Go to control panel and reinstall. It may be fixed now but when I tried to install Debian 11, I got that error because of some trouble with the installer. I installed Debian 10 instead and then upgraded with apt-get, and that worked.
But no matter what OS I use, it's the same result.
Anyone with Seattle server? I'm having some packet loss but maybe is the Tokyo hype? :-) ... I'm SEA001... I definitely can wait, only to know if this is reported already. P.D. Getting some data with Librenms
@goldmonkey said:
Hello,But no matter what OS I use, it's the same result.
I don't know which node you are on, but I'm on node TYOC040,
some os of the template are still broken
I have tried this step, and it works:
1. Enter the client area
2. Change the boot order to 1. cd rom 2. hard drive
3. change the iso to the desired OS, for example Ubuntu 20.04
4. reboot
5. go to vps control panel(solusvm), and open vnc
6. From vnc, install the OS, then when there is a textbox archive, change it to http://jp.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu (this is useful when updating & upgrading, to make it faster)
7. Continue until finished, the system will reboot automatically, but fail (dont worry)
8. if vps is offline, you have to manually boot from control panel
9. login to ssh. update & upgrade. done
@VirMach said:
All order IDs should be activated. If you provided order ID and it's not activated, let me know. If you provided anything other than order ID, I can't immediately activate it right now but I'll probably go through each location in bulk anyway at some point in time so you'll receive your service most likely, you just have to be more patient.
Is the storage server activated by the invoice number here? My tracking number #1412760
@Mainly said: Is the storage server activated by the invoice number here? My tracking number #1412760
Storage servers are not part of this offer. They were a pre-order offer on the OGF and have not been delivered yet. There is no estimated delivery date that I am aware of on storage servers. You will need to wait or ask for a refund.
@atemp1 said:
Sure happy to see you here!
And my order ID is: #560703 and my order number is 9906668560
@VirMach said:
All order IDs should be activated. If you provided order ID and it's not activated, let me know. If you provided anything other than order ID, I can't immediately activate it right now but I'll probably go through each location in bulk anyway at some point in time so you'll receive your service most likely, you just have to be more patient.
Sorry to disturb but my service is still in pending even though I've provided with the information you noted...
Could you please help me with it, thanks a lot and appreciate your help!
Relax and do not worry. Virmach is fair. He will sort something out.
Wait slowly and enjoy the ship cruise. 🚢
Worst case is that you should be refunded. 💲
If nothing goes wrong, the ship should dock shortly ⚓ and your chicken will hatch. 🐔
Cocktails waiting in the harbour. 🍸
@NaGi said: Why does my VPS start without any response,SSH cannot be connected#560658
I would expect that your VPS had a problem with the O/S install. You should connect by VNC using TightVNC or similar VNC program, not the html5VNC in the panel, and see why you VPS is not available.
VNC can't be connected. I'm in tyoc033. Maybe the hard disk hasn't been repaired yet
Hello, I've encountered this "'grub_calloc' symbol not found." error during the re-install process.
Could you help me re-install the system? Thank you.
I've also opened a ticket, #551307, please check, thank you.
That's a lot of noise from a couple that thought they'd circumvent the rules and whole point of the LES promotion. Good riddance. So bashing on at Virmach is unfair and bloats the discussion, as far as I'm concerned. A cease & desist should come from the mods, IMHO.
However, when doing a yum update and with another ssh session, the screen & session froze. That's an indication of some packet loss. I don't have a Japanese IP offhand, to try an MTR, for closer inspection. Flagging @Virmach though he may already be aware of any issues there and things are likely to settle down anyway.
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
Alright... I think I got this thread somewhat cleaned up. If you notice your comment is gone, then I deemed it part of the derail-a-thon that occurred over the last few hours.
The word of the day today is:
If you posted your order # / invoice #, great! Wait for activation or some other communication from @VirMach. This is not a support system so posting Ticket #'s will not get you expedited help -- in fact, I'm pretty sure it'll do the opposite and you'll find yourself at the bottom of the queue.
If you ordered the product here from an affiliate link that didn't state the requirements to be a LES user and post the information here, just post your order/invoice # and wait. Instruct anyone else that ordered through those links to do the same. I can't speak for @VirMach, but I don't see why your ordered wouldn't be processed and activated as normal. Just be patient.
Approving a bunch of new registrations and reopening this now, let's see how this goes. In general, we rely on community/self-moderation, but when that devolves into "shut up", "no, you shut up", then the badmins have to step in and mop up the mess. So let's try to keep it clean, y'all
@Mason said:
Alright... I think I got this thread somewhat cleaned up. If you notice your comment is gone, then I deemed it part of the derail-a-thon that occurred over the last few hours.
The word of the day today is:
If you posted your order # / invoice #, great! Wait for activation or some other communication from @VirMach. This is not a support system so posting Ticket #'s will not get you expedited help -- in fact, I'm pretty sure it'll do the opposite and you'll find yourself at the bottom of the queue.
If you ordered the product here from an affiliate link that didn't state the requirements to be a LES user and post the information here, just post your order/invoice # and wait. Instruct anyone else that ordered through those links to do the same. I can't speak for @VirMach, but I don't see why your ordered wouldn't be processed and activated as normal. Just be patient.
Approving a bunch of new registrations and reopening this now, let's see how this goes. In general, we rely on community/self-moderation, but when that devolves into "shut up", "no, you shut up", then the badmins have to step in and mop up the mess. So let's try to keep it clean, y'all
So, I still hope that the person in charge of @VirMach company should be aware of the emergence of this problem. And can tell you that the so-called exclusive offer links are now being moved to other sites by people in this forum. If you can read Chinese, you can go to the following link to check, of course, you may be able to use a text translator. https://hostloc.com/thread-999293-1-1.html
I hope @VirMach takes a good look at his own order system and not someone else insulting me and calling me stupid.
@fan said:
One slightly off topic question, saw people mentioning migration of San Jose nodes (SJKVM4, 12, etc.), but no migration email for me so far (mine's on SJKVM3), will other nodes get migrated sometime in the future?
Currently thinking about requesting a location change due to mediocre download speed from other locations (upload is fine), but will hold off for now if there's planned migration.
San Jose CC has always been terrible and they always ignored us. Anyway, I've been meaning to send an updated email for these. I'll try to do it today. You should also hopefully see a button available on your end to migrate without data sooner as option as well.
@goldmonkey said:
Hi ,my order sn is 4885747348,thanks.
Hello,my vps is always display in vnc:
Boot failed: not a bootable disk.
"Power down" the VM first then try to re-install. I don't know if this a SolusVM bug or what or expected behavior but if the system hangs like that sometimes it needs a hard reset.
@flips said:
I pre-ordered a Special 2560 in the NL earlier (in March).
It's pending ... Interestingly the hostname is Hurtful Near ...
Good to see you here, @VirMach ! Great offers!
I pre-ordered this back when status was SHIPPING or SHIPPED (don't recall exactly). From comments in this thread, it seems NL/AMS should be active by now? (No particular rush on my part, just curious, and hope I'm not forgotten ...) 😅🤔😎
This is all on UPS. They've been ready so long but UPS freight is terrible, and no one there knows what they're doing and they just circlejerk cc'ing 20 other people to solve the problem. I did finally get someone to accept the packages for us in Amsterdam so I can finally just send them, without brokerage service or freight. They'll be sent 1-3 day so it's very soon hopefully. Don't quote me on this please, I could be wrong.
@Unixfy said:
Is anyone else getting nonstop rate limited by Cloudflare? I always get the rate-limit error after trying to log into the client area...
I'm even getting rate limited and I'm whitelisted mostly. I went a little overboard because of how bad the denial of service attacks were and I'll try to lift some restrictions soon but I have some PTSD about it.
@cybertech said:
almalinux 8.5 (graphical) installer does not boot, both ISO and via netboot.
on ISO mount it just stays offline
on netboot it downloads the image but gets stuck on some initialization
Have you tried non-graphical? Even when I'm setting up nodes it goes into this mode if there's any limitations. For me, it's limitation to the IPMI CD image uploaded from our office, for you it might be memory.
@VirMach said: Have you tried non-graphical? Even when I'm setting up nodes it goes into this mode if there's any limitations. For me, it's limitation to the IPMI CD image uploaded from our office, for you it might be memory.
Since I commented earlier that it worked for me, I wanted to add that I was on the 4gig plan.
@Mason said:
Alright... I think I got this thread somewhat cleaned up. If you notice your comment is gone, then I deemed it part of the derail-a-thon that occurred over the last few hours.
The word of the day today is:
If you posted your order # / invoice #, great! Wait for activation or some other communication from @VirMach. This is not a support system so posting Ticket #'s will not get you expedited help -- in fact, I'm pretty sure it'll do the opposite and you'll find yourself at the bottom of the queue.
If you ordered the product here from an affiliate link that didn't state the requirements to be a LES user and post the information here, just post your order/invoice # and wait. Instruct anyone else that ordered through those links to do the same. I can't speak for @VirMach, but I don't see why your ordered wouldn't be processed and activated as normal. Just be patient.
Approving a bunch of new registrations and reopening this now, let's see how this goes. In general, we rely on community/self-moderation, but when that devolves into "shut up", "no, you shut up", then the badmins have to step in and mop up the mess. So let's try to keep it clean, y'all
So, I still hope that the person in charge of @virmach company should be aware of the emergence of this problem. And can tell you that the so-called exclusive offer links are now being moved to other sites by people in this forum. If you can read Chinese, you can go to the following link to check, of course, you may be able to use a text translator. https://hostloc.com/thread-999293-1-1.html
I hope @virmach takes a good look at his own order system and not someone else insulting me and calling me stupid.
I understand your frustration and am also disappointed the sale was shared elsewhere (even though it literally says in the post copied to hostloc to not post it elsewhere). But if anyone read that post on hostloc (or elsewhere) and didn't realize they had to register and post their order information here to get it activated, then that is completely on the buyer for not paying closer attention.
Having only the affiliates order link with no other information is a different story as I agree, it'd be good to either disable aff sales on the exclusive product range entirely or add some kind of checkbox linking to the original rules and asking if you've read them.
Hello,But no matter what OS I use, it's the same result.
Thanks.> @willie said:
But no matter what OS I use, it's the same result.
Some sweet performance in Denver:
Booted the Alma 8.5 iso on my box in Denver to a graphical install just fine just FWIW. Didn't try netboot.xyz.
Anyone with Seattle server? I'm having some packet loss but maybe is the Tokyo hype? :-) ... I'm SEA001... I definitely can wait, only to know if this is reported already. P.D. Getting some data with Librenms
I don't know which node you are on, but I'm on node TYOC040,
some os of the template are still broken
I have tried this step, and it works:
1. Enter the client area
2. Change the boot order to 1. cd rom 2. hard drive
3. change the iso to the desired OS, for example Ubuntu 20.04
4. reboot
5. go to vps control panel(solusvm), and open vnc
6. From vnc, install the OS, then when there is a textbox archive, change it to http://jp.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu (this is useful when updating & upgrading, to make it faster)
7. Continue until finished, the system will reboot automatically, but fail (dont worry)
8. if vps is offline, you have to manually boot from control panel
9. login to ssh. update & upgrade. done
benchmark score of the vps I've ever had
Is the storage server activated by the invoice number here? My tracking number #1412760
My Order Number is: 5363464785, please.
@VirMach Still pending
Storage servers are not part of this offer. They were a pre-order offer on the OGF and have not been delivered yet. There is no estimated delivery date that I am aware of on storage servers. You will need to wait or ask for a refund.
Sorry to disturb but my service is still in pending even though I've provided with the information you noted...
Could you please help me with it, thanks a lot and appreciate your help!
Can you please help activate the server, thank you
This is a payment receipt for Invoice 1415888 sent on 04/10/2022
Ryzen Special 2560 - ReflectingValuable-VM (04/10/2022 - 04/09/2024) $50.00 USD
Selection Location: Tokyo, JP - Koto Ward, Tokyo -
Operating System: Debian 11 (64Bit) Minimal
Pirates go Arrr! 🏴☠️
Relax and do not worry. Virmach is fair. He will sort something out.
Wait slowly and enjoy the ship cruise. 🚢
Worst case is that you should be refunded. 💲
If nothing goes wrong, the ship should dock shortly ⚓ and your chicken will hatch. 🐔
Cocktails waiting in the harbour. 🍸
VNC can't be connected. I'm in tyoc033. Maybe the hard disk hasn't been repaired yet
Hello, I've encountered this "'grub_calloc' symbol not found." error during the re-install process.
Could you help me re-install the system? Thank you.
I've also opened a ticket, #551307, please check, thank you.
invoice #1414627
Please help open, thank you
This is a payment receipt for Invoice 1413502 sent on 04/05/2022
still pending...
That's a lot of noise from a couple that thought they'd circumvent the rules and whole point of the LES promotion. Good riddance. So bashing on at Virmach is unfair and bloats the discussion, as far as I'm concerned. A cease & desist should come from the mods, IMHO.
@risturiz I'll power up my SEA and take a look.
FYI: If it's any help to someone else, Seattle booted fine (with CPU flags enabled) on its' Almalinux 8.3 template.
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
On the face of it, from UK, the Seattle SEAZ001 is fine..
Basic System Information:
Processor : AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 12-Core Processor
CPU cores : 2 @ 3799.998 MHz
AES-NI : ✔ Enabled
VM-x/AMD-V : ✔ Enabled
RAM : 2.3 GiB
Swap : 256.0 MiB
Disk : 49.0 GiB
fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50):
iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv4):
Provider | Location (Link) | Send Speed | Recv Speed
| | |
Clouvider | London, UK (10G) | 106 Mbits/sec | 101 Mbits/sec
Online.net | Paris, FR (10G) | busy | busy
WorldStream | The Netherlands (10G) | 8.21 Mbits/sec | 39.4 Mbits/sec
WebHorizon | Singapore (400M) | 187 Mbits/sec | 67.5 Mbits/sec
Clouvider | NYC, NY, US (10G) | 417 Mbits/sec | 54.9 Mbits/sec
Velocity Online | Tallahassee, FL, US (10G) | 186 Mbits/sec | 83.6 Mbits/sec
Clouvider | Los Angeles, CA, US (10G) | 418 Mbits/sec | 131 Mbits/sec
Iveloz Telecom | Sao Paulo, BR (2G) | 174 Mbits/sec | 44.0 Mbits/sec
However, when doing a yum update and with another ssh session, the screen & session froze. That's an indication of some packet loss. I don't have a Japanese IP offhand, to try an MTR, for closer inspection. Flagging @Virmach though he may already be aware of any issues there and things are likely to settle down anyway.
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
Alright... I think I got this thread somewhat cleaned up. If you notice your comment is gone, then I deemed it part of the derail-a-thon that occurred over the last few hours.
The word of the day today is:
If you posted your order # / invoice #, great! Wait for activation or some other communication from @VirMach. This is not a support system so posting Ticket #'s will not get you expedited help -- in fact, I'm pretty sure it'll do the opposite and you'll find yourself at the bottom of the queue.
If you ordered the product here from an affiliate link that didn't state the requirements to be a LES user and post the information here, just post your order/invoice # and wait. Instruct anyone else that ordered through those links to do the same. I can't speak for @VirMach, but I don't see why your ordered wouldn't be processed and activated as normal. Just be patient.
Approving a bunch of new registrations and reopening this now, let's see how this goes. In general, we rely on community/self-moderation, but when that devolves into "shut up", "no, you shut up", then the badmins have to step in and mop up the mess. So let's try to keep it clean, y'all
Head Janitor @ LES • About • Rules • Support
Order Number is: 5749002397
Invoice #1416420
Invoice #1416420
So, I still hope that the person in charge of @VirMach company should be aware of the emergence of this problem. And can tell you that the so-called exclusive offer links are now being moved to other sites by people in this forum. If you can read Chinese, you can go to the following link to check, of course, you may be able to use a text translator.
I hope @VirMach takes a good look at his own order system and not someone else insulting me and calling me stupid.
San Jose CC has always been terrible and they always ignored us. Anyway, I've been meaning to send an updated email for these. I'll try to do it today. You should also hopefully see a button available on your end to migrate without data sooner as option as well.
"Power down" the VM first then try to re-install. I don't know if this a SolusVM bug or what or expected behavior but if the system hangs like that sometimes it needs a hard reset.
This is all on UPS. They've been ready so long but UPS freight is terrible, and no one there knows what they're doing and they just circlejerk cc'ing 20 other people to solve the problem. I did finally get someone to accept the packages for us in Amsterdam so I can finally just send them, without brokerage service or freight. They'll be sent 1-3 day so it's very soon hopefully. Don't quote me on this please, I could be wrong.
I'm even getting rate limited and I'm whitelisted mostly. I went a little overboard because of how bad the denial of service attacks were and I'll try to lift some restrictions soon but I have some PTSD about it.
Have you tried non-graphical? Even when I'm setting up nodes it goes into this mode if there's any limitations. For me, it's limitation to the IPMI CD image uploaded from our office, for you it might be memory.
Since I commented earlier that it worked for me, I wanted to add that I was on the 4gig plan.
I understand your frustration and am also disappointed the sale was shared elsewhere (even though it literally says in the post copied to hostloc to not post it elsewhere). But if anyone read that post on hostloc (or elsewhere) and didn't realize they had to register and post their order information here to get it activated, then that is completely on the buyer for not paying closer attention.
Having only the affiliates order link with no other information is a different story as I agree, it'd be good to either disable aff sales on the exclusive product range entirely or add some kind of checkbox linking to the original rules and asking if you've read them.
Head Janitor @ LES • About • Rules • Support