[Site Improvements] Quick poll on "Mark All Viewed" button
Howdy ho!
Just trying to see if anyone actually uses the "Mark All Viewed" button and finds it useful. Basically if you hit it, it just marks every thread on the page as "viewed" so any future comments show up as "new".
Personally, I don't find it particularly useful and have only hit it a couple times by complete accident. Thinking about removing it so it is no longer eating up space in the nav bar, so please complete the poll questions so I can gauge how such an action would be perceived.
Will keep alive for 24-48 hours and make a decision afterwards.
Cheers and thank you,
Mark All Viewed sentiment poll.
- Have you ever used the "Mark All Viewed" button on purpose?88 votes
- Yes51.14%
- No23.86%
- Didn't even notice its existence25.00%
- Would you care if it was removed?88 votes
- Not at all, kill it with fire46.59%
- Yes, please don't remove53.41%
Thanked by (1)_MS_
This discussion has been closed.
Everyone is going to click it now before it gets deleted
Lol indeed FOMO at its finest.
If a significant number of users (33%+) actively use it and find it helpful, I'll keep it.
If a small number of users (10%+) actively use it and find it helpful, I'll try and find some way to put it in the sidebar instead perhaps.
If barely anyone (<10%) actively use it, then I'll remove it completely, sorry y'all
edit: so far, a lot more people are using it that I initially thought :P
Head Janitor @ LES • About • Rules • Support
I believe quite a lot of users use it... that's one of the first thing people complained when I moved it somewhere when developing Vanilla theme
食之无味 弃之可惜 - Too arduous to relish, too wasteful to discard.
So it seems! I'm honestly quite surprised. Personally, I hate it because I accidentally press it all the time and miss replies.
Maybe instead I'll look into figuring out how to add a dialogue box to confirm the button press. Best of both worlds then -- people who use it can keep using it, and people like me who are idiots can hit 'No' when we fat finger it.
Head Janitor @ LES • About • Rules • Support
Maybe change the background and move it somewhere else to avoid those "accidents" ??
“Technology is best when it brings people together.” – Matt Mullenweg
It's usually at the bottom.
Relja of House Novović, the First of His Name, King of the Plains, the Breaker of Chains, WirMach Wolves pack member
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Interesting, that's a good option if I can easily implement it.
Head Janitor @ LES • About • Rules • Support
I'm fine with moving it to the bottom (or sidebar if that's easier) if it's possible to do that, but I'd prefer that it not be removed.
QuickPacket - Dedicated Servers in Ashburn, Los Angeles, Chicago
Could you please properly align elements bellow?
I don't see how it can be clicked by accident, unless you admins have another button next to it that we normal users don't have
Anyways, it can be moved to the bottom since it also exists under the Account Options menu if anyone wants to reach it up top.
Please don't underestimate my stupidity
Head Janitor @ LES • About • Rules • Support
... or my inability to see where the mouse cursor actually is
Website: thomassen.sh
@Martiin, "duck you" button plz.
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Okay, I'll change your custom tag to a duck and when people click it, it'll reset your 'Thanks' counter to zero. Sound good, or were you thinking something else?
Head Janitor @ LES • About • Rules • Support
This. 100%. I live in constant fear of accidentally clicking that button
it's a matter of habbits and how (often) you use a forum like this.
think of it this way: if you click 'mark all viewed' every time before you leave the board, aka after you read all that is of interest to you, you can easily see what's really new the next time you come here, and pick from the topics that have new additions.
if you visit multiple times daily it can help a lot with keeping track.
TL;DR; please don't remove or make it too complicated to click it, it has it's purpose for quite some of us.
Same as Falzo, I use it every time I visit so the following time I can quickly see what threads have been updated. It's fine by me if you add a confirmation after clicking it, just please don't remove it.
Please don't remove that button.
Please stop the planet! I wish to get off!
Don't worry guys, it's not getting axed. Didn't realize so many people actually used it
Head Janitor @ LES • About • Rules • Support
I use it so much that even if there was 1 thread unread, I'll hit the "Mark All Viewed" button
Yeah mark all viewed is an important function especially in some super busy communities i visit, can get overwhelming.
I'm fine with keeping it but a prompt to ask "are you sure" would be nice. I've accidentally clicked it a couple times.
Cheap dedis are my drug, and I'm too far gone to turn back.
Good idea. Since I want something like this too, I whipped up a quick userscript:
Works with Violentmonkey at least. I imagine it's compatible with the other userscript managers.
Website: thomassen.sh
Definitely a keeper.
Although I've pressed it quite a few times by mistake in the past 🤦🏻♂️
But it's still a pretty neat feature, and needs to stay.
Once again showing you are the real MVP here. Thank you!
Cheap dedis are my drug, and I'm too far gone to turn back.
This is one of my most-used things. What is really needed is "ignore thread".
I don't think that's needed here right?
Maybe somewhere else
I have used it, but I don't find it particularly useful. An option to ignore thread/topic would be highly welcome ...
@Mason maybe just add a rule to your ad-blocker to hide it in your browser? ;-)