Inception Hosting - The sales strike back - Part II (Triple BW + double disk) [NL+UK]



  • @ehab said:
    i miss Ant

    after the merge he has been dating like crazy -- i guess all the time fixing vps's was doing he's catching up trying out all sorts of women or is it men now?

    Thanked by (2)ehab bugrakoc
  • hhahahaha .... with his charms i think no one can resist.

  • @ehab said:
    i miss Ant

    after the merge he has been dating like crazy -- i guess all the time fixing vps's was doing he's catching up trying out all sorts of women or is it men now?

    Conception Hosting

    Thanked by (3)ehab vyas pikachu
    Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.

  • TheDPTheDP OGSenpai

    UK DEALZ PLZ!!!1!1!111!

    Thanked by (1)miu
  • @TheDP said:
    UK DEALZ PLZ!!!1!1!111!


  • @BarryHercules said:



  • miumiu
    edited May 2022

    apologies boss @InceptionHosting for necro #4 but we all unpatiently waiting for some new awesome Inception exclusive offers! Without Inception offers longer time this forum is so sad :'( and desolate

    edited: typo redress: necro #5

    Good day and Goodbye

  • @miu said:
    Without Inception offers longer time this forum is so sad :'( and desolate

    Fucking hell, that’s a bit harsh.

    Thanked by (1)bdl
  • edited May 2022

    For some reason, this thread appears third on offers link.

    I didn't check the posting date, paid annually without checking the pricing and storage and can't get a refund now.

    Well, whatever done, is done now :(

    Hello world.

  • @randomhuman said:
    For some reason, this thread appears third on offers link.

    I didn't check the posting date, paid annually without checking the pricing and storage and can't get a refund now.

    Well, whatever done, is done now :(

    No problem, even without the discount, the service you received worth every penny.

    Thanked by (1)randomhuman
  • edited May 2022

    @sonic said:

    No problem, even without the discount, the service you received worth every penny.

    It is not the full price that saddens me, it is the storage. I had purchased this vps for a someone else, and he had already told me that he needs 50 Gb space. (I already had given him price)

    Their current 50 GB plan (mentioned on their site) is double of the price that I have already paid. And If i purchased it, I have to pay approx 25% more then what I have been paid

    Hello world.

  • vyasvyas OGSenpai

    @randomhuman said:

    It is not the full price that saddens me, it is the storage. I had purchased this vps for a someone else, and he had already told me that he needs 50 Gb space. (I already had given him price)

    Their current 50 GB plan (mentioned on their site) is double of the price that I have already paid. And If i purchased it, I have to pay approx 25% more then what I have been paid

    Comment from
    March 2021

  • @vyas said:

    Comment from
    March 2021

    I know that the sale has ended. Its obvious since the offer was posted more than a year ago.

    Hello world.

  • vyasvyas OGSenpai
    edited May 2022

    @randomhuman said:

    I know that the sale has ended. Its obvious since the offer was posted more than a year ago.

    You obviously did not know that when tou went trigger happy and ordered, didn’t you?

    And if you are so wise, aware and learned,
    And if you possess exceptional reading abilities (which I compliment you on, by the way)
    Then why you are wasting everyone’s time by moaning and whining?


    I didn't check the posting date, paid annually without checking the pricing and storage and can't get a refund now.


    Their current 50 GB plan (mentioned on their site) is double of the price that I have already paid. And If i purchased it, I have to pay approx 25% more then what I have been paid


    If you want to rant go to OGF.
    Reach out to a certain J S G and they will post a 1,000 word tome about IH and their offers.

    If you ask nicely , maybe they will post their “superior than YABS” benchmark results too. All in good faith, of course.


    Ant 🐜 san,

    Time to lock the thread??

    @Mason / @mikho

    Kindly do the honours pl?


    Thanked by (1)angstrom
  • Brother, I am not whining nor moaning, just sharing my experience. I haven't asked @InceptionHosting to provide me increased disk storage, nor asked him to reduce pricing.

    I have opened a seperate ticket at InceptionHosting where I have asked him if it is possible to pay for additional space and its cost, to see If i can afford it.

    I am sorry if my intentions were misunderstood, and english isn't my first language either. I am new to LES and I apologize if I have done something that is not acceptable in the community.

    Thanked by (1)KermEd

    Hello world.

  • MasonMason AdministratorOG

    @vyas said: Time to lock the thread??

    Aye, time to close.

    @randomhuman said: I am sorry if my intentions were misunderstood, and english isn't my first language either. I am new to LES and I apologize if I have done something that is not acceptable in the community.

    Nothing you said was out of line. Seems to be an honest mistake, so I hope you're able to resolve your purchasing issue with Inception.

    Thanked by (3)TheDP vyas randomhuman

    Head Janitor @ LES • AboutRulesSupport

This discussion has been closed.