Sorry! Mea culpa! I got pretty excited last night when I first saw Hetzner's Cyber Week offer. I almost bought a couple of Hetzner servers last night. Same again this morning.
Last night, in my excitement I first wrote "Redacted" instead of "Hetzner" in this thread's subject. Previously, several times, in markdown for other posts, I had substituted "Redacted" in brackets for "Hetzner" with the accompanying parenthesized Hetzner link and accompanying Hetzner images still intact.
But last night I imagined that links might not work in the subject line. I thought that, if I just left "Redacted" without the link, then some people might be confused. So I removed "Redacted" and posted with Hetzner's name showing in the subject line.
To me, the idea of not mentioning Hetzner was a joke to add to the fun surrounding crunchbits providing me a crunchy server. I guess crunchbits still might be continuing the joke by kidding around about my breaking our agreement? Or maybe I really am a bad person who didn't keep his word?
Sometimes it's really, really hard for me to tell when people are joking and when they are serious. I appreciate that this issue can be reciprocal.
The last thing I want to do is harm crunchbits. If crunchbits thinks I broke our agreement, then crunchbits should please feel free to repossess crunchy or to do whatever else is necessary.
What I have been trying to do with crunchy is to pass her loveliness on to LES community members for free. One aspect of crunchy's loveliness is that her resources might be less constrained than, for example, the resources offered by FreeVPS. But, with free and less limited offers, even beyond mentioning Hetzner or other providers, there seem to be issues surrounding Neighbor identity, use cases, speaking in the public thread, open source software, business use, abuse, and more, including especially my own limited technical abilities.
I imagine that we could continue as is, especially since all of this here might be merely a continued joke. But, looking at the larger picture, perhaps some change going forward could be in everyone's best interest? Please kindly share crunchbits' view of our best way forward!
As always, thanks so much to crunchbits for sponsoring crunchy! Best wishes and kindest regards!
To me, the idea of not mentioning Hetzner was a joke to add to the fun surrounding crunchbits providing me a crunchy server. I guess crunchbits still might be continuing the joke by kidding around about my breaking our agreement? Or maybe I really am a bad person who didn't keep his word?
Sometimes it's really, really hard for me to tell when people are joking and when they are serious. I appreciate that this issue can be reciprocal.
@Nekki said:
Since the deal has been reneged upon, perhaps you can share the details for the purposes of delicious drama?
After volunteering for the Not_Oles meme thread, he got an E3 for a year as a gift. The additional agreement was no more daily Hetzner auction price-match requests in exchange for better CPU, disks being doubled, and DOUBLE THE RAM!
Lawyers have already been dispatched to Guadalajara, Mexico to confiscate all Hetzner login credentials.
@Nekki said:
Since the deal has been reneged upon, perhaps you can share the details for the purposes of delicious drama?
After volunteering for the Not_Oles meme thread, he got an E3 for a year as a gift. The additional agreement was no more daily Hetzner auction price-match requests in exchange for better CPU, disks being doubled, and DOUBLE THE RAM!
Lawyers have already been dispatched to Guadalajara, Mexico to confiscate all Hetzner login credentials.
So basically folks should just harass you daily until you give them cheap/free stuff?
@Nekki said:
Since the deal has been reneged upon, perhaps you can share the details for the purposes of delicious drama?
After volunteering for the Not_Oles meme thread, he got an E3 for a year as a gift. The additional agreement was no more daily Hetzner auction price-match requests in exchange for better CPU, disks being doubled, and DOUBLE THE RAM!
Lawyers have already been dispatched to Guadalajara, Mexico to confiscate all Hetzner login credentials.
So basically folks should just harass you daily until you give them cheap/free stuff?
It takes a certain... finesse. Just a hunch from browsing, but you've probably got it.
I still tried to give something to @AuroraZero but he decided to ignore me. Maybe he doesn't want @Not_Oles's sloppy seconds?
@Nekki said:
Since the deal has been reneged upon, perhaps you can share the details for the purposes of delicious drama?
After volunteering for the Not_Oles meme thread, he got an E3 for a year as a gift. The additional agreement was no more daily Hetzner auction price-match requests in exchange for better CPU, disks being doubled, and DOUBLE THE RAM!
Lawyers have already been dispatched to Guadalajara, Mexico to confiscate all Hetzner login credentials.
So basically folks should just harass you daily until you give them cheap/free stuff?
It takes a certain... finesse. Just a hunch from browsing, but you've probably got it.
I still tried to give something to @AuroraZero but he decided to ignore me. Maybe he doesn't want @Not_Oles's sloppy seconds?
I answered you and ran off like a squirrel in heat
@Nekki said:
Since the deal has been reneged upon, perhaps you can share the details for the purposes of delicious drama?
After volunteering for the Not_Oles meme thread, he got an E3 for a year as a gift. The additional agreement was no more daily Hetzner auction price-match requests in exchange for better CPU, disks being doubled, and DOUBLE THE RAM!
Lawyers have already been dispatched to Guadalajara, Mexico to confiscate all Hetzner login credentials.
So basically folks should just harass you daily until you give them cheap/free stuff?
It takes a certain... finesse. Just a hunch from browsing, but you've probably got it.
I still tried to give something to @AuroraZero but he decided to ignore me. Maybe he doesn't want @Not_Oles's sloppy seconds?
I answered you and ran off like a squirrel in heat
@Nekki said:
Since the deal has been reneged upon, perhaps you can share the details for the purposes of delicious drama?
After volunteering for the Not_Oles meme thread, he got an E3 for a year as a gift. The additional agreement was no more daily Hetzner auction price-match requests in exchange for better CPU, disks being doubled, and DOUBLE THE RAM!
Lawyers have already been dispatched to Guadalajara, Mexico to confiscate all Hetzner login credentials.
So basically folks should just harass you daily until you give them cheap/free stuff?
It takes a certain... finesse. Just a hunch from browsing, but you've probably got it.
Wow. Breaking our agreement not even 1 month in!
NVMe VPS | Ryzen 7950X VDS | Dedicated Servers --
DOT does what he wants.
Squeezed an extra 4TB out of me and then threw me out the door before I even finished buttoning my blouse back up.
NVMe VPS | Ryzen 7950X VDS | Dedicated Servers --
And a processor swap!
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Oh wow, I forgot about that too! Good looking out.
Maybe it's payback because we didn't give in on a /48
NVMe VPS | Ryzen 7950X VDS | Dedicated Servers --
Since the deal has been reneged upon, perhaps you can share the details for the purposes of delicious drama?
Hi @crunchbits!
Sorry! Mea culpa! I got pretty excited last night when I first saw Hetzner's Cyber Week offer. I almost bought a couple of Hetzner servers last night. Same again this morning.
Last night, in my excitement I first wrote "Redacted" instead of "Hetzner" in this thread's subject. Previously, several times, in markdown for other posts, I had substituted "Redacted" in brackets for "Hetzner" with the accompanying parenthesized Hetzner link and accompanying Hetzner images still intact.
But last night I imagined that links might not work in the subject line. I thought that, if I just left "Redacted" without the link, then some people might be confused. So I removed "Redacted" and posted with Hetzner's name showing in the subject line.
To me, the idea of not mentioning Hetzner was a joke to add to the fun surrounding crunchbits providing me a crunchy server. I guess crunchbits still might be continuing the joke by kidding around about my breaking our agreement? Or maybe I really am a bad person who didn't keep his word?
Sometimes it's really, really hard for me to tell when people are joking and when they are serious. I appreciate that this issue can be reciprocal.
The last thing I want to do is harm crunchbits. If crunchbits thinks I broke our agreement, then crunchbits should please feel free to repossess crunchy or to do whatever else is necessary.
What I have been trying to do with crunchy is to pass her loveliness on to LES community members for free. One aspect of crunchy's loveliness is that her resources might be less constrained than, for example, the resources offered by FreeVPS. But, with free and less limited offers, even beyond mentioning Hetzner or other providers, there seem to be issues surrounding Neighbor identity, use cases, speaking in the public thread, open source software, business use, abuse, and more, including especially my own limited technical abilities.
I imagine that we could continue as is, especially since all of this here might be merely a continued joke. But, looking at the larger picture, perhaps some change going forward could be in everyone's best interest? Please kindly share crunchbits' view of our best way forward!
As always, thanks so much to crunchbits for sponsoring crunchy!
Best wishes and kindest regards! 
I hope everyone gets the servers they want!
Friendly Greetings @Not_Oles!
You'll be hearing from our lawyer!
NVMe VPS | Ryzen 7950X VDS | Dedicated Servers --
After volunteering for the Not_Oles meme thread, he got an E3 for a year as a gift. The additional agreement was no more daily Hetzner auction price-match requests in exchange for better CPU, disks being doubled, and DOUBLE THE RAM!
Lawyers have already been dispatched to Guadalajara, Mexico to confiscate all Hetzner login credentials.
NVMe VPS | Ryzen 7950X VDS | Dedicated Servers --
So basically folks should just harass you daily until you give them cheap/free stuff?
Worked for me, took like 3 days of Discord and I got my 6$ VPS! ;')
Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.
It takes a certain... finesse. Just a hunch from browsing, but you've probably got it.
I still tried to give something to @AuroraZero but he decided to ignore me. Maybe he doesn't want @Not_Oles's sloppy seconds?
NVMe VPS | Ryzen 7950X VDS | Dedicated Servers --
Neat. Ordered a EX44 w/ 128GB.
Far more than I was planning to spend but oh well was eyeing the hetzner servers anyway.
Now if only I could recall how I set up proxmox on a single IP....
I answered you and ran off like a squirrel in heat
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Please respond.
NVMe VPS | Ryzen 7950X VDS | Dedicated Servers --
O rly?