all of them together on basically all nodes. It wouldn't make sense to do it any other way. I mean if you reallllyyy wanted and it's super important and time sensitive I could bill you for several hours of work and do yours alone by itself but at this point you might as well wait for us to go through all of them together, probably some time this week now that everything's cooled down.

    (edit) Just to be clear I looked at the main spots and couldn't find it so instead of just telling you it's not there we want to basically check every location it could be on but that's a hundred different servers. We had to do it this way due to time constraints and port speed bottlenecks. We just can't do it one at a time over and over because that'd take an insane amount of time.

  • edited October 2022

    @VirMach said: I mean if you reallllyyy wanted and it's super important and time sensitive I could bill you for several hours of work

    I mean it's not that it's time sensitive, exactly, at this point I've been offline for 3 months now as of today, another couple weeks isn't going to hurt much more, but I need to stop dragging this out even if it means using my obscenely out of date backup.

    What's the rate for that work? Can you credit the two months of downtime towards the work? (you guys fixed the VM to the point I could have reinstalled and restored my backup ~1mo ago so the past month is mainly on me)

This discussion has been closed.