Christmas Pre-Sale KVM Deals 3GB ECC RAM | 2 Cores | 40 GB SSD | $4.50 month
Hi guys!
KhanWebHost SMC PVT LTD is a privately owned hosting company established in 2016. We are based out of Muzaffargarh, Pakistan. Here at KhanWebHost SMC PVT LTD, we are offering web hosting and server management to our valuable customers.
All our services have DDoS protection and a 99.9% uptime guarantee, with 24x7 Support via Support tickets & 9am-9PM Via Live Chat/Phone Call, in addition, we have a ton more features which are given below.
Few Features
- Intel Xeon CPU
- Unlimited OS reinstall
- Virtulizor Control Panel
- Popular Operating System Choices
- 24/7 Technical Support Vis Support Ticket (GMT+5) 9am-9m (Via Live Chat/Phone Call)
- DDOS Protection
- OS( Windows Server 2012.2016,2019, Centos 6,7.8, Ubuntu )
Servers location and specifications:
Phoenix, Arizona (1Gservers)
Dual E5-2680v3
4x2TB SSD - HW Raid 10
- 20 GB SSD Disk Space
- 700 GB Bandwidth @ 1 Gbps
- 2 GB RAM
- 1 CPU Core
- 1 IPV4
$3/mo **
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- 40 GB SSD Disk Space
- 1 TB Bandwidth @ 1 Gbps
- 3 GB RAM
- 2 CPU Core
- 1 IPV4
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- 50 GB SSD Disk Space
- 1.5 TB Bandwidth @ 1 Gbps
- 5 GB RAM
- 4 CPU Core
- 1 IPV4
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If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us via support ticket or email us
Admin Note: Part of offer that breached the rules removed.
Reminder: This is a buyer beware market.
KhanWebHost Cheap Shared Hosting | Cheap KVM VPS (DE,UK,US,FR) | KVM Sale - LES Offers
Please go through the rules before posting an offer
Just trying to help
Recommend: SmallWeb|BuyVM|Linode|RamNode
Sorry I forgot
KhanWebHost Cheap Shared Hosting | Cheap KVM VPS (DE,UK,US,FR) | KVM Sale - LES Offers
How can I say this without coming across as a dick? But I have a bad feeling about this provider.
It was a couple of days ago you asked on discord for someone to help you setting up this server, which shows an extremely low technical skill level for a "provider"
I honestly hope I'm looking at this the wrong way, so please convey your side of the story..
Get the best deal on your next VPS or Shared/Reseller hosting from - The original aff garden.
I am uncomfortable that you guys were asking a third party to set up your KVM node with 1GServers yesterday and selling KVM VPS today. You are not doing reselling of shared hosting but VPS and you absolutely need some level of technical competency.
Buyer beware.
Deals and Reviews: LowEndBoxes Review | Avoid dodgy providers with The LEBRE Whitelist | Free hosting (with conditions): Evolution-Host, NanoKVM, FreeMach, ServedEZ | Get expert copyediting and copywriting help at The Write Flow
Holy shit, talk about timing!!!
Get the best deal on your next VPS or Shared/Reseller hosting from - The original aff garden.
Normally I would feel inclined to flag this thread for moderator attention, for several reasons:
1) offer over $7/m
2) "pre-sale" needs explanation - when would services actually be delivered?
3) claim that company has been in business since 2016 may or may not be technically correct but seems to be misleading with regard to VPS products
@AK_KWH if I might suggest that you would kindly take this opportunity to flag your own post and make the necessary corrections so others do not have to?
I would like to think that there may still be some window for more dilligent attention to communicate effectively, being sure to directly address the concerns raised here - and possibly see genuine interest in your project "as is" ... But in the absence of that sincere work to remediate the initial impression, I personally really would not expect this community to accept much more of any "summerhost" pattern, no matter what time of year it may be.
I hope my suggestions are received in the spirit in which they are intended- but in any event, please do take this chance to fix the problems with your offer as it now stands. I'll be interested to see how it might work out.
HS4LIFE (+ (* 3 4) (* 5 6))
@uptime i already requested the forum admin to delete the post however i m new to the forum world second about my discord i was posted offer bcz i was stuck with Drive & few other issues so I requested to setup my node, however, i was figure it own
About the service setup it will be setup instantly
Thanks for the suggestion
KhanWebHost Cheap Shared Hosting | Cheap KVM VPS (DE,UK,US,FR) | KVM Sale - LES Offers
@dahartigan when ur stuck then u need some suggestion/help(it can be paid or free) I posted the paid job it was not free however I fixed it myself
KhanWebHost Cheap Shared Hosting | Cheap KVM VPS (DE,UK,US,FR) | KVM Sale - LES Offers
@AK_KWH - alrighty then! If it might help to know you can use the "Flag" link yourself to get a moderator's eyes on your post - I suspect sometimes that might be the best option.
Wishing you luck with your service - and hoping to see good interactions on this forum as well.
HS4LIFE (+ (* 3 4) (* 5 6))
Thanks for your Words
KhanWebHost Cheap Shared Hosting | Cheap KVM VPS (DE,UK,US,FR) | KVM Sale - LES Offers
@AK_KWH likewise, thanks for understanding the need for scrupulous diligence and demanding expectations here
I am hopeful that we will enjoy getting to know you and your service better as time goes on.
And now that you have the attention of @dahartigan and @poisson - that's a good thing, please make the most of it.
we demand superior potassium
HS4LIFE (+ (* 3 4) (* 5 6))
any bench?
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
CPU model : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680 v3 @ 2.50GHz
Number of cores : 2
CPU frequency : 2499.996 MHz
Total size of Disk : 4.9 GB (3.2 GB Used)
Total amount of Mem : 990 MB (57 MB Used)
Total amount of Swap : 0 MB (0 MB Used)
System uptime : 0 days, 0 hour 1 min
Load average : 0.31, 0.09, 0.03
OS : CentOS 7.6.1810
Arch : x86_64 (64 Bit)
Kernel : 3.10.0-957.1.3.el7.x86_64
I/O speed(1st run) : 720 MB/s
I/O speed(2nd run) : 747 MB/s
I/O speed(3rd run) : 770 MB/s
Average I/O speed : 745.7 MB/s
KhanWebHost Cheap Shared Hosting | Cheap KVM VPS (DE,UK,US,FR) | KVM Sale - LES Offers
Looking at the host node specs (especially RAM) and the server + IP cost, based on the pricing, it looks like quite a bit of overselling is going to be involved to make any decent profit. I am honestly still not very confident in the ability to deliver.
Deals and Reviews: LowEndBoxes Review | Avoid dodgy providers with The LEBRE Whitelist | Free hosting (with conditions): Evolution-Host, NanoKVM, FreeMach, ServedEZ | Get expert copyediting and copywriting help at The Write Flow
There are so many red flags here, honestly, I'm worried that this will become a shit show very quickly.
You're clearly not technically competent enough to be running a hosting provider. Honestly man, if you can't get disks partitioned and set up Virtualizor which is probably the simplest solution to install, and you don't have a technical consultant or server administrator on the books, how is this going to end well?
I'd be happy to help you out, if you give either myself or @poisson a free vps to use for the purposes of gauging your abilities, we can give an informed and unbiased opinion to the community and you will get sales. Neither of us are stupid enough to risk our reputation by recommending shit, so consider it the ultimate challenge with a good outcome if your services really are up to standard.
Get the best deal on your next VPS or Shared/Reseller hosting from - The original aff garden.
Emphasis mine. Server management is one of your services!
Far out brussels sprout...
Get the best deal on your next VPS or Shared/Reseller hosting from - The original aff garden.
@dahartigan yes we offer server management for cpanel servers only cpanel server don’t have that much work As compared to vps one
KhanWebHost Cheap Shared Hosting | Cheap KVM VPS (DE,UK,US,FR) | KVM Sale - LES Offers
Yikes. Not a good look.
With those margins,
I think starting out with DirectAdmin shared hosting is better .
This won't end well ®
@deank we have a nigh candidate
Deals and Reviews: LowEndBoxes Review | Avoid dodgy providers with The LEBRE Whitelist | Free hosting (with conditions): Evolution-Host, NanoKVM, FreeMach, ServedEZ | Get expert copyediting and copywriting help at The Write Flow
@poisson ur on LES mate here lowest cost is 7$ however peoples are selling in 20£ for a year what u think they are not overselling however let clear ur doubt we dont oversale any of our server even its shared hosting or even its vps node but we are cheap hosting solution providers however about the cost we are running business mate loss and profit is part of life we are not afraid from loss however its part of marketing for engaging few people
KhanWebHost Cheap Shared Hosting | Cheap KVM VPS (DE,UK,US,FR) | KVM Sale - LES Offers
Can you blame him? Gotta buy several Steam games when they are on Winter sale.
♻ Amitz day is October 21.
♻ Join Nigh sect by adopting my avatar. Let us spread the joys of the end.
If you claim you do not oversell, the most you can earn is $90 per month (either sell 30 VPS 2GB packages @ $3 p/m or 20 VPS 3GB packages @ $4.5 p/m), which eats up 60GB of your 64GB RAM (I'm leaving 4GB for your host node).
The cost of your server is publicly available from 1GServer's LET offer: $73.67.
Let's assume you sell 20 VPS 3GB packages. That's 20 ip addresses that you need. 1Gserver only assigns you one useable ip address with that server. Let's just say it costs you $0.50 per ip address per month in leasing cost. That's another $10 per month. Virtualizor license per node is currently about $8 per month. Your foreseeable cost is around $91 per month.
Coupled with the fact that you were still trying to figure out how to set up a KVM node less than 24 hours before selling (which means you have not had time to do extended testing of your configurations), I don't see how I can have confidence in your service.
You are not afraid of loss, but we are very afraid of sudden deadpooling. The math doesn't check out, and your technical competency doesn't seem to either, mate. I don't want to shit on new providers, but the evidence before me is not in your favour.
Deals and Reviews: LowEndBoxes Review | Avoid dodgy providers with The LEBRE Whitelist | Free hosting (with conditions): Evolution-Host, NanoKVM, FreeMach, ServedEZ | Get expert copyediting and copywriting help at The Write Flow
@possion its my business mate whatever i do its my way of doing however purchase the vps do let me know if u had any issue and one more thing we had a custom deal with them the one u mentioned its Sata with raid 1 we had NVME with raid 10
as i mentioned we had deal so take it, easy mate, its a market, however, LES is not the only source of customers however i had other sources too for 8gb ram nd 50gb NVME clients are paying 30$ happily so 30$ for one VPS
KhanWebHost Cheap Shared Hosting | Cheap KVM VPS (DE,UK,US,FR) | KVM Sale - LES Offers
I looked up 1GServers and if you are on SSD, your cost just went up by 40 bucks a month. Not very assuring.
Of course, it is your business and you can do whatever you like. Likewise, as a potential customer, it is my money and I can do whatever I like with my money as well.
If you are indeed doing so well getting lots of those $30 for one VPS customers, you won't be here selling under $7 servers at unsustainable prices.
Same recommendation: buyer beware.
Deals and Reviews: LowEndBoxes Review | Avoid dodgy providers with The LEBRE Whitelist | Free hosting (with conditions): Evolution-Host, NanoKVM, FreeMach, ServedEZ | Get expert copyediting and copywriting help at The Write Flow
lol. Always the same pattern of responses from these.
Thus, the end is always nigh.
♻ Amitz day is October 21.
♻ Join Nigh sect by adopting my avatar. Let us spread the joys of the end.
Guess summer is too far away, so it's winter host time?
Deals and Reviews: LowEndBoxes Review | Avoid dodgy providers with The LEBRE Whitelist | Free hosting (with conditions): Evolution-Host, NanoKVM, FreeMach, ServedEZ | Get expert copyediting and copywriting help at The Write Flow
Summer is too saturated.
Winter is better. Besides, people generally have more money to spend during December than any other month.
Until their CC statement arrives in January, that is.
♻ Amitz day is October 21.
♻ Join Nigh sect by adopting my avatar. Let us spread the joys of the end.
It would be safer to either piss the money up the wall or buy from a shitty CC LEB host who at least appears to try to give a fuck. MATE.
LES's first winter host (it's summer here in the land of mates and vegemite)
Get the best deal on your next VPS or Shared/Reseller hosting from - The original aff garden.
Yes, you have 4 TB of disk space so you can theoretically have more than a hundred of either of these plans, but you only have 64 GB ram. You having more disk space doesn't allow you to pack much more VPS in a server because you don't really want to oversell ram (or do you?) Anyway, if you have clients paying you that much, you really shouldn't be packing your server full of small 2 GB VPSes at a loss.
This is the same guy who gives out gpl wordpress plugins for free (without license keys) to attract customers for his shared hosting plans. This isn't going to end well.