[DediPath] Closure of Business Email
We will are writing to you regarding your service at DediPath. With a heavy heart we must announce that DediPath will be discontinuing operations effective 8/31/23. Please migrate your data and take backups as soon as possible.
In regards to our colocation customers if you are in the following locations please send a ticket to support@flexential.com for equipment removal:
Las Vegas
In regards to our colocation customers if you are in the following location please send a ticket to support@sabey.com for equipment removal:
In regards to our colocation customers if you are in the following locations please send a ticket to support@path.net for equipment removal:
In regards to our colocation customers if you are in the following locations please send a ticket to support@evocative.com for equipment removal:
Redondo Beach
San Jose
If you have a domain registered with us please transfer it out ASAP.
We are truly sorry for the inconvenience this has caused. We appreciate your business and support over the years and this is heart breaking to everyone at DediPath.
Followup email from DediPath
Dear Valued Dedipath Customers,
I wanted to personally reach out to you with heartfelt concern and a commitment to maintaining our professional relationship.
I have been actively engaging with a wide network of industry leaders and vendors, seeking the best possible solutions that align with your needs. While none of us anticipated finding ourselves in this predicament, please rest assured that every effort is being made to ensure a smooth process for you.
In light of the developments, I wanted to share some crucial information regarding the services you currently enjoy with us, as well as potential alternatives and partnerships.
Bare Metal Customers:
Your data's security is of paramount importance. To that end, I strongly advise you to initiate an immediate backup of your valuable data. We have engaged with Limestone Networks, who are ready to offer exclusive heavily, discounted bare metal backups. Moreover, they are equipped with immediately available bare metal capacity to address any urgent requirements. Limestone Networks has agreed to assist with migration costs for our valued customers. I encourage you to reach out to Limestone Networks at your earliest convenience. You can contact them via email at sales@limestonenetworks.com or engage with their live chat feature at limestonenetworks.com.Colocation Customers:
For our esteemed colocation customers, I urge you to prioritize the safeguarding of your data by initiating backup procedures without delay in which Limestone Networks backup solutions can help. In this regard, I have personally engaged with Evocative, who have expressed their willingness to directly accommodate our customers. This includes a range of services, from single-slot colocation to full rack and multi-rack solutions. To address your immediate colocation needs, please connect with the relevant parties below:
Full Rack/Multi Rack: jsemmens@evocative.com
For Less Than Full rack: Support@evocative.comRegarding Flexential locations we are working with Flexential and have a verbal that they will not be shutting down services and will work with our customers to accommodate colocation services and or equipment retrieval. We will have a follow up email later today with an additional update.
As we navigate through this challenging period together, I want to extend my deepest gratitude for the loyalty and trust you have placed in DediPath. While the current circumstances are not what any of us anticipated, I want to reassure you that we are fully committed to taking care of our customers to the best of our abilities.
If you have any questions, concerns, or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to our dedicated support team.
I've sent an email to @DediPath so they can ether confirm or deny the legitimacy of this reported closure.
I'll let everybody know when/if I hear back from them.
Reminder to everyone, please back up important data.

NYC: New York City
SJC: San Jose
SEA: Seattle
DEN: Denver
DAL: Dallas
ATL: Atlanta
those virmach data centers are dedipath
virmach's looking glass
Received an answer to my email.
Must be serious with short notice! Shame as it appeared to be one of the few less 💩 providers in those locations!
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This report is true, but fortunately we did not liked what was happening in past 2 months and decided to move out, we still have tons of colo gear with DP, going to try to retrieve them
hostEONS.com - 9 Locations for VPS (US and EU).. Free Blesta License, Free Windows 2019 License and more. Shared DA Hosting. AS142036 .. Ryzen 7950X Based VDS in SLC, LA and Dallas
you need to raid their facilities and snatch it back!
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
I wish i could do that
hostEONS.com - 9 Locations for VPS (US and EU).. Free Blesta License, Free Windows 2019 License and more. Shared DA Hosting. AS142036 .. Ryzen 7950X Based VDS in SLC, LA and Dallas
I don't know how you get to the point where you give your customers 24 hour notice. They are a fairly big company.
linveo.com | Shared Hosting | KVM VPS | Dedicated Servers
People left the company, while it apparently was falling apart.
Plus, hey had outages a few weeks prior.
Speculations are basically, they missed to pay the bills.
Maybe they could negotiate a few weeks.
Who knows.
Its not suddenly.
That's almost zero notice period, it does not seem to make sense for a company of this size.
Been trying to get my equipment out of their for 1 month now and they keep putting my ticket on hold.... Suspect they are reselling client hardware at this point...
Recommended hosts:
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I still think it is quite fishy as well. Although with such short notice, and a confirmation from their rep, I would rather have everyone play it safe, then be sorry they did not.
@VirMach Here's your chance, refugee discount!
Refugees in vir moving to vir refugee program?
Drive one of these, no ticket required.
No hostname left!
he himself needs a refugee offer.
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
Edit: Wrong thread
Stardate 1302.8, San Francisco.
Just as I'm ready to shut the doors of yoursunny summer host sales office and spend the weekend with my snake collection, a customer rushed in.
The customer shouted hurriedly: my NVMe server in AS35913 is dedipooled, data center access is locked out, all my family memories are gone, can you help?
I opened my sleepy eyes, downed a bottle of Dr Pepper, and immediately started helping this customer.
I sent a robot to the garden where her NVMe server was located, and provisioned a new NVMe server in our luna location.
Within seconds, the robot found the original server and plugged into its USB port, and her precious data were being cloned to our infrastructure.
At the same time, I was busy engraving a golden key card that contains a private key to decrypt the data.
15 minutes later, data restoration was complete, and I opened up the portal room.
The customer swiped the card, a colorful cloud appeared on the portal.
Inside, there's a faint wall of text:
She hesitated for a moment, muttered a few words like "YABS" and "double bandwidth", and then walked into the portal.
As the cloud settled, she had been teleported to a fair-use black hole, and would live with her loving family for an eternity.
I checked the accounting record, and saw her remain assets in this world consolidated to our company account.
After all, once she entered the black hole, there's no way out, so she wouldn't need those assets anymore.
The end.
No hostname left!
This is going to be brutal, a lot of providers use Dedipath.
Does anyone have a list of providers that are hosted with Dedipath? It would be a nice heads up for the customers as even some of the providers seems to have been taken totally by surprise by this.
I have like 40 vps's with various providers, I'm pretty sure some of them are hosted at Dedipath but I have heard nothing from them.
hmm I think @ReadyDedis has some of their services with dedipath as the upstream. Here is an example https://ipinfo.io/
AS35913 prefixes, description column can give you some hints.
No hostname left!
If anyone needs any help, please reach out. QuickPacket is in a few of the same cities, and we are exploring adding cabinets in other cities to help the DediPath customers.
QuickPacket - Dedicated Servers in Ashburn, Los Angeles, Chicago
Ditto, we have tons instant setup servers in the same locations and will assist with expediting where we can.
Thought they were doing a special just this month here.
The all seeing eye sees everything...
10 days ago to be exact.
I also thought Dedipath was one of the "bigger" players here. 24 hours notice seems very short. Backup asap
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