Scaleway launches 2USD VPS

Nothing super special but the fact that it's a more established player will attract some I think
1 vCPU, 1GB of RAM, an IP address (IPv4), 10GB of local storage and up to 100Mbps of bandwidth
Thanked by (1)SuriCloud
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And here I am, (ab)using the crap out of the 2 bucks a month Start-2-S-SATA dedi for close to 2 years now
Scaleway only mentions €0.0025 per hour and not monthly billing, I wonder why.
Because that's their new thing, monthly billing is gone, it's all hourly now. But yeah, it's stupid that they don't show how much per month even if just for convenience, have to use a calculator to check.
Can anyone here explain me how does hourly pricing work i mean if i am not using the vps what i have to do to stop billing? Is there minimum period that you have to use it for one time like 4 hours minimum billing etc etc
Want free vps ?
i think $2 / year
Even while stopped you will be charged for storage and IP, so would need to detach and delete those. And it might be tricky to restore the storage contents afterwards, because there's no "Reinstall" function. So it's easier to just delete the VPS entirely if you don't need it.
As for the minimum billing amount, I think it's 0.01 EUR, unless they changed it along with all the other recent changes.
These are cheaper than 2eur failover IPs for their dedis; Interesting!
I guess I can run haproxy for some isolation from the dedis.
Gotem with my clickbait title
The rules vary by cloud/provider. Definitely beneficial because you can spin up bigger machines for ad hoc tasks.
also there's only one 2.10$-instance allowed per user - so i'm already losing MILLIONS!
Also, it will be $4 by the end of the year
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No surprises about that, it's scaleway after all.
Because they suck ass.
PS: With all due respect.