Sadface: Inception Hosting is ceasing operations as of 15th January 2025



  • FreekFreek Senpai

    @Neoon said:

    hmmm wait a bit, someone told me they got the refund last week, I got mine today.

    Perhaps you misunderstood my message but I received too much refund. I received more money than I should. They sent the same refund twice.

  • NeoonNeoon OGSenpai

    @Freek said:

    Perhaps you misunderstood my message but I received too much refund. I received more money than I should. They sent the same refund twice.

    Ah I see, then maybe tag him here.

  • @Freek said:

    Perhaps you misunderstood my message but I received too much refund. I received more money than I should. They sent the same refund twice.

    BTW, I got the refund last week, but my credit card shows a payment transaction that got declined and a successful refund transaction, so it seems to be fine in the end - just not sure, why there also was a declined payment transaction.

  • FreekFreek Senpai

    @Neoon said:

    Ah I see, then maybe tag him here.

    I did :)

  • Constantly bombarder with those reminder emails... annoying.

    Thanked by (1)ralf
  • @cmeerw said:
    Also got it now. I think this is important:

    Thanks for that!

    ... and

    wanted to reach out ahead of Black Friday, (...)

    is also very considerate.

    You have 9 active service(s) with us

    ... and never had a problem with any of them

    The (closed by now) NAT "mini" VPS in Japan was the first VPS I could afford, back then.

    Thanks for all the fish, it has been a pleasure!

    The above post turns out to have been in draft for the last couple of months, must have pressed "Preview", instead of the "Post" button.

    Anyway, I came back to the thread to point people towards, as I had some trouble finding it back (I recalled it was by Anthony, and searched posts by @InceptionHosting , but the post is actually by the LES Blog :-P

    For me disk-to-disk copy one way or another did not work for any of my VPSs, but it did work with an intermediate step, writing a disk image to a third computer and consecutively dd from the third computer to the new VPS. Any idea what could be the matter?

    Thanked by (1)AlwaysSkint
  • @cmeerw said:

    BTW, I got the refund last week, but my credit card shows a payment transaction that got declined and a successful refund transaction, so it seems to be fine in the end - just not sure, why there also was a declined payment transaction.

    It might be worth checking what transactions are actually in the bank before you start paying anything back.

    My phone alerted me to the refunds last week a day after the email came saying they'd be paid, but I was busy and didn't check my account. Late last night the banking app popped up another message about a refund, and according to the app I have 2 refunds (one for each service) dated today and I can't find the ones from last week that it'd previously told me about. Maybe something went weird with all the refund transactions and they got reverted and then redone?

    Either way, in my case I think it's very generous already. I actually got both of my services on BF 2022, so they should both have expired a month ago. Instead they both get extended until January 15th, even the one I'd already marked for deletion in the control panel. And somehow I still got refunded for the 2 weeks between the e-mail and my expiry date, even though I don't believe I should have got anything.

    One thing that's interesting is that my old Inception Hosting servers seemed to be closer to the "real Clouvider" network than the new replacement Clouvdider VPS I've got. My pings to Oracle London and even Clouvider's iperf server have all gone up from 0.5ms to 1.0ms. Still pretty good though and the new machines are otherwise massively better specs. Still a shame the legacy branding couldn't have been allowed to continue.

    Thanked by (1)AlwaysSkint
  • AlwaysSkintAlwaysSkint OGSenpai
    edited January 6

    It's the killing of the internal DA license that's been the pain point, for me. I finally got the sites migrated to a different panel. It's not that DA isn't without its quirks and flaws, just that it was good to have a commercial panel in place. So bye bye DA and the only cPanel that I have left are to act as synchronised master nameservers. I've been trialing Hestia as nameservers but it's not as good (no 2 Masters+slaves), nor intuitive (Records admin).

    Big kudos for the Inception->Clouvider coupon discounts, though I've settled on two (better) VPS compared to the previous four.

    It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
    NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)

  • @ralf said: Still a shame the legacy branding couldn't have been allowed to continue.

    Yeah, a shame. I liked the implications of the name a lot :-D

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