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skorous : To add "update/upgrade" and to install additional 50 packages for PHP8*, Mariadb and the specific application takes 6-8 hours within your limit of 25% from 3.35Mhz of the single core. The experinced user, if he finds your offer …
I hesitate, this offer is intended for everyone. * Advanatage: speed of IP6 hosting is higher than IP4. * Disadvantage: Apart of this part of the specification (BASE CLOCK: 2.35 GHZ / CORES: 1 at 25 % LIMIT), which makes the VPS configuration close…
The offer of 3 months looks very competitive within the "distance" of <10ms of Northern Germany. It means the new user, located in the distance of ~1000 km around Germany, in France, for instance, does not feel the difference, after th…
I am surprised by myself, that the summer best solutions depend upon the very small financial business. The longer the pause the greater You are. "soon soon soon soon barsat ki dun" Ⓒ Bollywood
ehab: R U SURE? -- SOF -- if the text is not edited, it means, I am confident. As there is a diffrence between "instantly" and "within "X" min/hours/days/never". -- EOF -- Tags: time ntpsec flightaware
-- start of ddos -- F1do "It was too much text to read for me lol" [copy/past whole comments of ABCNEW ] -- end of ddos -- \engineer\ F1do and the rest of the local world of the It professinals have read each prase, understood each phrase…
Google wants 14-25EUR for the similar configurations in Frankfurt. Than google can issue they free SSL certificate. The services of Google are not intended for humans, if some had a chance to try them: to make the order takes from whole day till 3…
www.hostinger.in and "hostinger" with other ending extention are same intl team of spammers . It is not the worst burder, if the user took a risk to leave his registration data with "hostinger". If the user requers a minimum &q…
greenwebpage Your Stockhom location is out of the OS: your debian 9 / ubuntu 18 of unspecified contents are out of the production from 2022. Payment methods do not look reliable. Kindly ignore children, and review OS minimal (server) and payment in…