MetalVPS at Crunchbits: E3-1245, 2 vCores, 4 GB DDR4 ECC, 1000GB SSD RAID 10, 1 Gbps, $1.01 once!
Friendly greetings! 🌎🌍
Everyone's best friend and favorite Low End Provider, Crunchbits, granted MetalVPS Crunchy, a wonderful US 🇺🇸 dedicated server, free until November 8, 2024!
$1.01 Crunchy VPS Until November 8, 2024!
Please see the Crunchy VPS Specifications shown below. Yabs and network-speed also are posted below.
In addition to your VPS, maybe you could get a traditional shell account on the Crunchy Node.
Please read the Limits, Warnings, and the Terms of Service shown below.
How to Sign Up also is covered below, along with Pricing, Support, and FAQ.
Providing awesome Low Enders with wonderful VPSes is a big part of the idea behind this offer. Additionally, MetalVPS and @Not_Oles hope to promote community discussion of server related topics. Thus, beyond the $1.01 payment, active participation in this thread's discussion also is required.
The Boss at Crunchbits said that MetalVPS is "literally the best deal in town!" Thanks to the Boss for his kind words and for wonderful
Best wishes! 🌎🌍
Crunchy VPS Specs
- CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1245 v5 @ 3.50GHz
- Cores: 2 vCores
- Disk: 1,000 GB SSD RAID 10
- IP Addresses: 1 x NAT IPv4/32; 1 x IPv6/128
- NAT Ports: 10 forwarded ports plus ssh
- Bandwidth: 1 Gbps shared, unlimited, fair use
- Location: Crunchbits, Liberty Lake, WA, USA 🇺🇸
- VPS OS: Debian 12
- VPSes made with: bashvm
- Current Term Expires: November 8, 2024
Only four (4) available VPSes!
➡️ Please entirely skip responding to this offer if your account does not have significant, awesome post and comment history within our wonderful
Low End communities. ⬅️
➡️ Please respond to this
wonderful Crunchy VPS
offer only if you really want to contribute actively to our discussions in this thread. ⬅️
Forever Clueless™ administrator @Not_Oles has no "technical background" and only "limited technical skills. . . ." 😀 @Not_Oles frequently messes up! 😱
MetalVPS has no billing panel and no server control panel. There are no preinstalled VPSes or containers. It's traditional, command line terminal via ssh until you install whatever you want. 🆕 You get a juicy VPS into which you can ssh and install whatever Open Source software you want. Maybe you also can get a traditional shell account on Crunchy.
Sometimes trusted MetalVPSians might or might not get sudo on the Node, KVM group membership, etc. Note that @subenhon has Crunchy Node sudo. 🙈🙉🙊
MetalVPS has no onboarding and no knowledge base. ♒︎
Account delivery might take awhile! 😴
Not for business use! Intended especially for computer learning and fun! 🤑
Frequent maintenance reboots are guaranteed! 🌺 VPSes in this offer are set to restart automatically following reboot.
Please make your own redundant, offsite backups! It's easy to download or sync or clone your backup to a safe place. Please also make sure that you actually can restore from your backups! 🤦♂️
Please think of your MetalVPS account as ephemeral! Our server might blow up! 💥 At any random second @Not_Oles or maybe you might reinstall the Node! 😸
Other MetalVPSians probably will see your name, your location, your account name, the processes you are running, and much other information. So, please do not put confidential information on the server. 🤔
Terms Of Service
- Be awesome! Be kind, gentle, friendly, positive, and polite!
- White Hat only!
- Not for business use!
- Intended for education and fun!
- Active participation in this thread's discussion is required!
- Open source software only, both on MetalVPS and for connecting to MetalVPS!
- No Service Level Agreement (SLA)!
- No refunds!
- Crunchbits TOS also applies!
$1.01 one time until November 8, 2024. This de minimus payment hopefully will discourage abuse.
Paypal payments may be sent to the email address on @Not_Oles' profile. Zelle and Stripe also might work.
Active participation in this thread's server related discussions also is required.
How To Sign Up
Please post here in this thread.
Please include
your ed25519 ssh public key;
link to your website;
links to your Github or other repo, other online profiles, etc.; and
your use case for Crunchy.
Please feel free to include additional items in your sign up request.
Please post all new MetalVPS account requests and all support requests, comments, and feedback here in this thread. Please also post tutorials explaining your Crunchy accomplishments here in this thread or on their own, new LES threads.
LES PMs (personal messages) can be sent to @Not_Oles about items which need privacy.
More About MetalVPS!
MetalVPS is an indie project of @Not_Oles a/k/a Tom Miller a/k/a the Clueless™ guy. 🥰
MetalVPS is not a project of Crunchbits, Hetzner, Low End Spirit, Low End Talk, Low End Box, NodeSeek, or 👨💻
- How did @Not_Oles get a free server from Crunchbits?
- Are Custom ISOs and BSD supported at Crunchbits?
What People Are Saying
- About MetalVPS
". . . I sent a donation of $1.01, just because. Keep doing what you do."
"MetalVPS . . . seems to have endless servers."
"@Not_Oles . . . thank you for providing machine for me to help me finish all the tests."
"I really enjoyed MetalVPS . . . I hope more people can learn together using MetalVPS."
"The permanent free shell account of MetalVPS is very fun!" ("MetalVPS的永久免费shell账号挺好玩的")
"MetalVPS used to be a high end provider, but it's becoming a sorority now."
"fun stuff indeed, appreciating the comfortable computing experience!"
"Nice trial and results! Very interesting "
"Wow pretty nice ! Congrats excellent options thanks for being a part of the community"
"the terms seemed exceptionally fair"
"Kernel Linux 5.11 is now in much better shape for AMD "
"Yes, please. I’ll take that."
"it's really quite dedicated. not all dedicated are the same."
"MetalVPS-AX101 has a reasonable price"
"really need a testing ground badly now especially with dedicated core"
"I've been using this one from him. Highly recommend! His support is really amazing!"
"Grab it while the hotel still has vacant rooms."
- About Not_Oles
"@Not_Oles . . . is doing all kinds of interesting work and sharing it with others"
"@Not_Oles is really a funfull and helpful grandpa!!"
"Really, you're the best person I've known on the internet."
"It was a pleasure for me to collaborate with Tom, he really knows what he's doing "
"Thanks again to @Not_Oles for valiant testing."
"you've brought a smile on my face countless times "
"Good luck with your new project! Happy to have you around here!"
"I always love how you come up with new ideas Good luck, mate!
"May you continue to learn and inspire others."
"he is the sweetest guy in LES .."
"resplendent as the Sonoran Sun"
"every time I visit les and see that profile picture, it brightens up my day."
Thanks to Crunchbits for the wonderful Crunchy server! Even more thanks to Crunchbits for caring about every member of our wonderful Low End Community!
Thanks to @babywhale for bashvm!
Tom gets a lot of help from the friendly MetalVPSians and from many other friends. Thanks to each and every one!
Edit History
Originally posted -- January 4, 2024
Modified offer posted here -- March 11, 2024
Added quote from @root -- March 19, 2024
Fix typo -- May 3, 2024
I hope everyone gets the servers they want!
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIN4emHkCbrDflFRNfNMMVKP9yjxxT2NdqPGKAiEc3AN7 michael@optiplex790-2023-03-09
Thanks @Not_Oles for another chance at allowing us to learn by doing, learn by reading, and learn by LEARNING!
If you don't know already, promoting Privacy Is A Human Right is my passion. I run about a score of servers and most run Tor relays, with one exit currently. I have about half that number of domains but only a handful are active anywhere.
But that's NOT really what I'm learning about atm.
I'm trying to figure out Proxmox and put it on top of a VPS. I only started with this a couple of hours ago and I don't know if I'll dead-end (not deadpool lol) with it (as I frequently do with things that exceed my own complexity vs. time vs. patience formula), but I'd like to continue to work with that if it's even possible.
Tighten up on server security. What works, what doesn't help much, what doesn't help at all, stuff like that.
I want to self-host EVERYTHING! More specifically, I want to de-Google myself as much as possible (referencing my prior formula) and teach others the same, being mindful that free and convenient things sometimes come with a price - your privacy, your data, and maybe more. Doing stuff more privately is HARD! JFK something something....
I discovered Cosmos recently and it was SO EASY and fit right into my formula. I want to tie stuff like that in with my servers and my portable Pixel 8 pseudo-ish Linux machine. Nextcloud, Immich are at the top of that to-do list.
Docker! It seems hard. Those who have really embraced it seem to regret that they didn't get into using it earlier. I'd like to try it more at least.
Stuff like that....
lmk if you have any questions for me. Should I be accepted to rent one, I'll keep all the aforementioned terms in place with my actions: white-hat only, no commercial use, teach others so that I can learn more from others. All the things.
Thanks again Tom!
Privacy is a human right.
Looks fantastic
Wow, Michael, that was fast!
People might think you knew in advance!
But, you didn't.
Or, did you? 
Of course I remember you from the LA servers we had a few weeks ago.
Please send $1.01 via Paypal to the email account on my LES profile. Will get around to activating your Crunchy account. . . .
It's nice to see you again!
Folks, only 3 spaces left!
I hope everyone gets the servers they want!
I hope everyone gets the servers they want!
I hope everyone gets the servers they want!
Hi Not_Oles ! I also would like to have one
There are so many things to learn! Right now i am fighting to bring pure html websites back (instead of php XD). For ex.
I have sent you the money too
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIOQ6a1fln9KCXRXdEJ7O6AUWm4f+wTF1mySLJLjsqFlk eddsa-key-20210809
@cpsd! Hi! Hi! Hi! Excellent! Funds received! It's getting a little late here, so I expect to provision your VPS in the morning, along with two others. Let me know, please, if you also want an account on the Node.
Guys! Only one (1) spot left!
I hope everyone gets the servers they want!
@Lantern1368 Morning Michael! I received your funds sent via Paypal. Thanks for sending! Login info coming soon. . . .
I hope everyone gets the servers they want!
@Lantern1368 You VPS is live! Sending you login info via PM. Let me know if you need anything. I don't think I know yet whether you want an account on the Node. So, when you have time, please tell me. Welcome again!
I hope everyone gets the servers they want!
@cpsd Good morning! Also sent you login info via PM. If you need anything at all, just let me know. Hope you enjoy your Crunchy VPS! Look forward to reading your posts about your Crunchy adventures!
I hope everyone gets the servers they want!
Hi Tom,
Can I have the last spot available please?
Hi! It's yours!
Please send $1.01 via Paypal to the email address on my profile. Then I will provision your VPS. I look forward to reading your contributions to this thread! Thanks for coming to join us at Crinchy!
Best! Tom
I hope everyone gets the servers they want!
Folks, all four VPSes have been assigned. Maybe it will be possible to make a few more VPSes available in a little while, if after we find Crunchy still mostly idling.
I hope everyone gets the servers they want!
Thanks Tom! Sent the payment.
Public key:
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQD2mPrxgor0rlL0+GVhFGABlzdHiDoyptcABV36YkKJjweLR0QiZP8T844uLABKIdxqSA/JFBUElT+JPNXDLwvYpS2uBTXvtKqjH6KRVRU0b4oQ4Sp29Crvq/9p2WxMZLIH8i+g3q1GxJdyxCUvQpYHqhbcyDZ2ikhTaHnjy5NeghjyPl941KXPMmQ/NTBokkX8a3LN9eeX2gtfaaKqmsmkzuKowld5oBomSGdDXWvaim95wXf5RZEGs9Topax3O9cyUwMB9SfmRNRn4K3OjRL2SCEbNTc8gv3Z8/hWoSr5/715gUdDH/5Taz7lZnP6pAXRLKYeWPq59MGCKrQIPltl sahja@SDHC
Hi @sahjanivishal! Thanks for the funding! Sent you login info via PM. Please let us know if you can get in. I'm looking forward to reading here in this thread about your Crunchy adventures! If you need anything, please just let me know. Have fun! Best from New York City and Sonora! 🗽🇺🇸🇲🇽🏜️
Thanks to @crunchbits for wonderful Crunchy!
I hope everyone gets the servers they want!
Hello Guys!
Happy Saturday!
Beautiful Crunchy has been pretty quiet!
So, if nobody minds, and assuming someone wants one, I am thinking about giving out another group of four VPSes as specified in this thread's OP.
@Lantern1368 @cpsd @sahjanivishal What do you think, please?
Thanks to @crunchbits for beautiful Crunchy!
I hope everyone gets the servers they want!
Thanks @cpsd!
@subenhon Apologies! I missed tagging you, but your vote definitely counts.
I hope everyone gets the servers they want!
Yeah, it'd be great to have more people take benefit of Crunchy!
Sure, It would be great
I'm all for it, @Not_Oles
Privacy is a human right.
Got a "yes" on more Neighbors from each of our current Crunchy Neighbors! Also, Crunchy doesn't look especially busy:
So, maybe tomorrow, I will use bashvm to make four more Crunchy VPSes, Specs as per the OP, and then eventually give them out. Might take awhile. Might need a reboot.
If you want a Crunchy VM, please do read the OP, and then please do post here.
Thanks to our wonderful Crunchy Neighbors!
Thanks to @crunchbits for wonderful Crunchy!
I hope everyone gets the servers they want!
Hello! Here is a yabs from newly created Crunchy vm104, which will be the next Crunchy VM to be almost given away for $1.01 until November 8. Thanks to @crunchbits for Crunchy!
I hope everyone gets the servers they want!
Here is network-speed from newly created vm105-crunchy, also up for adoption. Thanks @crunchbits!
I hope everyone gets the servers they want!
Crunchy vm106 and vm107 now seem to be working.
Thanks @crunchbits for wonderful Crunchy! 
I hope everyone gets the servers they want!
I don't want no VPS, but I sent a donation of $1.01, just because. Keep doing what you do.
Stop the planet! I wish to get off!
Received! Wow! Thanks!
I hope everyone gets the servers they want!
Added your kind comment to the OP.
Thanks again!
I hope everyone gets the servers they want!
Hello! Payment received for 104 and 105. The guys on those two VMs have logged in successfully. Two more, 106 and 107, are still available if anyone is interested. Please read the OP before posting. Thanks to @crunchbits for wonderful Crunchy!
I hope everyone gets the servers they want!
I want to buy this configuration you listed, how much does it cost? The forum I just registered is a rookie, but I have purchased the host to set up my own private online game. This configuration is quite satisfactory. It is particularly large and unable to run, suitable for my own single small games, so that I don't need to use a virtual machine.