@cyforex said:
my goddamn vps is down again. IP has changed but I have no ping... no access
damn it I am so mad..
vvery bad experience with you Virmach
@cyforex said:
my goddamn vps is down again. IP has changed but I have no ping... no access
damn it I am so mad..
vvery bad experience with you Virmach
What node are you on ?
What did you do regarding the IP change ?
What O/S are you using ?
Maybe post the output from "ip route show" to see if the default gateway is setup correctly.
Give us a little info and maybe we can get you going so you don't have to be so mad.
@Jab said:
Holy balls, VirBot AI Assistant in reply to my ticket told me to open a ticket to fix the issue.
Should I open new ticket and blame VirBot or will @VirMach would get mad?!
If someone made an open source module then I could fix it, until then it's soontm as we'll probably take forever to make our own. Our own version in testing doesn't ever tell you to make a ticket because we made sure to tell it that.
@FrankZ said: Give us a little info and maybe we can get you going so you don't have to be so mad.
He prefers being mad all the time so he's taking the correct approach for that end result.
I'm assuming he actually also didn't read or reply to the ticket for the IP change either, no reconfigure, and then either didn't reply back to it or made a new ticket because we've definitely been monitoring those tickets very actively for people replying back and assisting them. Best to come here first to say how mad he is first.
@dgc1980 said: reinstall via the Full VPS Control Panel, there is no limit on that.
This is from Solus control panel.
How many times have you re-installed? Sounds like you might have actually reached your limit. Our policy on that is if you actually reach the upper limit in the panel, you've officially broken our I/O AUP but make a ticket explaining it correctly and it should get reset (probably not actually, you'll just get plus one re-install usually.)
@VirMach said: How many times have you re-installed? Sounds like you might have actually reached your limit. Our policy on that is if you actually reach the upper limit in the panel, you've officially broken our I/O AUP but make a ticket explaining it correctly and it should get reset (probably not actually, you'll just get plus one re-install usually.)
I will just wait till next month, no Debian template anyway.
@VirMach said: How many times have you re-installed? Sounds like you might have actually reached your limit. Our policy on that is if you actually reach the upper limit in the panel, you've officially broken our I/O AUP but make a ticket explaining it correctly and it should get reset (probably not actually, you'll just get plus one re-install usually.)
I will just wait till next month, no Debian template anyway.
@dgc1980 said: mount netboot.xyz and install it manaully manually.
If netboot.xyz can manage to configure the network, eventually and if the chosen ISO works. [I figured my issue wasn't the looong time it took to grab the network but the actual loading of Alma 8 & CentOS 7 ISOs, from netboot.xyz]
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
@VirMach said: Our policy on that is if you actually reach the upper limit in the panel, you've officially broken our I/O AUP but make a ticket explaining it correctly and it should get reset
There is no snapshot to rollback like Vultr or GoogleCloud provide,
Wha' wou'ya expec' your sorry lads do, when the Chicken went broke
@cyforex said:
my goddamn vps is down again. IP has changed but I have no ping... no access
damn it I am so mad..
vvery bad experience with you Virmach
What node are you on ?
What did you do regarding the IP change ?
What O/S are you using ?
Maybe post the output from "ip route show" to see if the default gateway is setup correctly.
Give us a little info and maybe we can get you going so you don't have to be so mad.
@Jab said:
Holy balls, VirBot AI Assistant in reply to my ticket told me to open a ticket to fix the issue.
Should I open new ticket and blame VirBot or will @VirMach would get mad?!
If someone made an open source module then I could fix it, until then it's soontm as we'll probably take forever to make our own. Our own version in testing doesn't ever tell you to make a ticket because we made sure to tell it that.
@FrankZ said: Give us a little info and maybe we can get you going so you don't have to be so mad.
He prefers being mad all the time so he's taking the correct approach for that end result.
I'm assuming he actually also didn't read or reply to the ticket for the IP change either, no reconfigure, and then either didn't reply back to it or made a new ticket because we've definitely been monitoring those tickets very actively for people replying back and assisting them. Best to come here first to say how mad he is first.
@dgc1980 said: reinstall via the Full VPS Control Panel, there is no limit on that.
This is from Solus control panel.
How many times have you re-installed? Sounds like you might have actually reached your limit. Our policy on that is if you actually reach the upper limit in the panel, you've officially broken our I/O AUP but make a ticket explaining it correctly and it should get reset (probably not actually, you'll just get plus one re-install usually.)
Sorry I have anger issues. no disrespect. I know some stuff is out of your control. but seriously for the past few weeks, the service been unusable.
anyways works fine now. FYI, I DID read the email.
@cyforex said:
my goddamn vps is down again. IP has changed but I have no ping... no access
damn it I am so mad..
vvery bad experience with you Virmach
What node are you on ?
What did you do regarding the IP change ?
What O/S are you using ?
Maybe post the output from "ip route show" to see if the default gateway is setup correctly.
Give us a little info and maybe we can get you going so you don't have to be so mad.
@Jab said:
Holy balls, VirBot AI Assistant in reply to my ticket told me to open a ticket to fix the issue.
Should I open new ticket and blame VirBot or will @VirMach would get mad?!
If someone made an open source module then I could fix it, until then it's soontm as we'll probably take forever to make our own. Our own version in testing doesn't ever tell you to make a ticket because we made sure to tell it that.
@FrankZ said: Give us a little info and maybe we can get you going so you don't have to be so mad.
He prefers being mad all the time so he's taking the correct approach for that end result.
I'm assuming he actually also didn't read or reply to the ticket for the IP change either, no reconfigure, and then either didn't reply back to it or made a new ticket because we've definitely been monitoring those tickets very actively for people replying back and assisting them. Best to come here first to say how mad he is first.
@dgc1980 said: reinstall via the Full VPS Control Panel, there is no limit on that.
This is from Solus control panel.
How many times have you re-installed? Sounds like you might have actually reached your limit. Our policy on that is if you actually reach the upper limit in the panel, you've officially broken our I/O AUP but make a ticket explaining it correctly and it should get reset (probably not actually, you'll just get plus one re-install usually.)
Sorry I have anger issues. no disrespect. I know some stuff is out of your control. but seriously for the past few weeks, the service been unusable.
anyways works fine now. FYI, I DID read the email.
@cyforex said:
my goddamn vps is down again. IP has changed but I have no ping... no access
damn it I am so mad..
vvery bad experience with you Virmach
What node are you on ?
What did you do regarding the IP change ?
What O/S are you using ?
Maybe post the output from "ip route show" to see if the default gateway is setup correctly.
Give us a little info and maybe we can get you going so you don't have to be so mad.
@Jab said:
Holy balls, VirBot AI Assistant in reply to my ticket told me to open a ticket to fix the issue.
Should I open new ticket and blame VirBot or will @VirMach would get mad?!
If someone made an open source module then I could fix it, until then it's soontm as we'll probably take forever to make our own. Our own version in testing doesn't ever tell you to make a ticket because we made sure to tell it that.
@FrankZ said: Give us a little info and maybe we can get you going so you don't have to be so mad.
He prefers being mad all the time so he's taking the correct approach for that end result.
I'm assuming he actually also didn't read or reply to the ticket for the IP change either, no reconfigure, and then either didn't reply back to it or made a new ticket because we've definitely been monitoring those tickets very actively for people replying back and assisting them. Best to come here first to say how mad he is first.
@dgc1980 said: reinstall via the Full VPS Control Panel, there is no limit on that.
This is from Solus control panel.
How many times have you re-installed? Sounds like you might have actually reached your limit. Our policy on that is if you actually reach the upper limit in the panel, you've officially broken our I/O AUP but make a ticket explaining it correctly and it should get reset (probably not actually, you'll just get plus one re-install usually.)
Sorry I have anger issues. no disrespect. I know some stuff is out of your control. but seriously for the past few weeks, the service been unusable.
anyways works fine now. FYI, I DID read the email.
So what'd you do to fix it?
nothing the IP started pinging an hour later. however. I went into the main control panel and reconfigured the network a couple of times. (there's an option for it)
I'm not sure if that fixed the problem. but my new IP started pinging.
Huh, new node?

Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.
Holy balls, VirBot AI Assistant in reply to my ticket told me to open a ticket to fix the issue.
Should I open new ticket and blame VirBot or will @VirMach would get mad?!
Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.
Just blame VirBot for everything it is sooo much simpler.
Free Hosting at YetiNode | MicroNode | Cryptid Security | URL Shortener | LaunchVPS | ExtraVM | Host-C | In the Node, or Out of the Loop?
my goddamn vps is down again. IP has changed but I have no ping... no access
damn it I am so mad..
vvery bad experience with you Virmach
My VPS in FFME02 is still down
Location? I did both an Atlanta and a NY fine.
What node are you on ?
What did you do regarding the IP change ?
What O/S are you using ?
Maybe post the output from "ip route show" to see if the default gateway is setup correctly.
Give us a little info and maybe we can get you going so you don't have to be so mad.
RYZE.PHX-Z001.VMS says You have reached your reinstall limit for this month
reinstall via the
Full VPS Control Panel
, there is no limit on that.This is from Solus control panel.
If someone made an open source module then I could fix it, until then it's soontm as we'll probably take forever to make our own. Our own version in testing doesn't ever tell you to make a ticket because we made sure to tell it that.
He prefers being mad all the time so he's taking the correct approach for that end result.
I'm assuming he actually also didn't read or reply to the ticket for the IP change either, no reconfigure, and then either didn't reply back to it or made a new ticket because we've definitely been monitoring those tickets very actively for people replying back and assisting them. Best to come here first to say how mad he is first.
How many times have you re-installed? Sounds like you might have actually reached your limit. Our policy on that is if you actually reach the upper limit in the panel, you've officially broken our I/O AUP but make a ticket explaining it correctly and it should get reset (probably not actually, you'll just get plus one re-install usually.)
I will just wait till next month, no Debian template anyway.
mount netboot.xyz and install it manaully.
If netboot.xyz can manage to configure the network, eventually and if the chosen ISO works.
[I figured my issue wasn't the looong time it took to grab the network but the actual loading of Alma 8 & CentOS 7 ISOs, from netboot.xyz]
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
thanks, now I have Debian installed.
Yo' another new customer victim I presume?
Ontario Dildo Inspector
There is no snapshot to rollback like Vultr or GoogleCloud provide,
Wha' wou'ya expec' your sorry lads do, when the Chicken went broke
Ontario Dildo Inspector
Overpriced small plate chicken nevertheless
O'quite funny though, $27.5 quarterly, $120 annually,
Sincerely doubt the old fart could do math
Ontario Dildo Inspector
Sorry I have anger issues. no disrespect. I know some stuff is out of your control. but seriously for the past few weeks, the service been unusable.
anyways works fine now. FYI, I DID read the email.
So what'd you do to fix it?
Repentance and join the flagellation club?
Ontario Dildo Inspector
nothing the IP started pinging an hour later. however. I went into the main control panel and reconfigured the network a couple of times. (there's an option for it)
I'm not sure if that fixed the problem. but my new IP started pinging.
Hey, can you like stop quoting 78155 posts back and pinging half of the forum ^.-
Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.
Can consider hiring me if VirMach wants a Frontend Engineer for the portal...
食之无味 弃之可惜 - Too arduous to relish, too wasteful to discard.
Can I? Probably ... the question is will I? Mwhahahahahahahah.
Yo so ya could do frontend stuff too
thinking of VirmAch flush sale monitor site
Should not be a big surprise to maa
Any spoiler news of this year's black friday deals on the other side?
Any news about GCV 10th anniversary specials?
Ontario Dildo Inspector
Using netboot.xyz or Debian 10 from the template?
Fast as fuck Core i9 VPS (aff) | Powerful AMD Ryzen VPS (aff)
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
yes, I used Debian 10 iso, even though you have to do some tweaking.
Yo Friday is another fine day, tell ya sorry ass a joke
What would fish say when it hits a wall?
Ontario Dildo Inspector