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(Quote) We only do sustainable/profitable offers, not interested in selling our services at a loss. Some providers may need to so to clear inventory, or do so as a loss leader, but we have no need for such... We offer reasonably low pricing, that is…
Link correction for the Ryzen 7900 offer: https://www.smarthost.net/cart.php?a=add&pid=385&ims=bf2024&promocode=BFDAY-79BF RYZEN 7900 ANNUAL VPS * (1) vCPU * 1GB RAM * 20GB NVME SSD * 2TB Bandwidth * 1Gbps Port * (1) IPv4 * (1) IPv6 $2…
(Quote) But you do, and that is exactly what you have been, and are still continuing on doing. ~ SMARTHOIST
(Quote) LetBox notices sent as well at same time. Seems to still be processing thru the external email provider that brand uses though. ~ SMARTHOST
(Quote) We kept it updated as best we could with constant updates, but there were long periods of time where there were no updates to be given. We literally were spending 16-18 hours workdays reinstalling hardware nodes, only to have issues again on…
(Quote) Take note you have not seen us on here or other similar forums lately, because we have had our hands full dealing with these two issues. Security and client services being operational has been our only concerns since that time period. Heck, …
(Quote) Not the case...there we go with assumptions again. At no time have we stated we will not be proactively informing clientele, only that we have not done so yet. We have every intention of doing so, once we have all details we need to do so, a…
(Quote) Completely separate issue, and NOT the subject the OP posted about in this thread. Once you stop confusing/intermingling the two separate issues, maybe you'd understand better. At no time have we paid any hacker a ransom. At no time have we …
https://lowendspirit.com/discussion/7143/letbox-hack-outage That has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the hacking issues going on currently in the hosting industry with regards to billing module/themes that you are mentioning. Completely sep…
(Quote) Please explain how an attack on VPS nodes/platform can result in a dump of client database. The OP posted regarding the ddos/hack issue on our VPS platform. This ddos/hack issue had nothing to do whatsoever with the current WHMCS module/them…
(Quote) So...I suppose the network status incident that we kept updated non-stop, and quoted by the OP even in this thread, didn't exist? What is with people these days...making assumptions without any knowledge, and not even capable of reading. Le…
(Quote) Wrong. That issue in our network status posting has absolutely nothing to do with the issue plaguing the the industry currently whatsoever. You are making assumptions, and are quire incorrect. At no time have we paid any ransom whatsoever. T…
(Quote) Totally inaccurate, and you have no clue what you are talking about. You are confusing multiple issues, of which you have no actual factual knowledge of on what occurred whatsoever. Our recent VPS platform ddos/hack issues had nothing to do …
We have 30+ data centers locations, and growing. Contact us to make a bulk deal for all of them at once. ~ SMARTHOST
(Image) . LETBOX BLACK FRIDAY SALE OFFER RECAP Cheap Annual VPS (1) vCPU 1GB RAM 20GB NVME SSD 5TB Bandwidth 1Gbps Port (1) IPv4 (1) IPv6 $11.95/year 30+ Data Center Locations! PROMO CODE: LOVEBF-FGRW https://my.letbox.com/cart.php?a=add&pid=…
(Image) SMARTHOST BLACK FRIDAY SALE OFFER RECAP Annual VPS (2) vCPU 2GB RAM 20GB NVME SSD 2TB Bandwidth 1Gbps Port (1) IPv4 (1) IPv6 $19.95/year DISCOUNT CODE: BF2023-RTWA https://www.smarthost.net/cart.php?a=add&pid=379&ims=bf2022&pr…
(Image) SMARTHOST BLACK FRIDAY SALE OFFERS Annual VPS (2) vCPU 2GB RAM 20GB NVME SSD 2TB Bandwidth 1Gbps Port (1) IPv4 (1) IPv6 $19.95/year DISCOUNT CODE: BF2023-RTWA Instant Activation - Order Now Lifetime price w/discounted upgrades Ultra Reso…
We can do it for you in Dallas within your price range. Reach out to us at sales@smarthost.net to set up a custom quote order. ~ SMARTHOST
Your issue here will be the bandwidth requested, it's not realistic for 20 euros per month. ~ SMARTHOST
. (Image) Here is a list of current Smarthost data center locations: Amsterdam NL Atlanta GA Berkeley Springs WV Birmingham UK Boston MA Buffalo NY Chicago IL Dallas TX Denver CO Detroit MI Durham NC Edison NJ Herndon VA Jacksonville FL Kansas Cit…
(Quote) We have Atlanta GA available. Hit us up at sales@smarthost.net, and we'll hook you up. The only issue is we don't do unlimited bandwidth. ~ SMARTHOST
(Quote) Hit us up at sales@smarthost.net and reference this thread/post. We have every single one of those locations, and can get you what you need, and the price request seems reasonable. ;-) ~ SMARTHOST
https://www.smarthost.net/index.php?rp=/store/virtual-private-servers-vps/vps-kvm-linux-nvme-ssd OR https://www.smarthost.net/index.php?rp=/store/current-sale-offers/vps-kvm-linux-budget ~ SMARTHOST
https://www.smarthost.net/index.php?rp=/store/virtual-private-servers-vps/vps-kvm-linux-nvme-ssd OR https://www.smarthost.net/index.php?rp=/store/current-sale-offers/vps-kvm-linux-budget ~ SMARTHOST
30+ data center locations, in North America and Europe: https://www.smarthost.net/data-centers.php https://www.smarthost.net/vps-hosting.php ...and hundreds of different /24 blocks servicing them. ~ SMARTHOST
(Quote) Cool...always a good feeling when a client returns! ;-) ~ SMARTHOST
http://nl1.smarthost.net https://www.smarthost.net/cart.php?a=add&pid=171 or https://www.smarthost.net/cart.php?a=add&pid=362 ~ SMARTHOST
(Quote) No, we just re-enable the code from time to time for a few days to keep filling up some storage nodes. Your order was released. ;-) ~ SMARTHOST
We can do it for $29.50/year for 1TB at any of our Storage VPS locations. https://www.smarthost.net/cart.php?a=add&pid=183 Use promo code: BF2022-1 ~ SMARTHOST
(Quote) Popup on our website will let you signup... ~ SMARTHOST
http://www.smarthost.net/data-centers.php Tampa and Durham LGs will be added shortly. ~ SMARTHOST
(Quote) We already have UK and NL, but more will come this year. ~ SMARTHOST
(Quote) Yes, 1TB > 2TB no problem. Larger than 2TB required O/S reinstall via ISO with GPT partitioning, unless you set that up from the beginning, then it won't be a problem going higher. ~ SMARTHOST
We have a UK Storage VPS location within your mentioned budget: https://www.smarthost.net/cart.php?a=add&pid=183 ~ SMARTHOST
We probably have some oddball E3 stuff in our UK location that we might as well let someone use to pay the power bill on it. ;-) Hit us up via email at sales@smarthost.net to discuss. ~ SMARTHOST
No issues with 123/Sectorlink in Michigan, reliable services so far, been with them a bit over a year now. ~ SMARTHOST