VirMach - Complain - Moan - Praise - Chit Chat



  • skorousskorous OGSenpai
    edited January 14

    Jon is that you?

    EDIT: Damn auto-correct.

  • FrankZFrankZ ModeratorOG
    edited January 14

    @Newyawker said:
    I encourage you to present your version of what happened over the last few years that took Virmach on LET from being the king of bargain VPSes to a pariah.

    A wall of text would be required for all the details.

    The short version, way I heard it, is that Jon is a dick. When he was still running Colo-Crossings and the VirMach contract came up for renewal he raised VirMach's rates by ~3x. VirMach left Colo-Crossing and Jon and Raindog308 then conducted a smear campaign on OGF in retaliation, so VirMach left LET. VirMach has recently stated that when Jon no longer owns the OGF he will return there.

    Personally I expect that this had something to do with RackNerd becoming Jon's new best friend around this time. Because $$$$.

    I should also note that even before the above happened there were two groups of members on LET regarding VirMach. They were commonly refereed to as the lovers [licking dogs] and the haters.

    EDIT: I really should not have said the crossed out part above. I reacted poorly. Apologies to everyone.

    For staff assistance or support issues please use the helpdesk ticket system at

  • cybertechcybertech OGBenchmark King

    thats fucked up really. dont know about the $$$$, but racknerd has better support and stability albeit with much older CPUs.

    I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.

  • edited January 14

    @cybertech said:
    thats fucked up really. dont know about the $$$$, but racknerd has better support and stability albeit with much older CPUs.

    Some of us were screwed by Dustin the felon from the Alpharacks/Woothosting days and won't buy RN. And the best deals from from Virmach for VPSs to play with are still cheaper.

    Thanked by (2)imok someTom
  • FrankZFrankZ ModeratorOG

    @cybertech said: racknerd has better support

    Last I heard, they don't use in-house support, they use BobCares which is actually pretty good. Their higher prices charged, and older lower cost servers allows money to be spent on this outside support and other things. That is not a knock on RackNerd, it's just two different companies with two different business plans.

    Thanked by (1)someTom

    For staff assistance or support issues please use the helpdesk ticket system at

  • cybertechcybertech OGBenchmark King
    edited January 14

    @Newyawker said:

    Some of us were screwed by Dustin the felon from the Alpharacks/Woothosting days and won't buy RN. And the best deals from from Virmach for VPSs to play with are still cheaper.

    my point being Virmach should not be cheaper if overall stability and support is on par, given that he runs solely on Ryzen, and many of the locations actually utilize better network than many providers as i have compared.

    thats a huge pity.

    however time is ticking and 3900/3950/5900/5950X are starting to trail off against latest Ryzen and EPYC Milan / Genoa in terms of speed and contention ratio.

    i still enjoy YABSing the $7 deals with downtime expectations but not much more.

    end of coffee talk

    I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.

  • @FrankZ said:

    Last I heard, they don't use in-house support, they use BobCares which is actually pretty good. Their higher prices charged, and older lower cost servers allows money to be spent on this outside support and other things. That is not a knock on RackNerd, it's just two different companies with two different business plans.

    Do they?
    My interactions so far has been with tons of Indians with fake names 😂
    And they are really poor when there is actually an issue, and 90% of the times, I have to escalate directly to Dustin for a resolution.

  • FrankZFrankZ ModeratorOG
    edited January 14

    @sh97 Not sure how to respond. As BobCares is out of India.

    For staff assistance or support issues please use the helpdesk ticket system at

  • @FrankZ said:
    @sh97 Not sure how to respond. As BobCares is out of India.

    That makes sense, wow.

    And you know what's even more suprising for me? They are based out of Kochi, which is just like an hour away.

    But still, my support experience hasn't been the best. Sure, you get sub 10 minutes responses, but for anything even remotely "complex", it has to be escalated to Dustin or Anthony.

  • qpsqps Hosting ProviderOG

    @FrankZ said: When he was still running Colo-Crossings

    He's "officially back" since HostPapa took over.

    Thanked by (2)skorous FrankZ

    QuickPacket - Dedicated Servers in Ashburn, Los Angeles, Chicago

  • skorousskorous OGSenpai

    @FrankZ said:

    A wall of text would be required for all the details.

    The short version, way I heard it, is that Jon is a dick. When he was still running Colo-Crossings and the VirMach contract came up for renewal he raised VirMach's rates by ~3x. VirMach left Colo-Crossing and Jon and Raindog308 then conducted a smear campaign on OGF in retaliation, so VirMach left LET. VirMach has recently stated that when Jon no longer owns the OGF he will return there.

    Personally I expect that this had something to do with RackNerd becoming Jon's new best friend around this time. Because $$$$.

    I should also note that even before the above happened there were two groups of members on LET regarding VirMach. They were commonly refereed to as the lovers [licking dogs] and the haters.

    EDIT: I really should not have said the crossed out part above. I reacted poorly. Apologies to everyone.

    Not sure why you felt the need to apologize but if it makes you feel better. That's pretty much how I remember it and would have said the same thing just with more antipathy. Oh, and the part where CC canceled a bunch of things abruptly.

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider
    edited January 14

    @FrankZ said:

    A wall of text would be required for all the details.

    The short version, way I heard it, is that Jon is a dick. When he was still running Colo-Crossings and the VirMach contract came up for renewal he raised VirMach's rates by ~3x. VirMach left Colo-Crossing and Jon and Raindog308 then conducted a smear campaign on OGF in retaliation, so VirMach left LET. VirMach has recently stated that when Jon no longer owns the OGF he will return there.

    Personally I expect that this had something to do with RackNerd becoming Jon's new best friend around this time. Because $$$$.

    I should also note that even before the above happened there were two groups of members on LET regarding VirMach. They were commonly refereed to as the lovers [licking dogs] and the haters.

    EDIT: I really should not have said the crossed out part above. I reacted poorly. Apologies to everyone.

    There's a public lawsuit/filing somewhere, this is my attempt at paraphrasing it how I remember. All of the below is alleged in the lawsuit, and again I'm just going based off memory so this should be taken as such, and it doesn't include everything.

    • There was an agreement where Windows DC licensing was provided with some servers, and there was supposed to be some protections/procedures in place if Microsoft raised pricing. If removed, the actual cost needed to be subtracted from services. There needed to be proper notice and evidence provided of the previous price and new price. This was not followed (abrupt, huge increase, no evidence, tiny discount for removal.)
    • Some services were cancelled per requirements but cancellation was ignored/not processed and services continued being billed. Services were cancelled per the agreement (kept longer at a loss per the previous issue, but still not cancelled.)
    • Some services that were not cancelled, under a different agreement, under a different account managed/signed for by a different person, and paid for, were abruptly cancelled after erroneous bills (for those properly cancelled on the other account) were no longer paid for after cancellation on the other account.


    This is vaguely how I remember it. All alleged and could be wrong. These numbers are not perfect, they're ballparks. Let's say we paid $X per unit for something. We paid $X+60% per unit for something else that included something on top. They wanted to change the $X+60% per unit to something like $X+200% per unit, or take away the "something included on top" and discount it to $X+35% per unit instead of bringing it down to $X per unit. These were permitted to be cancelled in two ways, either with a 6 to 10 month notice or every 2 years on precise dates with X days advanced noticed in a specific way. They were cancelled exactly like that, and cancellations ignored. They wanted us to continue paying for everything we properly cancelled, not receive the "something on top" but continue effectively paying for most of it. This was obviously not realistic in any way. The "something included on top" was also abruptly removed multiple times for multiple months with no resolution or proper credits, which cost us a lot of money.

    Rumor has it that they took these same servers and rented them to another company (this is all highly speculative) later on. At a lower rate than what we asked for ($X, which we were guaranteed per contract, we weren't asking for a random discount.) They refused, they would rather do this instead, and lose money doing it.

    On top of this, they obviously allegedly did a few disgusting things on top, which was the hit pieces, as well as powering back on servers to pretend we were using them and to make it to where our customers could still log in to their VPS. This caused many customers to cancel their services with us since they could just use it indefinitely for free (the Ryzen would cancel, they could keep using the old service for as long as it ran, I heard they kept it up for as long as a year plus.) Then of course after they finally took it down we also received more negative reviews and complaints from customers for not contacting them before it eventually being taken down. They allegedly also did not remove us from the abuse contact for the IPv4, we might be receiving them to this day (I assume this is so they can ignore abuse, we told many entities including some federal agencies that these aren't ours so they should have easily noticed.)

    @sh97 said:
    AMSD034 down?

    Yes, looking into it. Sorry for the extra wait, still setting everything up (was flying when it happened.)

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider
    edited January 14

    @qps said:

    He's "officially back" since HostPapa took over.

    What I heard is he kept the Buffalo datacenter, made more money renting everything to the company that bought them for their IPv4 (and didn't care about the Buffalo datacenter.) So he never left. Just rebranded under some other company. And indirectly. Our lawyer was looking into it and he noticed "something weird" in regards to that and that's why I believe they sued Deluxe, as well as this shell company or whatever you want to call it, as well as JB directly to cover all bases.

    I'm going to add in something fun into all this, HostPapa wanted to acquire us. We had a meeting, I wasn't really interested in selling, I was wondering what the process would look like and they brought on so many people in a meeting and just me on our side. Their technical expert or whatever was arguing with me that E5-2620v4 or whatever specific processor was X cores and I kept correcting him which bothered him. Of course I was right and I didn't let it go, he eventually looked it up and realized he was wrong, but I mostly just annoyed everyone and that finally got them to stop calling and emailing me constantly.

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    Looks like customer abused service, I offered to reduce suspension fee as a courtesy in some cases, and I assume it was taken out of context. Or would all the other customers on Tokyo storage server prefer we let him continue breaking AUP and degrade their services? If I moved him to LAX then I know with the better RAID controller, more disks, it could potentially have a lower impact even if the abuse re-occurs. I think it wasn't the first time something happened with that service either, or do we waive fees forever and just keep warning even though what's being ran on there should at least be on a larger share service (even if abuse doesn't occur, the normal non-abusive portions are still high usage.)

    Why is there only one complaint like this right now, if it's assumed we're just doing this to everyone there's 500-1000 missing threads for storage services.

  • Gracias por el chisme.

    Thanked by (1)FrankZ
  • roseyysaroseyysa Retired
    edited January 14

    @cybertech said:
    however time is ticking and 3900/3950/5900/5950X are starting to trail off against latest Ryzen and EPYC Milan / Genoa in terms of speed and contention ratio.

    Totally agree, his appeal is declining. Especially since you could get 2 cores 9950X VPS for $7 last month.

    @VirMach said:
    Why is there only one complaint like this right now, if it's assumed we're just doing this to everyone there's 500-1000 missing threads for storage services.

    Don't forget, this thread is already 339 pages.

  • FrankZFrankZ ModeratorOG

    @skorous said: Not sure why you felt the need to apologize ....

    It was not my story to tell.

    Thanked by (1)skorous

    For staff assistance or support issues please use the helpdesk ticket system at

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    @roseyysa said:

    Totally agree, his appeal is declining. Especially since you could get 2 cores 9950X VPS for $7 last month.

    Totally agree, still waiting for you to elaborate.

    @VirMach said:

    Link all of them selling 7950X w/ 1 IPv4 for $7 a year and I'll consider it.

    Anyway I'm mostly confused by your comments when taken as a whole, it sounds like you don't like VirMach, and our prices are higher for worse specifications, bad support, and everything is boring, but you hung around for the sale, maybe even bought something, what's the full story?

    @roseyysa said: Don't forget, this thread is already 339 pages.

    How many more pages until we go out of business?

  • FrankZFrankZ ModeratorOG
    edited January 14

    When people act like dicks for no particular reason it raises flags for me that they are using an account that they don't care about, which most times means they have more than one, so I go looking.
    @roseyysa was retired for having multiple accounts.

    For staff assistance or support issues please use the helpdesk ticket system at

  • xTomxTom Hosting Provider

    @VirMach said: From my understanding, they have NTT East Komagome connected to the other facility they operate out of which is Equinix TY8.

    Indeed, our new server facility is located at NTT East Komagome and the network is connected from Equinix TY8.

    █ xTom - - Global Dedicated Servers, Colocation and IP Transit. | Subscribe our newsletter
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  • qpsqps Hosting ProviderOG

    @VirMach said: Our lawyer was looking into it

    Are you/Virmach still involved in a lawsuit against them?

    QuickPacket - Dedicated Servers in Ashburn, Los Angeles, Chicago

  • JabJab Senpai

    (into) Thu, 16 Jan 2025 11:18:00 -0800 NYCB032 is currently having an issue causing several reboots. We're investigating.

    Thanked by (1)FrankZ

    Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    @qps said:

    Are you/Virmach still involved in a lawsuit against them?

    It went pretty much exactly as you'd think it would go with a small company going after one a thousand times larger. I'm usually the type of person who would not care and do what's right, regardless of the costs, but it was beginning to present a non-zero risk to our customers I was not willing to take (if we fight until the end and run short, I personally would not care what that implies for me, I didn't like what it implied for our customers and they didn't sign up for that risk & already went through enough.)

    So that decision was made before the point of no return. Legally speaking it's not a simple yes or no, there's a spectrum of "no" and we'd be somewhere there.

  • JabJab Senpai

    @Jab said:

    Update -- some issues have been identified. We're evaluating the situation and may either proceed with hardware replacement or migration to a stable node.

    Thanked by (1)FrankZ

    Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.

  • FrankZFrankZ ModeratorOG
    edited January 16

    @Jab said:

    Update -- some issues have been identified. We're evaluating the situation and may either proceed with hardware replacement or migration to a stable node.

    I set up one of my secondary inbound only mail servers and a 4th copy backup server on this node yesterday. Then I went to sleep.
    Just woke up to find the node down and Jab's message.
    Please note: EU spammers will see slightly increased latency on the secondary MX until this issue is resolved.

    Thanked by (2)ZA_capetown Kris

    For staff assistance or support issues please use the helpdesk ticket system at

  • JabJab Senpai

    @FrankZ said: I set up one of my secondary inbound only mail servers and a 4th copy backup server on this node yesterday.

    All I can see is FrankZ admitting to breaking the node due to abuse. Please VirMach suspend all his Europe based services as I don't want my servers to get broken too (-:

    Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.

  • FrankZFrankZ ModeratorOG
    edited January 16

    For staff assistance or support issues please use the helpdesk ticket system at

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    @FrankZ probably has a VPS on every single node, I can't believe he keeps breaking them all.

  • @VirMach said:
    @FrankZ probably has a VPS on every single node, I can't believe he keeps breaking them all.

    Now now
    Virmach = Frankz

    It's already been proven

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