Presenting yet-another uptime monitoring tool --

Hey all! :)

Building a multi-location monitoring tool is something that's been at the back of my mind for a while now, while there are so so many of them already in the market with various cool features, I still thought why not build yet-another monitoring tool, so well, here goes,


Signup is free, the service is free too.


We're currently monitoring from 3 locations,

  • Paris, New Jersey and Singapore.

Plan on adding more to the mix with 1 more location from Asia, 2 more in the US (West and Central) and 1 in South America or Africa.


  • The monitoring itself works, multi-location checks for each monitor and downtime detection too works.
  • The UI is a bit WIP, but works where required too.

  • There is NO DOWNTIME ALERTING setup/available for now, except within the website itself, "why?" Because I want the service to be solid and not start sending out false alerts on the slightest of increase in monitors/probes, because there's nothing worse than Alert Fatigue. Once I'm sure the service doesn't falter on the alerting/detection logic, I'll enable various Alert Transports like Slack, Telegram, Discord, Webhooks etc for the alerts to get to wherever you like :)

  • This is "mixed" personal project, that's completely built and supported by me but that's owned by my work and most likely should remain free under fair-usage (don't add 1000s of monitors please :)

  • There is no SLA/guarantee -- might/will(?) break, I've pretty much written this over the course of 3-4 days across the past week. Tested it where I can, things do work, but still, might completely break.

Any constructive feedback is welcome :smile: :+1:

CrownCloud - Internet Services | Los Angeles, California | Frankfurt, Germany | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | Atlanta, Georgia | Miami, Florida



  • _MS__MS_ OGSenpai

    Registered, thanks :)

    Thanked by (1)SpeedBus
  • Registered, thanks :)

    Thanked by (1)SpeedBus
  • bikegremlinbikegremlin ModeratorOGContent Writer
    edited December 2023

    My 2c:


    Naked domains make baby Jesus cry.

    Best of luck with the project.

    Thanked by (1)SpeedBus

    Relja of House Novović, the First of His Name, King of the Plains, the Breaker of Chains, WirMach Wolves pack member
    BikeGremlin's web-hosting reviews

  • Looks pretty good! Straightforward UI without shenanigans.

    I've thrown in a bunch of servers, let's see how it goes.

    Thanked by (2)bikegremlin SpeedBus - Public DNSCrypt resolvers hosted by LowEnd providers • Need a free NAT LXC? ->

  • AuroraZeroAuroraZero ModeratorHosting ProviderRetired

    @bikegremlin said:
    My 2c:


    Naked domains make baby Jesus cry.

    Best of luck with the project.

    Also gives the Yeti the diabeetus

    Thanked by (1)bikegremlin
  • Nice project! Added a few sites.

    Thanked by (1)SpeedBus
  • Works well :smile:

    Thanked by (1)SpeedBus
  • @SpeedBus said:
    Hey all! :)

    Building a multi-location monitoring tool is something that's been at the back of my mind for a while now, while there are so so many of them already in the market with various cool features, I still thought why not build yet-another monitoring tool, so well, here goes,


    Signup is free, the service is free too.


    We're currently monitoring from 3 locations,

    • Paris, New Jersey and Singapore.

    Plan on adding more to the mix with 1 more location from Asia, 2 more in the US (West and Central) and 1 in South America or Africa.


    • The monitoring itself works, multi-location checks for each monitor and downtime detection too works.
    • The UI is a bit WIP, but works where required too.

    • There is NO DOWNTIME ALERTING setup/available for now, except within the website itself, "why?" Because I want the service to be solid and not start sending out false alerts on the slightest of increase in monitors/probes, because there's nothing worse than Alert Fatigue. Once I'm sure the service doesn't falter on the alerting/detection logic, I'll enable various Alert Transports like Slack, Telegram, Discord, Webhooks etc for the alerts to get to wherever you like :)

    • This is "mixed" personal project, that's completely built and supported by me but that's owned by my work and most likely should remain free under fair-usage (don't add 1000s of monitors please :)

    • There is no SLA/guarantee -- might/will(?) break, I've pretty much written this over the course of 3-4 days across the past week. Tested it where I can, things do work, but still, might completely break.

    Any constructive feedback is welcome :smile: :+1:

    I registered and my website requires mtls and a log in. I'm not sure how to add this. 😕 it just shows up. And it seems there's no way to provide these info...

    Thanked by (1)SpeedBus
  • havochavoc OGContent WriterSenpai

    About half the buttons on the site don't work? Can't navigate to what is presumably a simple static page - pricing. Stats page - endless spinning logo.

    Harsh perhaps...but an uptime site...has to be UP...and functional...

    Thanked by (2)carlin0 SpeedBus
  • Yep, a hard pre-alpha stage. Get your basics done properly and oush it to the beta at least.

    Thanked by (1)SpeedBus
  • UI looks good as always, expecting to see the completed version in the near future <3

    Thanked by (1)SpeedBus
  • SpeedBusSpeedBus Hosting ProviderOG

    Hi all,

    Thanks for the feedback, it is much appreciated. I do apologize for the lack of updates, the past week I've spent time tidying up the backend, preventing random odd things that were happening :)

    The statistics page was put in to give a bit of insight to the status of the project (ie, checks are running/processing live etc), but I feel now that without any labels on the 3 columns it doesn't explain much, I'll work on this soon too.

    The primary goal of this post/introduction was to check if the backend and basic functions can handle their functions well enough (hence the disabled alert transports etc), Looking at the home page, it has been very WIP, and so far has been a 2nd goal of mine, but I do understand that it's important and gives more credibility to the project as well. I'll be shifting my focus onto this now.

    The pricing page etc will be removed, we don't have any pricing plans in mind for the moment :)

    Just to summarise what works,

    • checks are running live
    • you can add hosts
    • you can edit hosts (rename/set custom name, change hostname)
    • and downtime detection is working too.

    More updates to follow in the coming days :+1:

    Thanked by (4)amj bikegremlin 0xC7 carlin0

    CrownCloud - Internet Services | Los Angeles, California | Frankfurt, Germany | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | Atlanta, Georgia | Miami, Florida

  • I created a monitor but get 500 errors when trying to manage it

    Thanked by (1)SpeedBus

    Lead Platform Architect at the day job, Ethical Hacker/Bug Bounty Hunter on the side

  • SpeedBusSpeedBus Hosting ProviderOG

    @vitobotta said:
    I created a monitor but get 500 errors when trying to manage it

    Thanks for reporting, has been fixed, was an issue with the uptime calculation logic when the hostname is just added in :)

    CrownCloud - Internet Services | Los Angeles, California | Frankfurt, Germany | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | Atlanta, Georgia | Miami, Florida

  • AuroraZeroAuroraZero ModeratorHosting ProviderRetired

    @SpeedBus said:

    Thanks for reporting, has been fixed, was an issue with the uptime calculation logic when the hostname is just added in :)

    If you need a hand man let me know. I have some time the next couple weeks and would not mind helping out

    Thanked by (2)bikegremlin SpeedBus
  • SpeedBusSpeedBus Hosting ProviderOG

    Hey all,
    Just an update on this, a lot of work on the backend the past month to allow to function well enough without much intervention / maintenance being required, and so far it seems to have helped, 39306678 (39 million!) checks completed so far :)

    Dark Mode is now available as well under the profile section once logged in, a 4th monitoring probe was added in last month as well.

    I also aim to keep the changelog ( updated with the latest changes/updates pushed in.

    With downtime detection now working well enough, I'm looking forward to moving towards Alert Transports this month, so that we can start testing out alerts delivery as well :)

    After which I suppose I can add in HTTP status code checks and then SSL certificate checks.

    A big thanks to everyone's feedback and suggestions in this thread and everyone who has used the service as well.

    More updates to follow! :)

    Thanked by (4)Brueggus Decicus amj _MS_

    CrownCloud - Internet Services | Los Angeles, California | Frankfurt, Germany | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | Atlanta, Georgia | Miami, Florida

  • JabJab Senpai
    edited January 2024

    I think I broke something - on purpose I've added 2 monitors for currently offline services... 15 minutes later they show 100% uptime and status up.
    308 309

    Thanked by (1)SpeedBus

    Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.

  • @SpeedBus said:
    Hey all! :)

    Building a multi-location monitoring tool is something that's been at the back of my mind for a while now, while there are so so many of them already in the market with various cool features, I still thought why not build yet-another monitoring tool, so well, here goes,


    Signup is free, the service is free too.


    We're currently monitoring from 3 locations,

    • Paris, New Jersey and Singapore.

    Plan on adding more to the mix with 1 more location from Asia, 2 more in the US (West and Central) and 1 in South America or Africa.


    • The monitoring itself works, multi-location checks for each monitor and downtime detection too works.
    • The UI is a bit WIP, but works where required too.

    • There is NO DOWNTIME ALERTING setup/available for now, except within the website itself, "why?" Because I want the service to be solid and not start sending out false alerts on the slightest of increase in monitors/probes, because there's nothing worse than Alert Fatigue. Once I'm sure the service doesn't falter on the alerting/detection logic, I'll enable various Alert Transports like Slack, Telegram, Discord, Webhooks etc for the alerts to get to wherever you like :)

    • This is "mixed" personal project, that's completely built and supported by me but that's owned by my work and most likely should remain free under fair-usage (don't add 1000s of monitors please :)

    • There is no SLA/guarantee -- might/will(?) break, I've pretty much written this over the course of 3-4 days across the past week. Tested it where I can, things do work, but still, might completely break.

    Any constructive feedback is welcome :smile: :+1:

    Do you want a small server for a probe?

    Thanked by (2)bikegremlin SpeedBus

    C1V Hosting: Low cost Italian Cloud & Data Center Solutions 🚀 | Contact us for special offers. | Our deals on Telegram

  • Good luck with the project :)

    Thanked by (1)SpeedBus
  • SpeedBusSpeedBus Hosting ProviderOG

    @Jab said:
    I think I broke something - on purpose I've added 2 monitors for currently offline services... 15 minutes later they show 100% uptime and status up.
    308 309

    Ah I see what happened here -- so basically, when a probe is added in, it's assumed to be "UP" and uptime initialized as 100%, and then the downtime falls downwards from there, while this usually works fine, the bug you mentioned is quite interesting for sure where the monitor is down right from minute 1. Let me think of a way around this (ideally, I can assume the uptime to be 0% when the monitor is added and then grow from there too I guess?)

    CrownCloud - Internet Services | Los Angeles, California | Frankfurt, Germany | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | Atlanta, Georgia | Miami, Florida

  • edited January 2024

    What language are you writing the test agents/site backend in? What's the tech stack?

    Thanked by (1)SpeedBus
  • SpeedBusSpeedBus Hosting ProviderOG

    @LowEnd said:
    What language are you writing the test agents/site backend in? What's the tech stack?

    The frontend/website side is all Laravel and a mix of some plain PHP scripts to handle some tasks/cleanup etc, the backend test agents are written in Golang :)

    Thanked by (1)LowEnd

    CrownCloud - Internet Services | Los Angeles, California | Frankfurt, Germany | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | Atlanta, Georgia | Miami, Florida

  • SpeedBusSpeedBus Hosting ProviderOG

    Just wanted to place in a small update, made quite a few changes on the backend over the past months, re-wrote the remaining php bits into golang to scale much much better than before.

    Downtime tracking has been pretty spot on I feel, but would like some more feedback on this to see if there's any further areas to improve on.

    There still aren't any alert transports enabled, but I aim to have this available soon as the backend code exists for all this (Slack/Telegram/Ntfy), just need some more hosts added to the monitoring system to see / verify that it scales well enough :)

    Open to more feedback/suggestions :)

    Thanked by (1)ialexpw

    CrownCloud - Internet Services | Los Angeles, California | Frankfurt, Germany | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | Atlanta, Georgia | Miami, Florida

  • AlexhostcomAlexhostcom Hosting Provider
    edited September 2024


    Nice project! Hope it stays for long time! Is great to see new and nice features than traditional competitors.

    There is a way to support your project? Like giving servers in different locations (maybe)?
    We can provide a server for you to be added in your list, are you accepting that?

    If yes, your page doesn't have any contact details.

    Best Regards,

    Thanked by (1)SpeedBus
  • @SpeedBus said:
    just need some more hosts added to the monitoring system to see / verify that it scales well enough

    Challenge accepted :)

    Thanked by (1)SpeedBus - Public DNSCrypt resolvers hosted by LowEnd providers • Need a free NAT LXC? ->

  • edited September 2024

    @SpeedBus said:
    just need some more hosts added to the monitoring system to see / verify that it scales well enough :)

    U sure? Is this maybe too much?

    Thanked by (1)SpeedBus
  • Please add TCP SSL check so that we can check expiring smtp ssl cert.

    Thanked by (1)SpeedBus
  • SpeedBusSpeedBus Hosting ProviderOG

    @zgato said:

    U sure? Is this maybe too much?

    It's fine, you can add them in, no issues at all, worst or best case, I learn if the backend can handle the load or not, rather than running into the same issue years/months later hehe :)

    @Alexhostcom said:

    Nice project! Hope it stays for long time! Is great to see new and nice features than traditional competitors.

    There is a way to support your project? Like giving servers in different locations (maybe)?
    We can provide a server for you to be added in your list, are you accepting that?

    If yes, your page doesn't have any contact details.

    Best Regards,

    Thank you for the kind words! :+1:
    Once I'm sure of the backend scaling well enough, I would be open to adding in some servers for the monitoring for sure, please feel free to use the tool for your usage too so we can learn/verify about the backend :)

    @Brueggus said:

    Challenge accepted :)

    Sounds good! Do let me know how it goes! :+1:

    @legendary said:
    Please add TCP SSL check so that we can check expiring smtp ssl cert.

    Added to the todo list along with http status tracking too -- Thanks! :+1:

    CrownCloud - Internet Services | Los Angeles, California | Frankfurt, Germany | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | Atlanta, Georgia | Miami, Florida

  • AuroraZeroAuroraZero ModeratorHosting ProviderRetired

    @SpeedBus = legendary

    Thanked by (1)SpeedBus
  • SpeedBusSpeedBus Hosting ProviderOG

    @AuroraZero said:
    @SpeedBus = legendary

    hehe thank you <3 :)

    CrownCloud - Internet Services | Los Angeles, California | Frankfurt, Germany | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | Atlanta, Georgia | Miami, Florida

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