Inception Hosting - Extended sale.
Hi Folks,
Just a quick post to let people know that the Black Friday/ Cyber Monday offers are still available, we are making the space from last year's none renewals available.
Example plan:
- 2 vCPU
- 2GB Ram
- 50 GB Disk
- 18000 GB bandwidth @ 1 Gbit/s
- 1 x IPv4
- 1 x /64 IPv6
- Free Direct Admin (Available for the last time)
€25 / year
Available in: Amsterdam, London. Frankfurt, Phoenix AZ, USA.
LINK: <--- Just select the location from here
No discount code is required, all pricing and plans have been set to the Black Friday pricing and specifications.
The discounts apply on annual plans only, you will get the upgraded specifications when paying on any other terms for the duration of the sales.
Special terms apply and must be agreed to before completing the purchase, including but not limited to:
- No refunds.
- No transfers.
- You cannot exchange an existing service for this offer.
- You cannot use this to upgrade an existing product, doing so will result in the price being reset to full price and or pro-rated.
- Linux/BSD Only.
General Terms:
- No tor
- No torrents
- No bulk or commercial mail.
- We do not accept orders from China, Brazil or Iran.
- Orders placed from behind proxies or VPNs are automatically rejected.
- Full terms:
Network testing:
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just when i thought my pocket is safe.

why don't you do 4GB RAM and make us buy
I’m down for the 4GB
Bad news for your pocket @ehab and @TheDP the plans go from 2GB to 16GB and all seem to have 50% off annual terms.
2 CPU Core (Equal Share)
4 GB Ram
70 GB Pure NVMe SSD Disk space
36000 GB Bandwidth @ 1 gbit (shared)
1 x IPv4 address
1 x /64 IPv6
€55 / year
yabs please
@ehab are you h0rny yet ?
blog | exploring visually |
Sorry if it was not clear the discount is still available on all plans I just used the 2GB as an example its 50% off + €5 off
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You can't go wrong with Anthony. He's a proud man stubborn as a mule, but his service is superb. Fully ready for the production.
~client since Oct 14, 2011
/crossposting off
Not really related to this sale but do you plan to introduce newer setups (like with E-2378G) which support PCIe Gen4? I just recall there was a question somewhere about it (not from me) but I cannot find the answer again. I'm satisfied with the I/O but this question just came up my mind again because I've read the php-friends post about modernizing the infrastructure (no relation though).
Contribute your idling VPS/dedi (link), Android (link) or iOS (link) devices to medical research
(One of which was me - no choice - gotta cut back.
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
One of the most awesome host @InceptionHosting
Thanks Anthony
I use one of @InceptionHosting's offers from last year in their Frankfurt location as VPN and am connected to it 24/7. No complaints at all. Not only does Anthony have a sexy body and does smells indescribably good (everybody thinks so), he also knows his stuff. All that combined with the Clouvider network, I mean... Could it become hotter? So if you are hesitating - Grab one before it's too late!
Amitz, a very stable genius (it's true!) and Grand Rectumfier of the official LESLOS® (LES League of Shitposters).
Certified braindead since 1974 and still perfectly happy.
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any pics of sexy boday?
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
Find a potato, anyone will do and imagine and egg on top.
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I'm just curious if the Phoenix IP at is correct.
I have lower ping with the NL, UK and DL locations than the Phoenix location.
Even pinging from a Miami location, I get lower ping for NL, UK, or DL than Phoenix.
Backend Ruby Dev and Linux user
I would expect that to be the case, Miami > sea > Europe (great interconnects) while Phoenix is all overland in the USA which is notoriously poor in comparison
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1GB plans extended for 40 hours or so, I am going to wrap up all the sales on Friday and reset everything.
Coupon code: H84RVH9ZI2
This waa the Cyber Monday offer.
2 vCPU
1 GB Ram
40 GB Disk
9000 GB bandwidth
Complimentary DDOS protection.
€15 / year
Available in: Frankfurt, Amsterdam, London, and Phoenix.
Ignore the specifications in the billing panel, they will be provisioned with the above specifications.
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
Which node are they going be deployed on if I buy vms in Frankfrut and Pheonix?
Best guess, Phoenix: KVMPHX984 and Frankfurt: KVMFRA365 but could also be KVMFRA295
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I'm in Latin America, i have avg 50 ms to my Miami Node (another prodiver) and avg 220 ms from my location (latin america) to InceptionHosting Phoenix location.
i have avg 160 ms from my location (latin america) to InceptionHosting NL
days ago i was having like avg 100 ms to Phoenix location, that is why i am curious.
I'm not network expert, so i don't know, maybe i have bad peering with phoenix location right now...
Backend Ruby Dev and Linux user
watching yabs it doesn’t seem like the disks are NVME
"How miserable life is in the abuses of power..."
F. Battiato ---
It's PCIe3.0 nvme which you cannot compare to PCIe4.0.
1-2GBit/s on yabs is absolutely normal and you're getting this speed quite consistently on these vps.
How many nodes do you have in each location?
They are NVMe, Raid 1, PCIE 3.0
That's need to know
as many as we need.
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@InceptionHosting London upgrade to 10g in pipeline?
SOme nodes have it they are just restricted, no specific plans but I m sure there will be a natural point to do that.
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
Actually, looks like there is indeed a weird thing with the IP listed in the looking glass for Clouvider's Phoenix location, as I also can notice there's a ping that's higher than it should be. I cannot reproduce it using the Network diagnostics to ping the IPs that have such high pings, though, so I wonder if it's the LG box having some sort of issue where incoming pings are delayed for whatever reason (some pings are outright filtered by it, too).
Nice timing... Another DA server... Thanks :-)
I always imagined two eggs on top of the potato. Have to re-visualize the whole thing now. But, hey, one egg on top is sexy too, no complaints!
Amitz, a very stable genius (it's true!) and Grand Rectumfier of the official LESLOS® (LES League of Shitposters).
Certified braindead since 1974 and still perfectly happy.