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Congratulations @Mason! =)
(Quote) (Image)
(Quote) Excellent CPU, top network, reliable provider and unbeatable price. Hard to resist...
Great offers, time to open the wallet.
@hotlineservers, I understand the situation and wish you the best. I hope for a successful recovery. But, considering the short period of time for the servers to expire (day 06?), It would be interesting to answer the ticket I sent more than 36 hour…
hotlineservers # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## # # Yet-Another-Bench-Script # # v2020-06-20 # # https://github.com/masonr/yet-another-bench-script # …
NetCup VPS 200 G8 (1,79 € per month) # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## Yet-Another-Bench-Script ## v2020-06-20 ## https://github.com/masonr/yet-another-bench-scr…
If possible, I would like to receive this server.
(Quote) Some news about the application of laws against child pornography in Brazil: 1) https://g1.globo.com/sp/sao-paulo/noticia/2020/02/18/professor-de-colegio-de-elite-da-zona-oeste-de-sp-e-preso-por-pornografia-infantil.ghtml 2) https://notici…
(Quote) What police? The British? If so, the British police know as much as you do about Brazilian laws against child pornography. That is the problem.
(Quote) No, they're not. Your decision not to accept customers from Brazil, China or any country is entirely acceptable. Just avoid stating what you don't know based on your experience with bad customers.
I had never installed a VPN before, this installer helped me a lot. Thank you!
Will we ever see Hetzner making that announcement? It would be incredible ... <3
Very good offer. Do you intend to launch these plans in Dallas?
If possible, add iperf3 Network Speed Tests to South America (Brazil).
* ExtraVM * Netcup
Here is my contribution: #3