[2022] ★ VirMach ★ RYZEN ★ NVMe ★★ The Epic Sales Offer Thread ★★



  • @lolee_ said: Can we get back to the root of the problem

    Some might say that is you...

  • @VirMach said:

    I can start a super long migration process and get you on LAX2Z018 if you want, as it'd be mutually beneficial (it has more disk.)

    Sure, that'd be great for me :)

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider
    edited November 2022

    @lolee_ said: Can we get back to the root of the problem

    Sure we could ignore the huge issue and work on the other stuff but (a) your ticket access will be limited since this is how the process works, (b) one day it will be too late to resolve and it may result in negative consequences for completely disregarding an important part of our terms of service and you'll come here and complain about how there was no warning when you were warned on this day.

    @lolee_ said: I just paid $43.98 for the service a few hours ago
    But I can't use the service I purchased

    You have a functional service that is inaccessible to you due to GFW. The IP change failed most likely because there's no IPv4 left on that server for it to change to, so you can wait for there to be one available, and we can refund the IP change fee on the first attempt if you don't reshuffle the credits several times on other requests.

    (edit) Anyway, that's as far as I'll go here. I've already addressed your #1 concern, we most likely can't process an IP change if there's no IPs available. Until then you still have the actual product you purchased.

  • @bakageta said:

    Well that was quick, looks like it's actually functional, installing an OS now. Slightly bummed that it regenerated on an LAXA node since I've got several there and only one on an LAX2Z node, but oh well. Thanks!

    And don't you think it's a very unreasonable thing to do?
    The service I purchased from your website
    I can't submit a service order on your website
    I have to ask for your help through lowendspirit
    And it's not even my request for help that we've been talking about

    There are really only three solutions to this problem
    1. I can help you solve the problem of your IP being blocked
    2. I can refund you to your Alipay
    3. I'm not going to give you this money back, it's up to you whether you can use it or not!

    So there is no need to change the subject
    Especially since I can provide all the evidence


  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    It's insane how impossible it is to be helpful to these people. The other option would've been to flag down all his accounts and mark them for closure but instead I decided to open dialogue with him and quickly fix it by having him list them and confirm a merge and here we are instead.

  • JabJab Senpai
    edited November 2022

    Hey VirMach those Alibaba IPs are blocked by my local municipality government here in Poland and I can't use those as caching proxy for things that I wanted and I've even paid 3$ to migrate server to Frankfurt. Please buy other IPs!

    Actually not joking about block, but rest is a joke, just making sure other people would understand this.

    Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.

  • @VirMach said:
    It's insane how impossible it is to be helpful to these people. The other option would've been to flag down all his accounts and mark them for closure but instead I decided to open dialogue with him and quickly fix it by having him list them and confirm a merge and here we are instead.

    So the solution you gave me was
    We don't have any spare IP addresses for you to change, right?
    So why is your website now still available to purchase the new Tokyo service ..........?
    This means,,or you don't use it ...... Or you can keep waiting and if there is a new IP then you can change it for me, can I understand it this way ......

  • @lolee_ said:
    So the solution you gave me was
    We don't have any spare IP addresses for you to change, right?
    So why is your website now still available to purchase the new Tokyo service ..........?
    This means,,or you don't use it ...... Or you can keep waiting and if there is a new IP then you can change it for me, can I understand it this way ......

    Maybe you can move out of China and use de VPS from another country without firewall?

    Thanked by (1)AlwaysSkint
  • @risturiz said:

    Maybe you can move out of China and use de VPS from another country without firewall?

    Amazing thinking logic

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider
    edited November 2022

    These serial multi-account abusers really need to learn that the more tickets they create, the more orders they make, and the more attention they bring to themselves when they come here publicly complaining, the end result will always just be that I look into it more and that's the last thing you want me to do in this situation.

    Because sure the system only flagged like 5 of this guy's accounts but I just found a bunch more.

    This guy went from like having 2 accounts linked and me approving his order and willing to do a free processing of a merger to acting the way he did and frantically checking his account(s) and making a ticket, which revealed more to the system based on his actions, none of which I requested he do outside of just accepting the easy offer I made him.

    It's like any inaction from us, they take it as a chance to further abuse the system. Once we take action, they are shocked, even if the action is to just notify them that we're aware and they should consider resolving it before it gets worse.

    Cancel the order: why did you cancel my order??? Several tickets made.
    Don't cancel: why didn't you cancel??? Why did you take my money?
    Don't flag: why did you let me continue doing everything even though you knew??
    Flag: why did you flag this even though I didn't do anything worse??

    What we really need to start doing is after this amnesty period anyone that doesn't come forward just gets to pay the normal fees for our time dealing with all this because it definitely is being highly undervalued right now, all the extra work created by not being able to follow simple rules they do a terrible job at circumventing.

    I'm adding a fee notice to the order page so people don't claim it's a surprise even though this is all within our terms.


  • @VirMach said:
    These serial multi-account abusers really need to learn that the more tickets they create, the more orders they make, and the more attention they bring to themselves when they come here publicly complaining, the end result will always just be that I look into it more and that's the last thing you want me to do in this situation.

    Because sure the system only flagged like 5 of this guy's accounts but I just found a bunch more.

    This guy went from like having 2 accounts linked and me approving his order and willing to do a free processing of a merger to acting the way he did and frantically checking his account(s) and making a ticket, which revealed more to the system based on his actions, none of which I requested he do outside of just accepting the easy offer I made him.

    It's like any inaction from us, they take it as a chance to further abuse the system. Once we take action, they are shocked, even if the action is to just notify them that we're aware and they should consider resolving it before it gets worse.

    Cancel the order: why did you cancel my order??? Several tickets made.
    Don't cancel: why didn't you cancel??? Why did you take my money?
    Don't flag: why did you let me continue doing everything even though you knew??
    Flag: why did you flag this even though I didn't do anything worse??

    What we really need to start doing is after this amnesty period anyone that doesn't come forward just gets to pay the normal fees for our time dealing with all this because it definitely is being highly undervalued right now, all the extra work created by not being able to follow simple rules they do a terrible job at circumventing.

    I'm adding a fee notice to the order page so people don't claim it's a surprise even though this is all within our terms.

    I think any problem can be solved with money, you just have to tell me. How much do I have to pay you to enjoy it. How do I give you the money. If the problem is solved, I am willing to pay you for it.

  • @VirMach said:
    These serial multi-account abusers really need to learn that the more tickets they create, the more orders they make, and the more attention they bring to themselves when they come here publicly complaining, the end result will always just be that I look into it more and that's the last thing you want me to do in this situation.

    Because sure the system only flagged like 5 of this guy's accounts but I just found a bunch more.

    This guy went from like having 2 accounts linked and me approving his order and willing to do a free processing of a merger to acting the way he did and frantically checking his account(s) and making a ticket, which revealed more to the system based on his actions, none of which I requested he do outside of just accepting the easy offer I made him.

    It's like any inaction from us, they take it as a chance to further abuse the system. Once we take action, they are shocked, even if the action is to just notify them that we're aware and they should consider resolving it before it gets worse.

    Cancel the order: why did you cancel my order??? Several tickets made.
    Don't cancel: why didn't you cancel??? Why did you take my money?
    Don't flag: why did you let me continue doing everything even though you knew??
    Flag: why did you flag this even though I didn't do anything worse??

    What we really need to start doing is after this amnesty period anyone that doesn't come forward just gets to pay the normal fees for our time dealing with all this because it definitely is being highly undervalued right now, all the extra work created by not being able to follow simple rules they do a terrible job at circumventing.

    I'm adding a fee notice to the order page so people don't claim it's a surprise even though this is all within our terms.


    How and where do I pay for this? Can you help me consolidate all the servers on my account into one account? I'd be happy to pay for this I just want a working server.

    A secure, stable and available service that I can pay for, please help me to solve this problem.

    So now the question is which link can I pay through? Help me to merge my accounts together.

  • don't act like idiot pls

    @lolee_ said: I think any problem can be solved with money,

    Thanked by (1)AlwaysSkint
  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    @derekyang said:
    don't act like idiot pls

    If any problem can be solved with money he better start investing in a time machine.

  • When will the Tokyo 500G purchased in April 2022 be available?

  • @lolee_ said:
    I think any problem can be solved with money, you just have to tell me. How much do I have to pay you to enjoy it. How do I give you the money. If the problem is solved, I am willing to pay you for it.

    Oh, you got owned :-) ... Popcorn time

  • @VirMach said:

    If any problem can be solved with money he better start investing in a time machine.

    But I really want the money to fix this
    I'm willing to pay for it
    I don't have the time or energy
    I don't think you have the time or energy to deal with these lock-ins either.
    So can I pay to fix it ......
    I am serious.
    If you can then please send me a bill
    After I pay
    Will take care of all these problems I have
    Everyone's time can be spent on other work
    Instead of these locking problems
    What's not to like?

  • Oh come on why ban him, drama was just starting, I had my popcorn in microwave!

    Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    Oh my god what's the point of using so many IPs to circumvent our systems if you're going to just end up mixing all of them anyway???

    Wow, thank you for being a customer since 2015 though and for easily linking that 2015 account this month in multiple ways, it makes it a lot easier to eliminate the potential for any false positive, I can just go back and double verify it against that. Okay I'm ready to stop here if you calm down, log out of your LES account, and follow my initial instructions.

    Thanked by (1)Wonder_Woman
  • @VirMach said: serial multi-account abusers

    Just curious, how many of them?

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    Uh-oh, one of the accounts I just found was flagged for closure. That immediately makes things not good for you and I wouldn't have found it if you didn't make me look into it further. Now that means you were included in the group of people that actually abused in multiple ways.

  • Virmach, it seems you are here and are not so busy now.
    My account was labeled multi-account.
    One is for my company,The other is for my personal use.
    How to resolve this issue, I really need a clear answer, Merge them or keep them separate.

    I created ticket #759302 4 weeks ago.
    I am sorry for the inconvenience.

  • @VirMach said:
    Oh my god what's the point of using so many IPs to circumvent our systems if you're going to just end up mixing all of them anyway???

    Wow, thank you for being a customer since 2015 though and for easily linking that 2015 account this month in multiple ways, it makes it a lot easier to eliminate the potential for any false positive, I can just go back and double verify it against that. Okay I'm ready to stop here if you calm down, log out of your LES account, and follow my initial instructions.

    I'd really like to think that in the future people see this and realize how generous you're being instead of arguing, but somehow I know the same cycle is just going to repeat. "I don't have any other accounts no idea what you mean" > "wait yes those are mine please don't ban me what can we do to fix this" just seems so common.

    Thanked by (1)AlwaysSkint
  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    @bakageta said:

    I'd really like to think that in the future people see this and realize how generous you're being instead of arguing, but somehow I know the same cycle is just going to repeat. "I don't have any other accounts no idea what you mean" > "wait yes those are mine please don't ban me what can we do to fix this" just seems so common.

    You guys know six degrees of kevin bacon? We need to establish a law for these particular group of terrible multi-accounters.

    The reason they never learn and come to complain instead is because they're part of the same hivemind of like maybe a dozen people. I mean it's not a coincidence he literally signed up for an account today. It's very possible actually someone else who came here in the past, there was another cluster I had to handle earlier and it linked back to infplus in more than one way. Let's see what this one leads back to now that I have his flagged for closure account in front of me.

    @nightcat said:
    Virmach, it seems you are here and are not so busy now.
    My account was labeled multi-account.
    One is for my company,The other is for my personal use.
    How to resolve this issue, I really need a clear answer, Merge them or keep them separate.

    I created ticket #759302 4 weeks ago.
    I am sorry for the inconvenience.

    Your name is familiar and not in a good way at this point, my guess is that you've already been answered multiple times and just repeating yourself. If I'm wrong let me know and I'll take a look.

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    Taking guesses on the total account tally from this session of adding them up, since there's only so many options it could realistically be I'll take the next 10 guesses. If anyone guesses it correctly (exact) and your LES signup date isn't in the last 3 months, I'll throw in a prize or something, it's been pretty boring/quiet around here for a few weeks.

  • 420

    Contribute your idling VPS/dedi (link), Android (link) or iOS (link) devices to medical research

  • @virmach
    It is my first time ask for help.
    I sent you some advices in the last months.

    Thank you.

  • edited November 2022

    can I ask, does virmach still processing transfer service tickets now?
    my unfinished ticket already answered by staff but the service transfer ticket still waiting...
    edit:wait,it got answered...

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    @nightcat said:
    It is my first time ask for help.
    I sent you some advices in the last months.

    Thank you.

    Okay well your answer is a definite no on getting anything other than an account closure on November 30th if this is your strategy. Congratulations you tricked me into believe you and used up 20 seconds of my life.

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    @taizi said:
    can I ask, does virmach still processing transfer service tickets now?
    my unfinished ticket already answered by staff but the service transfer ticket still waiting...

    I don't think you're going to get a transfer done, any tickets for transfers in multi-account group don't get processed by default until that's first cleared so your best bet is to look for a merger. I'm just assuming you're multi-account because I remember your name from yesterday or two days ago when I tried giving you 2G prize and saw your account was linked to another.

This discussion has been closed.