*OFFICIAL* BFCM 2021 Offers - The "All You Can Eat" thread



  • vyasvyas OGSenpai
    edited November 2021

    @Falzo said:

    Too much partying?

    Thanked by (1)visualwebtechno
  • @vyas said:
    @Falzo said:

    Too much partying?

    bought a new laptop (planned), an additional NVMe (opportunity) and some vps (impulsive)...

    anyone needs 4 core, 8GB, 160GB ssd with an awesome provider in Dronten at cheap-as-shit yearly pricing? 🙈

  • cybertechcybertech OGBenchmark King

    glad i got the entire build before BF as the savings were minimal , and avoid peak shipping times. just waiting for the worlds slowest PCIE 4.0 NVMe to arrive

    I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.

  • gleertgleert Hosting Provider

    FLASH SALE - 6GB NVMe VPS - 45 €/year recurring

    • 6 GB RAM
    • 3 CPU Cores (AMD EPYC 7452)
    • 90 GB NVMe
    • 15 TB Traffic
    • 1 Gbps port speed
    • 1 IPv4
    • /64 IPv6
    • KVM
    • Dronten - The Netherlands

    45 €/year (+vat if applicable)

    Coupon Code: 1IYRSF6Y1Z

    Quantity: 10 (First to pay will get the VPS)


    Our VPSes (ask for a recurring coupon code) Mailchannels low volume plans

  • @gleert said:

    FLASH SALE - 6GB NVMe VPS - 45 €/year recurring

    • 6 GB RAM
    • 3 CPU Cores (AMD EPYC 7452)
    • 90 GB NVMe
    • 15 TB Traffic
    • 1 Gbps port speed
    • 1 IPv4
    • /64 IPv6
    • KVM
    • Dronten - The Netherlands

    45 €/year (+vat if applicable)

    Coupon Code: 1IYRSF6Y1Z

    Quantity: 10 (First to pay will get the VPS)


  • YmpkerYmpker OGContent WriterSenpai

    @Falzo said:

    I was kinda "lucky" this time. Only changed my mobile sim contract and skipped all other sales :)

  • @Ympker said:

    I was kinda "lucky" this time. Only changed my mobile sim contract and skipped all other sales :)

    yeah, to be fair I also managed to skip a lot of tempting stuff and more or less only took what was planned for anyway. on top got quite lucky to get what I wanted at decent pricing.

    Thanked by (1)Ympker
  • @Ympker said:
    I was kinda "lucky" this time. Only changed my mobile sim contract and skipped all other sales :)

    What did you get? I caved to congstar's "Cyber Deal" from freenet FUNK; pricing made sense with Telekom.

    Thanked by (1)Ympker
  • vyasvyas OGSenpai

    My BF Hosting Purchases have ruined my overall BF budget.

    Had plans for a couple of Appsumo purchases. Not anymore.

    Thanked by (1)bdl
  • I still managed to stay sane during this BF, still 0 deals bought..

    Thanked by (2)vyas Ouji

    A simple uptime dashboard using UptimeRobot API https://upy.duo.ovh
    Currently using VPS from BuyVM, GreenCloudVPS, Gullo's, Hetzner, HostHatch, InceptionHosting, LetBox, MaxKVM, MrVM, VirMach.

  • gleertgleert Hosting Provider

    @chocolateshirt said:
    I still managed to stay sane during this BF, still 0 deals bought..

    What are you looking for?

    Thanked by (1)seb

    Our VPSes (ask for a recurring coupon code) Mailchannels low volume plans

  • @gleert said:

    What are you looking for?

    Something beefy VPS with nested virt enabled. Maybe 4 vCPU (single core GB5 more than 900), 8 GB RAM, and more than 100 GB NVMe/SSD with attractive annual price.

    A simple uptime dashboard using UptimeRobot API https://upy.duo.ovh
    Currently using VPS from BuyVM, GreenCloudVPS, Gullo's, Hetzner, HostHatch, InceptionHosting, LetBox, MaxKVM, MrVM, VirMach.

  • gleertgleert Hosting Provider

    @chocolateshirt said:

    Something beefy VPS with nested virt enabled. Maybe 4 vCPU (single core GB5 more than 900), 8 GB RAM, and more than 100 GB NVMe/SSD with attractive annual price.

    Good luck!

    Our VPSes (ask for a recurring coupon code) Mailchannels low volume plans

  • @vyas said: Had plans for a couple of Appsumo purchases. Not anymore.

    What were you planning there?

  • @chocolateshirt said: attractive annual price.

    What counts as attractive?

  • @Falzo said:

    bought a new laptop (planned), an additional NVMe (opportunity) and some vps (impulsive)...

    anyone needs 4 core, 8GB, 160GB ssd with an awesome provider in Dronten at cheap-as-shit yearly pricing? 🙈

    What's the cost?

  • @gleert said:

    What are you looking for?

    a 2vCore and 4GB RAM with NVME and low bandwidth would be attractive, too.

  • @Falzo said:

    everything ok?

    Thanked by (1)Falzo
  • visualwebtechnovisualwebtechno Hosting ProviderOG
    edited November 2021

    Next round Flash Deals Visualwebtechnologies.com 2021
    LowEnd Black-Friday 2021

    DirectAdmin Reseller Hosting
    DirectAdmin Reseller Package1
    Disk Space - 25GB (PM me your Order Number will Free Extra 10GB Storage)
    Bandwidth - 3TB (PM me your Order Number will Free Extra 2TB Bandwidth)
    Sub Accounts - Unlimited (Limit is your Disk Space!)
    Control Panel - DirectAdmin
    SSL Certificates - FREE Letsencrypt Certificates
    United States DC, Singapore
    Couponcode: vyas-21


  • YmpkerYmpker OGContent WriterSenpai
    edited November 2021

    @berkay said:

    What did you get? I caved to congstar's "Cyber Deal" from freenet FUNK; pricing made sense with Telekom.

    Sim.de 10GB LTE Allnet Flat + SMS for 7,99€/mo. Freenet Funk is temtping but dont need that much.

    Thanked by (1)berkay
  • @contactwajeeh said:

    What's the cost?

    you mean that vps? it's the naranjatech @gleert flash sale from yesterday, 48€ yearly. I already have such a box from last years BF and it's great. yesterday I was accidentically right there when it was offered, so obviously I was weakened enough already and bought another one. now I am still trying to figure what to do with it. just installed mint+mate on it for bollocks...

  • edited November 2021

    @gleert said:

    Good luck!

    Thank you.

    @Mr_Tom said:

    What counts as attractive?

    Around €60 per year.

    A simple uptime dashboard using UptimeRobot API https://upy.duo.ovh
    Currently using VPS from BuyVM, GreenCloudVPS, Gullo's, Hetzner, HostHatch, InceptionHosting, LetBox, MaxKVM, MrVM, VirMach.

  • @chocolateshirt said: Around €60 per year.

    Ah I can't go that attractive sorry

    Thanked by (1)chocolateshirt
  • hosthatchhosthatch Hosting Provider

    @Daniel said:

    cloud. is their new one but AFAIK they haven't migrated existing VPSes over yet. Their older one is built on top of SolusVM whereas the new one is completely standalone.

    Their offers are good, they're just not insane like last year. They're building brand new servers with the latest AMD EPYC processors, so I don't blame them for charging a bit more.

    Last year I got 3 cores (1 dedicated), 16GB RAM, 80GB NVMe, 5TB transfer for $60/year whereas this year it's 4 cores (2 dedicated), 16GB RAM, 100GB NVMe, 20TB transfer for $115/year. 2 dedicated EPYC cores are tempting, and I'm still thinking of getting it, but it may not be worth paying nearly double the price...

    I'll give you some background maths here.

    64 GB DDR3 = ~$125
    64 GB DDR4 = $325

    2x E5-2690v2 = $300
    1x AMD 7443 = $2000+ (if you get lucky enough to find it somewhere, otherwise its 4-6+ weeks to get your hands on it at the moment)

    The cost of the latest generation Dell EMC servers to run these is also much higher. Gen4 NVMes also cost more than Gen3 NVMes.

    The plans last year were/are honestly more profitable for us. If you have one and would like to continue using it, you're more than welcome to.

    But with that being said, I am truly curious, is there any provider doing better NVMe deals with regards to $/RAM? I only know of the German providers who are doing similar deals, but they come around $12/month (?) while ours comes to around $9.6/month.

    Same question for storage....is there anyone doing lower $/TB than our 2021 deals, or is the comparison limited to our deals in 2020 vs our deals in 2021?

  • I'm not really looking at non storage deals so I can't answer the previous question but

    @hosthatch said:
    Same question for storage....is there anyone doing lower $/TB than our 2021 deals, or is the comparison limited to our deals in 2020 vs our deals in 2021?

    There are cheaper 1TB (albeit IPv6 only) and 2TB BF deals around (although still, you guys are cheaper than those if paid biannually!), there are also at least 2 cheaper dedicated offers (in terms of price per terabyte per month, however, these are at least 70ish EUR/m), but as far as storage VPS over 2TB are concerned, your prices are still unbeatable :)
    Details: https://talk.lowendspirit.com/discussion/comment/76474/#Comment_76474

    Contribute your idling VPS/dedi (link), Android (link) or iOS (link) devices to medical research

  • @Daniel said:

    Right now I'm paying US$12/month (~£107/year) for 4 cores (Ryzen 5950x), 8 GB RAM and 500 GB NVMe with Wishosting, and my only problem with it is that it's in France and OVH's routing to me isn't the greatest. Was hoping to find something for a similar price (maybe slightly cheaper) in the USA if I'm more flexible with the disk space (eg. 300GB instead of 500GB, and regular SSD is fine instead of NVME, or maybe even SSD cached is OK).

    Unfortunately Hosthatch's deals are quite unbalanced in terms of RAM to disk ($115/year for 16GB RAM but only 100GB disk) otherwise I'd pick up a new VPS with them, particularly as it has two dedicated cores.

    Many things previous year was cheaper. This is the market. if equipment, electricity and ip are more expensive, then the price of a VPS will be more expensive. In this case, it is not correct to compare at all, since CPU, memory and disk are from different manufacturer batches and have different capacities. Too many factors affect the price.

  • edited November 2021

    @hosthatch said:

    I'll give you some background maths here.

    64 GB DDR3 = ~$125
    64 GB DDR4 = $325

    2x E5-2690v2 = $300
    1x AMD 7443 = $2000+ (if you get lucky enough to find it somewhere, otherwise its 4-6+ weeks to get your hands on it at the moment)

    The cost of the latest generation Dell EMC servers to run these is also much higher. Gen4 NVMes also cost more than Gen3 NVMes.

    The plans last year were/are honestly more profitable for us. If you have one and would like to continue using it, you're more than welcome to.

    But with that being said, I am truly curious, is there any provider doing better NVMe deals with regards to $/RAM? I only know of the German providers who are doing similar deals, but they come around $12/month (?) while ours comes to around $9.6/month.

    Same question for storage....is there anyone doing lower $/TB than our 2021 deals, or is the comparison limited to our deals in 2020 vs our deals in 2021?

    I think what anybody cares about is the price for upgrading, ofc for an increased price as you pointed out, but something more tangible. For many there might be the question of whether to cancel the old ones which are due in December/January and order a new one now, or not order a replacement and upgrade.

  • hosthatchhosthatch Hosting Provider

    @chimichurri said: There are cheaper 1TB (albeit IPv6 only)

    Can't really compete with that :)

    @chimichurri said: 2TB BF deals

    We might have some flash deals tomorrow or Monday that might be better, but only a few will be available and not in all locations.

    @chimichurri said: 2 cheaper dedicated offers

    Depends on how you look at it. A 16 TB drive on a dedicated server will give you ~14.5 TB usable storage. So it comes to around 1.44 USD per TB if maths isn't wrong. There would be world-ending events happening if we sold a 16 TB VPS that came with 14.5 TB usable storage.

  • ofitofit OG
    edited November 2021

    @hosthatch said:

    I'll give you some background maths here.

    64 GB DDR3 = ~$125
    64 GB DDR4 = $325

    2x E5-2690v2 = $300
    1x AMD 7443 = $2000+ (if you get lucky enough to find it somewhere, otherwise its 4-6+ weeks to get your hands on it at the moment)

    The cost of the latest generation Dell EMC servers to run these is also much higher. Gen4 NVMes also cost more than Gen3 NVMes.

    The plans last year were/are honestly more profitable for us. If you have one and would like to continue using it, you're more than welcome to.

    But with that being said, I am truly curious, is there any provider doing better NVMe deals with regards to $/RAM? I only know of the German providers who are doing similar deals, but they come around $12/month (?) while ours comes to around $9.6/month.

    Same question for storage....is there anyone doing lower $/TB than our 2021 deals, or is the comparison limited to our deals in 2020 vs our deals in 2021?

    You are one of the best vps provider on the market!!! I'm used you about 3-4 year but because of my internet provider (only 1 wired provider on my location) slow speed on evening on 90% VPS stop in past year.

    Thanked by (1)chocolateshirt
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