@hosthatch said:
If it was someone else on shift, they might have handled it differently and possibly said "we see what you are trying to do and it is not appreciated, so please don't do it again or we will have to charge you for trying to abuse an already highly discounted promotion".
To prevent drama threads like this, may I suggest that you include phrasing like this when saying no to customers:
Please note that our decision is final in this regard, and we won’t respond to additional tickets regarding this subject.
@webcraft said: If hosthatch was just closing the ticket, the topic would be like "hosthatch closing my tickets w/o reply" instead.
yes. that's why one would expect the answer to the second ticket be a short premade text block, pointing out that opening the next one will incur cost and risk of getting suspended.
issuing no warning here and making up an invoice out of thin air, is most likely breaking the contract and against customer protection laws in most countries. sorry, but that's just a bullshit business practise.
I like Hosthatch, their services and sales. a lot of people do. and most of those people also gave a lot of breathing room towards Hosthatch when it came to provisioning times and broken time lines and such.
one would expect that to be appreciated and favor returned, even if someone is 'stupid' enough to put in a second ticket like OP.
don't be those guys @hosthatch , as others said, you chose to enter the lions den with your offers like that and you are around long enough to saw this coming. don't make up rules as you go that make you look shady and like you don't care for your contractual obligations you entered.
I always appreciate your centered opinion, but there is a lot more to it than is being shared here by the OP.
@ralf said: To then top that off by explaining how he's casually racist and regularly charges people from one country extra fees
@hosthatch said:
We do the same thing with a bunch of other things as well. For example, users from one country used to create multiple accounts with a single service each to later sell them and avoid the $10 transfer fee. We started regularly charging them $15-20 per service (instead of the regular $10) to merge all those services into one account, or suspend all of them. There was a lot of drama created on a forum when we started doing this because it seemed unfair. Eventually, though, almost no one creates multiple accounts anymore for that reason.
Regardless of how you spin it, that is unquestioningly racist. Assuming that because you've have a bad experience with some people from a country that everyone else from there is also bad. And if you didn't mean it to be racist, I'm not sure why you even mentioned it.
OK, yeah fair point. My dictionary has a far more colourful translation of 撕逼 than you gave, so I'll concede that this guy might also be a douche.
But anyway, regardless, I still think this was handled badly. Whatever the circumstances, HH has taken an action that amounts extortion, when it would have been far easier to just say no and let their service come to a natural end in 2 weeks time without any drama.
@Dupondt said:
There is something very wrong with your business model if you need to charge $5 for a customer asking the same thing twice.
If he didn’t, the only option he’d have is to underpay support folks, but then we’d have a separate conversation about how Emil is being a greedy capitalist making millions off of the backs of poor support folks.
But hey, never let some facts come in the way of a drama thread.
Seems like the OP got the "asshole tax". I get it and I'm all for it for times like these. Execution could take a little work (i.e. $5 invoice must be paid by next renewal or something else) rather than suspending services so soon, but it's not like this type of thing happens frequently from what I can tell. Plus the OP conveniently missing half the details and misrepresenting what happened certainly doesn't gain them any sympathy.
Some providers do the "refund and fuck off" move, others do the "asshole tax" method to get the customer to back off or leave on their own accord. Both can be effective to reduce problem customers and give support staff some much needed relief, especially in the low end world.
I think you know you've won the argument when people start calling you labels instead of using logic.
The decisions we have to take as a business are purely for business reasons.
We can't provide services to people from Iran, even if we want to, but I am sure that will also be considered racist. We also see higher average of abuse from Nigeria, but I guess it is also racist to more carefully review orders from there?
As a brown guy who has traveled/lived in over 20 countries, and has had some very interesting experiences with race, including more than once being threatened with a knife, once because "you saudi arabia??? you not belong here!!" - it's super interesting to see what I am being accused a a racist for
I've bolded the relevant part. I had previously just quoted the relevant part, but that quote got removed so I quoted the whole section this time.
Nothing I've seen here is "racist". Unless I'm mistaken, he's not charging people from a certain country more for his services... he's just charging people who attempt to circumvent the defined transfer process and abuse the system an extra fee for doing so. They fucked around and now they're finding out. Simply observing that everyone that does this is from the same place (or same online community) is not inherently "racist". Many providers have taken steps to reduce abuse and sometimes even prevent high risk countries from purchasing products (can't even count the number of Inception threads that I've seen over the years because he didn't sell to Brazil and elsewhere), but again that's just a provider making business decisions to limit abuse and ToS violations.
Was there even an argument? What a weird logic. Winning an imaginary argument isn't healthy to be utterly honest.
There was no argument, just anyone disagreeing wanted to rub the belly of a scammer and were annoyed apparently 😆
I think this host, lacks a hatch and is too hot and bothered
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🌐 Blesta.club - Blesta Modules, Plugins, Gateways and more
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I've bolded the relevant part. I had previously just quoted the relevant part, but that quote got removed so I quoted the whole section this time.
Nothing I've seen here is "racist". Unless I'm mistaken, he's not charging people from a certain country more for his services... he's just charging people who attempt to circumvent the defined transfer process and abuse the system an extra fee for doing so. They fucked around and now they're finding out. Simply observing that everyone that does this is from the same place (or same online community) is not inherently "racist". Many providers have taken steps to reduce abuse and sometimes even prevent high risk countries from purchasing products (can't even count the number of Inception threads that I've seen over the years because he didn't sell to Brazil and elsewhere), but again that's just a provider making business decisions to limit abuse and ToS violations.
I charge for consulting in English more than I charge for it in my native.
It was the most "politically-correct" way of forming a policy to effectivelly discount my countrymen since we're poor, which was my main goal.
@hosthatch said:
Because it's in bad taste. It's not a simple "accident" of sending two tickets. We're generally nice people if you are nice to us.
@hosthatch So if you are really nice people, have a look into ticket 769910 and re-activate the two VPS you just canceled from one day to another. 😉
B b b b b b but you clearly want to wear the same hat as the unrelated scammer known as HH's kinky purple daddy so you're attacking him and he hasn't factored hats into his business plan.
You people are insane, demanding basic customer service 😆
🌐 Blesta.club - Blesta Modules, Plugins, Gateways and more
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@hosthatch said:
Because it's in bad taste. It's not a simple "accident" of sending two tickets. We're generally nice people if you are nice to us.
@hosthatch So if you are really nice people, have a look into ticket 769910 and re-activate the two VPS you just canceled from one day to another. 😉
B b b b b b but you clearly want to wear the same hat as the unrelated scammer known as HH's kinky purple daddy so you're attacking him and he hasn't factored hats into his business plan.
You people are insane, demanding basic customer service 😆
Definitely hit a nerve there somewhere since you are trying to grab to anything that says "hosthatch bad". Sorry anyway buddy, hope it gets better for you
@hosthatch said:
Because it's in bad taste. It's not a simple "accident" of sending two tickets. We're generally nice people if you are nice to us.
@hosthatch So if you are really nice people, have a look into ticket 769910 and re-activate the two VPS you just canceled from one day to another. 😉
B b b b b b but you clearly want to wear the same hat as the unrelated scammer known as HH's kinky purple daddy so you're attacking him and he hasn't factored hats into his business plan.
You people are insane, demanding basic customer service 😆
Definitely hit a nerve there somewhere since you are trying to grab to anything that says "hosthatch bad". Sorry anyway buddy, hope it gets better for you
I'm just enjoying the banter if I'm honest, I'm not invested in your service... No nerves hit for me 😁
🌐 Blesta.club - Blesta Modules, Plugins, Gateways and more
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To prevent drama threads like this, may I suggest that you include phrasing like this when saying no to customers:
I always appreciate your centered opinion, but there is a lot more to it than is being shared here by the OP.
There is something very wrong with your business model if you need to charge $5 for a customer asking the same thing twice.
Do NOT listen to Steve.
We need drama. We want drama. We dig drama.
♻ Amitz day is October 21.
♻ Join Nigh sect by adopting my avatar. Let us spread the joys of the end.
Regardless of how you spin it, that is unquestioningly racist. Assuming that because you've have a bad experience with some people from a country that everyone else from there is also bad. And if you didn't mean it to be racist, I'm not sure why you even mentioned it.
OK, yeah fair point. My dictionary has a far more colourful translation of 撕逼 than you gave, so I'll concede that this guy might also be a douche.
But anyway, regardless, I still think this was handled badly. Whatever the circumstances, HH has taken an action that amounts extortion, when it would have been far easier to just say no and let their service come to a natural end in 2 weeks time without any drama.
If he didn’t, the only option he’d have is to underpay support folks, but then we’d have a separate conversation about how Emil is being a greedy capitalist making millions off of the backs of poor support folks.
But hey, never let some facts come in the way of a drama thread.
Calling mods… unleash that mid whip
“R” card being thrown around without substance.
blog | exploring visually |
Believe or not, human cost is the highest expense in a business.
Therefore, removing human element is a good idea for any business. We don't need humans.
♻ Amitz day is October 21.
♻ Join Nigh sect by adopting my avatar. Let us spread the joys of the end.
Seems like the OP got the "asshole tax". I get it and I'm all for it for times like these. Execution could take a little work (i.e. $5 invoice must be paid by next renewal or something else) rather than suspending services so soon, but it's not like this type of thing happens frequently from what I can tell. Plus the OP conveniently missing half the details and misrepresenting what happened certainly doesn't gain them any sympathy.
Some providers do the "refund and fuck off" move, others do the "asshole tax" method to get the customer to back off or leave on their own accord. Both can be effective to reduce problem customers and give support staff some much needed relief, especially in the low end world.
Head Janitor @ LES • About • Rules • Support
I've bolded the relevant part. I had previously just quoted the relevant part, but that quote got removed so I quoted the whole section this time.
PMS works well in OGF mate, not here. Chill
blog | exploring visually |
I think you know you've won the argument when people start calling you labels instead of using logic.
The decisions we have to take as a business are purely for business reasons.
We can't provide services to people from Iran, even if we want to, but I am sure that will also be considered racist. We also see higher average of abuse from Nigeria, but I guess it is also racist to more carefully review orders from there?
As a brown guy who has traveled/lived in over 20 countries, and has had some very interesting experiences with race, including more than once being threatened with a knife, once because "you saudi arabia??? you not belong here!!" - it's super interesting to see what I am being accused a a racist for
But again - that's when you know you've won.
OP is long gone
So is the weekend.
blog | exploring visually |
The argument?
Was there even an argument? What a weird logic. Winning an imaginary argument isn't healthy to be utterly honest.
♻ Amitz day is October 21.
♻ Join Nigh sect by adopting my avatar. Let us spread the joys of the end.
Nothing I've seen here is "racist". Unless I'm mistaken, he's not charging people from a certain country more for his services... he's just charging people who attempt to circumvent the defined transfer process and abuse the system an extra fee for doing so. They fucked around and now they're finding out. Simply observing that everyone that does this is from the same place (or same online community) is not inherently "racist". Many providers have taken steps to reduce abuse and sometimes even prevent high risk countries from purchasing products (can't even count the number of Inception threads that I've seen over the years because he didn't sell to Brazil and elsewhere), but again that's just a provider making business decisions to limit abuse and ToS violations.
Head Janitor @ LES • About • Rules • Support
There was no argument, just anyone disagreeing wanted to rub the belly of a scammer and were annoyed apparently 😆
I think this host, lacks a hatch and is too hot and bothered
🌐 Blesta.club - Blesta Modules, Plugins, Gateways and more
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So, will there be another $5 for this thread? Or are we making it $10?
Michael from DragonWebHost & OnePoundEmail
$7 c'mon moderator.... You know the rules 😛
🌐 Blesta.club - Blesta Modules, Plugins, Gateways and more
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Woops. Time to ban myself!
Michael from DragonWebHost & OnePoundEmail
I charge for consulting in English more than I charge for it in my native.
It was the most "politically-correct" way of forming a policy to effectivelly discount my countrymen since we're poor, which was my main goal.
Does that make me a racist?

Relja of House Novović, the First of His Name, King of the Plains, the Breaker of Chains, WirMach Wolves pack member
BikeGremlin's web-hosting reviews
No, but racing (on bikes) with fellow gremlins does.
Believe it or not, straight to jail
Head Janitor @ LES • About • Rules • Support
Meanwhile in Serbia...
(colourized, with an English voice-over)
Relja of House Novović, the First of His Name, King of the Plains, the Breaker of Chains, WirMach Wolves pack member
BikeGremlin's web-hosting reviews
@hosthatch So if you are really nice people, have a look into ticket 769910 and re-activate the two VPS you just canceled from one day to another. 😉
B b b b b b but you clearly want to wear the same hat as the unrelated scammer known as HH's kinky purple daddy so you're attacking him and he hasn't factored hats into his business plan.
You people are insane, demanding basic customer service 😆
🌐 Blesta.club - Blesta Modules, Plugins, Gateways and more
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Definitely hit a nerve there somewhere since you are trying to grab to anything that says "hosthatch bad". Sorry anyway buddy, hope it gets better for you
I think you should definitely take a picture of the whole ticket and share it here.
I'm just enjoying the banter if I'm honest, I'm not invested in your service... No nerves hit for me 😁
🌐 Blesta.club - Blesta Modules, Plugins, Gateways and more
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Sorry, out of topic.
Were the VMs in Milan supposed to be migrated to the new panel few days ago? I still see it in the old panel, not the new panel.
I cannot find the post right now but somebody on the OGF said his VM was migrated but then moved back.