



Last Active
Member, Hosting Provider
About Me:
Work at pulsar67.com!


  • (Quote) Can you open a ticket and we will investigate it?
  • (Quote) Thank you for taking the time for feedback. Deployment will be enables by Friday and the certificate for the panel will be updated today :)
  • Hi everyone! You can now claim your credits here: https://pulsar67.com/dashboard/ and then click on "Claim Free Credits." Purchasing devices should be functional by Friday end of day. We will send another message then. Update to the off…
  • (Quote) No worries I’ve taken a lot of advice given so I truly do appreciate it! 🙂
  • (Quote) This is for sure something we're looking into... For credit card transactions looks like 3DS might be the way to go + other fraud measures that we will incorporate behind the scenes. PayPal will be an alternative. As for fraud prevention on…
  • (Quote) Not really inspecting traffic per se. more so monitoring traffic for abuse using tools such as sFlow
  • (Quote) To clarify, by "internal traffic," I am referring to communication within our server infrastructure, not between customer VM traffic. (Quote) This is how Intrusion Detection System works. Yes this would allow for passive traffic …
  • (Quote) When it comes to routing performance, this is an area where I don't have extensive experience, but I’ve been researching it thoroughly to ensure I make the right choice. Would we likely see better routing performance using Arista 7050 switc…
  • I truly appreciate the time and advice you have offered so I want to thank you for that! (Quote) I do worry about PPS not scaling well with software routing. I think I'll be able to achieve 10Gb, but that will definitely drop with small packets. I…
  • Thank you everyone for your feedback! I've taken some time to review everything and have come up with a rough baseline of how I am going to deploy everything. (Quote) If we were to do anything in this route it would be bare metal. If I do decide t…
  • (Quote) I’m almost ready to start a trial—just waiting on some hardware. In the meantime, I’m wrapping up anything else I can. Everything is working and nearly production-ready, but I want to set up HA on my routers. I was originally planning to us…
  • (Quote) We will now have rDNS configurable on the client side when we launch.
  • (Quote) Did a lot of research into what would be best for us and decided on going with Juniper for our routers & switches (both routers do L3 while both our switches only do Layer 2 switching). Been working very well for us in our test environm…
  • (Quote) We would likely throttle the CPU if we don’t receive a response in a reasonable amount of time. We would only ever suspend a service for repeated abuse or extreme cases (ie: distributing malware, network abuse) (Quote) We will do /64 as th…
  • (Quote) Hello! We're going to have IPv6—we have a /40 allocation. We're still determining the best allocation size for our customers, and we're trying to keep our setup versatile so that if someone needs a larger allocation, we can offer that. We'r…