Although it makes me feel great that so many of you, six so far, have expressed positive comments about my rise to power. Please withhold your congratulations, as I can't find the merge button, and don't want VirMach to get distracted from the many important comments and suggestions posted to this thread.
@FAT32 said: Do you mean merge multiple posts? Unfortunately there's no such function in Vanilla...
I was just attempting a little VirMach humor. I so don't do well expressing tongue in cheek humor in English.
@FrankZ said:
Although it makes me feel great that so many of you, six so far, have expressed positive comments about my rise to power. Please withhold your congratulations, as I can't find the merge button, and don't want VirMach to get distracted from the many important comments and suggestions posted to this thread.
Do you mean merge multiple posts? Unfortunately there's no such function in Vanilla...
@wcg said:
Is there an administrator for virmach here? I want to know why my account was closed, request to unblock, thank you!
You can read back through the last couple of pages of this thread and you may find your answer. The short version is VirMach has been suspending VMs and closing some account due to violation of TOS. If you bought your VPS through a third party scalper and not VirMach's website the scalper probably had multiple accounts, of which he sold you one. This is a violation of VirMach's TOS and currently VirMach is purging these accounts. If this is the problem you will need to take it up with the third party you purchased from.
If you purchased directly from VirMach's website and not a third party, please state so and by tagging @VirMach he will see it next time he stops by, which should be shortly.
@Princeton said: This sound goods. I have placed an order using in house credit (which is refunded from a terminated server), but it's pending manual review in the ticket #215138. Do I need to submit anything for authorization?
Nope, and yours looks okay. It'll be cleared, you just have to wait.
Hmm, do you have any idea how long it will be cleared? Thanks.
Email is being sent to about 1,000~ people who are involved in various things. You might get one even if you're not expecting one, don't be alarmed. It's very broad and even includes cases of someone trying to hack into your account (for example, if they found your email on another low end hosts' leaked database it's possible these people will obviously try to bruteforce those emails first.)
This is just a starting place for people to be able to come forward and clear their accounts if they're already aware of a problem.
I'd obviously personally say it's probably in your best interest to actually come forward if you are aware of the issue as in the future it will only be for those who are unaware and if you were clearly otherwise aware then it makes it difficult to fix in the future.
@FrankZ said:
Although it makes me feel great that so many of you, six so far, have expressed positive comments about my rise to power. Please withhold your congratulations, as I can't find the merge button, and don't want VirMach to get distracted from the many important comments and suggestions posted to this thread.
@FAT32 said: Do you mean merge multiple posts? Unfortunately there's no such function in Vanilla...
I was just attempting a little VirMach humor. I so don't do well expressing tongue in cheek humor in English.
If VirMach was scientology, I feel like you'd be the perfect person to receive the "honor" of joining the highest ranks, where you basically get to donate all your belongings and life into indentured servitude.
Anyway, I won't congratulate you because you just signed up for more work but as always, I'll always appreciate your work and I don't think Mason could have picked a better person in the world if the job title is closely monitoring and moderating a VirMach thread on LES. You'll do better than I'd care to do.
@VirMach said: Email is being sent to about 1,000~ people who are involved in various things.
Ban hammer at the ready!! (Not really, but I will try to keep the discussion reasonable)
@VirMach said: If VirMach was scientology, I feel like you'd be the perfect person to receive the "honor" of joining the highest ranks, where you basically get to donate all your belongings and life into indentured servitude.
@VirMach said: Anyway, I won't congratulate you because you just signed up for more work but as always, I'll always appreciate your work and I don't think Mason could have picked a better person in the world
Mod EDIT if the job title is closely monitoring and moderating a VirMach thread on LES. You'll do better than I'd care to do.
Why do I always find myself analyzing your words for hidden meaning. I don't know for sure but it may be a Pavlovian response to past Easter egg searches. I think I should blame @FAT32 .
@ehab said: OH @FrankZ #hand shake
congratulations on the promotion... yep. he will get those threads behaving properly
hopefully you remain fun because i have seen promotions change a persons nature.
Change me ? Change me how?
I hope I remain fun too. I think it is a good sign that I still LOL'd at your MEME above.
Don't worry I'm not going to start correcting peoples grammar or anything like that.
P.S. If you do notice a behavioral change on my part, as a friend, I would hope that you would let me know.
@yot said:
Any update for Ticket #913410 ? Only wait or ...?
@VirMach Come on, Check the information in ticket #913410, and give me feedback. This is a 2019 black Friday egg offer !!!
I'm pretty sure we already talked about it.
sure? just let me view a post? but you never check my ticket's info.
Mod EDIT: This is your 7th post on this subject in 24 hours. VirMach has answered you. Please stop or I will delete further posts regarding this subject.
@FAT32 said:
Do you mean merge multiple posts? Unfortunately there's no such function in Vanilla...
I haven't really looked into Vanilla much except as a user on a few places that use it. But really? No ignore, no merge, etc. Seems pretty rough from an admin / moderator side as well as user side.
@imok said:
So... I don't see people complaining now. All servers online?
Besides the doomed lax0014 or whatever server, I believe everything is online, few servers still spiking but much reduced from the worst ones after the suspending run of TOS breakers. So most of the complaining is from those people thinking they are special and trying to be sneaky and pretend they have no idea why they would be suspended for buying a scalped account to run io & cpu intensive stuff on a "storage" node, as an example.
Do I look like a person who would give away an SSD32G?
Although it makes me feel great that so many of you, six so far, have expressed positive comments about my rise to power. Please withhold your congratulations, as I can't find the merge button, and don't want VirMach to get distracted from the many important comments and suggestions posted to this thread.
I was just attempting a little VirMach humor. I so don't do well expressing tongue in cheek humor in English.
Do you mean merge multiple posts? Unfortunately there's no such function in Vanilla...
食之无味 弃之可惜 - Too arduous to relish, too wasteful to discard.
Congratulations @FrankZ
Is there an administrator for virmach here? I want to know why my account was closed, request to unblock, thank you!
Any update for Ticket #913410 ? Only wait or ...?
You can read back through the last couple of pages of this thread and you may find your answer. The short version is VirMach has been suspending VMs and closing some account due to violation of TOS. If you bought your VPS through a third party scalper and not VirMach's website the scalper probably had multiple accounts, of which he sold you one. This is a violation of VirMach's TOS and currently VirMach is purging these accounts. If this is the problem you will need to take it up with the third party you purchased from.
If you purchased directly from VirMach's website and not a third party, please state so and by tagging @VirMach he will see it next time he stops by, which should be shortly.
Hmm, do you have any idea how long it will be cleared? Thanks.
Congratulations, @FrankZ! You've got your work cut out for you
Ontario Dildo Inspector
Orale mijo! Felicitaciones @FrankZ!
OK no more posts about flan.
So... I don't see people complaining now. All servers online?
Do I look like a person who would give away an SSD32G?
Last time I made some jelly. It's been 3 weeks maybe. I still see some in the fridge. It's getting smaller everyday.
Email is being sent to about 1,000~ people who are involved in various things. You might get one even if you're not expecting one, don't be alarmed. It's very broad and even includes cases of someone trying to hack into your account (for example, if they found your email on another low end hosts' leaked database it's possible these people will obviously try to bruteforce those emails first.)
This is just a starting place for people to be able to come forward and clear their accounts if they're already aware of a problem.
I'd obviously personally say it's probably in your best interest to actually come forward if you are aware of the issue as in the future it will only be for those who are unaware and if you were clearly otherwise aware then it makes it difficult to fix in the future.
If VirMach was scientology, I feel like you'd be the perfect person to receive the "honor" of joining the highest ranks, where you basically get to donate all your belongings and life into indentured servitude.
Anyway, I won't congratulate you because you just signed up for more work but as always, I'll always appreciate your work and I don't think Mason could have picked a better person in the world if the job title is closely monitoring and moderating a VirMach thread on LES. You'll do better than I'd care to do.
See the contrast between community reception (at LET and LES) for an appointed mod. That's how you select mods! Congratulations, @FrankZ
Ban hammer at the ready!! (Not really, but I will try to keep the discussion reasonable)
Why do I always find myself analyzing your words for hidden meaning. I don't know for sure but it may be a Pavlovian response to past Easter egg searches. I think I should blame @FAT32 .
OH @FrankZ #hand shake
congratulations on the promotion... yep. he will get those threads behaving properly
hopefully you remain fun because i have seen promotions change a persons nature.
Change me ? Change me how?

I hope I remain fun too. I think it is a good sign that I still LOL'd at your MEME above.
Don't worry I'm not going to start correcting peoples grammar or anything like that.
P.S. If you do notice a behavioral change on my part, as a friend, I would hope that you would let me know.
Fun fact: any time FrankZ and ehab like something, if you ctrl+f for "BF" it shows up in the results.

without words
@VirMach Come on, Check the information in ticket #913410, and give me feedback. This is a 2019 black Friday egg offer !!!
I'm pretty sure we already talked about it.
Congratulations @FrankZ!
sure? just let me view a post? but you never check my ticket's info.
Mod EDIT: This is your 7th post on this subject in 24 hours. VirMach has answered you. Please stop or I will delete further posts regarding this subject.
@VirMach night owl chad, which timezone you live in?
Now should be midnight in US.
Ontario Dildo Inspector
I feel like he runs on VirMach time
I received the email, normal use, normal renewal, if it violates tos, then I don't know what to say. good luck everyone.
I haven't really looked into Vanilla much except as a user on a few places that use it. But really? No ignore, no merge, etc. Seems pretty rough from an admin / moderator side as well as user side.
Besides the doomed lax0014 or whatever server, I believe everything is online, few servers still spiking but much reduced from the worst ones after the suspending run of TOS breakers. So most of the complaining is from those people thinking they are special and trying to be sneaky and pretend they have no idea why they would be suspended for buying a scalped account to run io & cpu intensive stuff on a "storage" node, as an example.
I'm pretty sure at this point he basically is on "do stuff until you crash, then wake up and do it again" time.
Doesn't mean it violates ToS. Read the email carefully or just ignore it if that's not an option/possible.
No one has time to read emails carefully!
So @VirMach you decided on final pricing for BF?! I need to know if I want to extend current servers or buy new one at BF if it ends cheaper!
Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.