Some updates coming to

This email was just sent out:
Hello {$client_first_name},
This email contains a ton of important information regarding updates to
Name Change
It is with great pleasure to announce that we've finally decided to change our name! After constant messages, we've decided to bite the bullet and swap it over. This does not affect anything about our services, just the name! A new website will also be done during this transition! ->
We will keep the domain, and have everything auto-redirect everything over. Bookmarks will not need to be updated.
This change will be happening on Friday, 27th January 2023. We will hold a maintenance period and perform upgrades to our backend during the same time. Please monitor for updates.
Hardware Update
Our first 3900x Node has been provisioned and our overall 200th Node! We will still keep our trusty E5 servers as a "Budget" lineup to still have something to offer to those who do not need the performance of Ryzen. We're moving our focus over to newer hardware, to stay up to date with the current market and its desires.
We will start provisioning them in Dallas and then NY.
We have been rummaging around to see what the best options are and are slowly closing down on one. We are planning to open Europe and then venture on to APAC (probably SG)
Nothing is yet set in stone, but we've had tons of requests to offer these locations!
Network Update
We've finally been allocated our own ASN --! We're happy about this because our plan is to expand out and add more transit to overall lower our bandwidth costs.
There's a lot to intake from this email, if you happen to come across any questions, please feel free to send us an email -- [email protected]
Finally, I want to thank everyone for your patronage.
Best Regards, Team
Will this have any impact on the ongoing IPv6 outage in NYC? - Public DNSCrypt resolvers hosted by LowEnd providers • Need a free NAT LXC? ->
This will finally fix the issues with IPv6, and we will update disk speeds as well.
Why? Renaming looks like an unstable position.
I mean, definitely stands out more as a company name for someone selling servers / VPS's rather than
If I was a customer who had never heard of neither companies, I could take a good guess at what sells but not - Free Shared Hosting in 4 Locations. fk ipv6.
This is what me and my team decided on. There is no mention of host, VM, servers, or VPS in our current name. People just think we are some website from Somalia and immediately turn away.
Yes, lots of people have no NOTION about Notion, they see the .so tld and run away too. Very, very shady company from Somalia they are.
Poor company lost so many customers because of that !
blog | exploring visually |
We've had numerous instances of people asking if we are based out of Somalia, etc.
We are keeping the domain, and unfortunately sucking up the high renewal price on it, but we are creating a service that we want to be perfect and not have to do this later on.
will you offer BEE GEE PEE?
@aqua would you mind answer the tickets... I kinda wait for 2 days now...