*OFFICIAL* BFCM 2021 Offers - The "All You Can Eat" thread



  • I installed mailbird but cannot find the referral code yet.

  • edited November 2021

    nvm, it was already posted here

    Contribute your idling VPS/dedi (link), Android (link) or iOS (link) devices to medical research

  • @localhost said: Wow. Would love to get the 80% code if available?

    It seems that you already get a better code :) Nevertheless, here's mine to anyone who need it: BFCM80XX9DMFP

    I tried the _trick _mentioned by @Falzo, the highest I can get without entering the link is 66 > 71% and it's super rare. You must be super ultra mega lucky to get 75 > 80% :'(

    Thanked by (2)casadebamburojo cece
  • Got bored and did it, here's my 95% code should any need BFCM95XX9UJFZ

    Thanked by (1)casadebamburojo
  • cybertechcybertech OGBenchmark King


    I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.

  • edited November 2021

    Can this code be applied to business version as well?

    Anyone willing to share a 95% code, I tried but couldnt get past 75%

  • If anyone get a 95% code, please send me a PM.
    Cannot go past 80.

  • vyasvyas OGSenpai

    @contactwajeeh said:
    Can this code be applied to business version as well?

    Anyone willing to share a 95% code, I tried but couldn't get past 75%

    might be a geoip issue.I get max 62 percent, and then LinkedIn link to 'encourage' me to post and get extra 15 percent.

    I am going to use Rambox- open source, far happier with it.

  • @Iroshan464 said:
    If anyone get a 95% code, please send me a PM.
    Cannot go past 80.

    if you get to 80 than that's max anyway. simply put in the linkedin comment and link to get to 95 from there.

  • @vyas said:

    might be a geoip issue.I get max 62 percent, and then LinkedIn link to 'encourage' me to post and get extra 15 percent.

    I am going to use Rambox- open source, far happier with it.

    Thanks will look in to rambox

  • vyasvyas OGSenpai

    @contactwajeeh said:

    Thanks will look in to rambox

    They also have a BF offer going on- 30% off on Pro plan. Then also there is Franz from Austria.

  • @Falzo said:

    if you get to 80 than that's max anyway. simply put in the linkedin comment and link to get to 95 from there.

    That is with the LinkedIn.

  • @Iroshan464 said:

    That is with the LinkedIn.

    then you need to try harder... open in incognito, wait for the first spin. if does not got to 75, close it and try again. I think it took less than 100 tries to have it pop up finally. obviously won't work in the same regular browser, as it puts some cookie.

    Thanked by (1)Iroshan464
  • SGrafSGraf Hosting ProviderServices Provider
    edited November 2021


    • 15GB SSD Storage
    • 250GB Monthly Transfer
    • 5 Websites
    • 10 User Accounts
    • 3 Mysql Databases
    • 1 Postgres Database
    • Location: Netherlands / US
    • Promo code: BF2021Hosting
    • €4 - First YEAR


    Thanked by (2)Brueggus Ympker

    MyRoot.PW ★ Dedicated Servers ★ LIR-Services ★ | ★ SiteTide Web-Hosting ★
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  • @Falzo said:

    another app? to be fair I have no idea if I should buy it. used to use gmail and outlook via browser nowadays. not even opening outlook anymore very often... what about the integration/messenger part. does this thing try to be a multimessenger as well?

    eM Client 50% off

    eM Client seems a good alternative. I personally don't like a unified inbox.

  • @Falzo said:

    thanks for the info, I already use Franz Messenger for that. afaik there are quite some of these apps around which use electron as framework to call the web versions of all the regular messengers...

    @localhost I'll send you my 95% code via PM ;-)

    That's gracious @Falzo ... appreciate it.

  • vyasvyas OGSenpai

    Aravan cloud CDN.
    BF offer ends tomorrow.

    “ Charge your account now and get from 10% to 30% EXTRA credit immediately.

    Get %10 more credit for every €10 payment.
    Get %20 more credit for every €25 payment.
    Get %30 more credit for every €50 payment. ”


    Thanked by (2)Ympker Abdullah
  • @Leftup said:

    eM Client 50% off

    eM Client seems a good alternative. I personally don't like a unified inbox.

    This is not lifetime upgrade, this is why it is so cheap.

    A simple uptime dashboard using UptimeRobot API https://upy.duo.ovh
    Currently using VPS from BuyVM, GreenCloudVPS, Gullo's, Hetzner, HostHatch, InceptionHosting, LetBox, MaxKVM, MrVM, VirMach.

  • @chocolateshirt said:

    This is not lifetime upgrade, this is why it is so cheap.

    It's a One-time payment tho, but yeah, not really a lifetime.
    Only valid for the current major version (ver. 8)
    But I think it's not too bad

    Thanked by (1)chocolateshirt
  • We need some more LES Exclusive deals!

    Thanked by (2)webcraft Mr_Tom
  • visualwebtechnovisualwebtechno Hosting ProviderOG

    cPanel Reseller Hosting Flash Deal

    Create up to 10 cPanel hosting accounts.
    30 GB SSD Disk Space
    2 TB Monthly Transfer (FREE Double the bandwidth, just PM me your invoice number)
    10 cPanel Accounts
    Free SSL Certificates
    CloudLinux Powered
    SoftaculousScript Installer
    cPanel & WHM Control Panel
    Nginx Web Server
    Location USA
    Offer price $22/Year
    Stock : 10
    Promocode : BF2021CPReseller

  • Finally got my 95% off code for Mailbird

    If anyone needs it, I came across a 90 percent discount twice:

    https://duck.com (aff)
    https://ecosia.org (aff) Plant trees from home.
    "If you are not paying for a product then you are the product."

  • edited November 2021

    @mikho is missing in action.

    i have pm'ed him, ticket him, spoke to his wife nothing?

    @InceptionHosting @Mason do you know if he's well ? and can type ?

    maybe he has been working too hard.

    Thanked by (2)Falzo Ympker
  • Hm, is Mailbird worth the hazzle? I didn't get past 71 % ...

  • YmpkerYmpker OGContent WriterSenpai

    @ehab said:
    @mikho is missing in action.

    i have pm'ed him, ticket him, spoke to his wife nothing?

    @InceptionHosting @Mason do you know if he's well ? and can type ?

    maybe he has been working too hard.

    I hope all is well with him :)
    Best wishes @mikho !

    Thanked by (1)webcraft
  • MasonMason AdministratorOG

    @ehab said:
    @Mason do you know if he's well ? and can type ?

    Haven't heard from him for a little while either. I reached out to him in our Discord chat a few days ago but nothing yet. I'm sure he's good and will check in with us soon.

    Thanked by (4)ehab mfs Ympker vyas

    Head Janitor @ LES • AboutRulesSupport

  • vyasvyas OGSenpai
    edited November 2021

    Not specifically BF but Pushrcdn have a $10 credit upon sign up.

    Edit: LET feels like the overcrowded bar in a nightclub. You have to fight your way through, some people have attitude issues, and if you don’t bartenders eye, you don’t get any drink.

    LES is more like a bar in a club. More Relaxed. Maybe these days I prefer the latter.

  • @vyas said:
    Not specifically BF but Pushrcdn have a $10 credit upon sign up.

    Edit: LET feels like the overcrowded bar in a nightclub. You have to fight your way through, some people have attitude issues, and if you don’t bartenders eye, you don’t get any drink.

    LES is more like a bar in a club. More Relaxed. Maybe these days I prefer the latter.

    Which has the more attractive crowd? B)

  • vyasvyas OGSenpai
    edited November 2021

    @user123 said:

    Which has the more attractive crowd? B)

    Do you prefer just eye candy or actual action?

  • MasonMason AdministratorOG

    @vyas said:
    LES is more like a bar in a club. More Relaxed. Maybe these days I prefer the latter.

    Gonna be honest, I went into this BF very unprepared. Didn't really have any solid plans as you can probably tell. Would have liked to set something up more formalized and herd the cats beforehand, but I've just had way too much going on lately. Probably a good indicator that it's time to bring on some additional help (not so much for moderation since everything is very easy going here, but more so for the event coordination and outreach).

    BUT I'm still happy with how things turned out anyways. Wasn't overwhelming with offers here, but there was still a healthy amount and people seemed to get some great deals. I may try and pull a small something together for Christmas and/or New Years, we'll see.

    I tried checking out the OGF yesterday but was simply lost in the craziness. Checked the main BF and the Virmach threads but had trouble finding any offers/deals buried in the thousands of random posts. Seemed like the online equivalent of those black friday videos you see with rivers of people trampling each other at Walmart. Some people might like the rush that all brings, but not me personally.

    Anywho... I appreciate everyone here -- members, providers, lurkers, et al. You guys rock! Couple more days of festivities as Cyber Monday approaches in a few hours. Thanks again, all!

    Head Janitor @ LES • AboutRulesSupport

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