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- crunchbits
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(Quote) As a pro-cagie I'm speaking as true as I can to your kind: stay Hell, I even read your blog and internally you were next on our bribecontent creator list . You do a sincerely fantastic job here. I know the burn, feeling some myself. Luckily…
(Quote) A mutual joke, backfiring? @Not_Oles can mention it all he wants, last thing I care about is some completely invented drama. (Quote) No. (Quote) Pissed off mjj didn't get his (manually processed) crypto refund within 3 hours on a Sunday an…
(Quote) Get 'im Excellent offers from a very knowledgeable operator, though. I'm glad there's an ocean between us.
(Quote) Requesting one. Hungdaddy at aol dot com
(Quote) Thank you for the detailed review :) Very useful feedback and helpful to make sure the shortcomings we think we see line up with client experiences. Too many times it's very easy to get caught trying to iterate on something that just isn't r…
(Quote) There's a lot of stuff involved here, because location/scale/owned vs leased (hardware, IP space, etc) and other business synergies matter. That being said, it's a pretty safe bet to assume a provider is paying around $50 per 1U of rackspace…
(Quote) For the use cases that we have: absolutely yes. Mainly, in an extreme situation, we can migrate that physical disk array to another chassis and mdadm (or similar sw raid) will just pick it up without a beat. Say you have a proprietary super…
Going off memory (only had ~5 Dell systems where we used similar controller) I think @DataRecovery is right. I recall it being automatic, but I hated their proprietary wording and not having enough insight so eventually they all got replaced with pa…
(Image) Happy Byrday Richard? No way, Happy Byrday iHostArt! All grown up, moving out.
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(Quote) Low End VPS, High End Portfolio. =) (Quote) Yeah inference is a beast, and they were making good gains in 1:1 CUDA stuff (even if a little behind, the cost was in-line). Next steps are either getting it all the way or pushing a CUDA altern…
(Quote) We (as in, everyone interested in using this) need this to happen. Opening up AMD's newer lineups and/or their Mi series stuff to actually being productive (without an extremely tight niche/customized software stack) would be huge. It keeps …
(Quote) Great example. I know I'll be viewed as biased (pro-AI only) due to slinging my wares, and there are some aspects of it that I do like. Of course, I was slinging it before "AI" and thought there are many use-cases for the raw infra…
(Quote) We've got them, a ton inbound/racking daily at the moment specific to 3090's. Open a ticket/DM/e-mail/Discord and I'll get you taken care of--out of stock because the plan is improving (based on customer feedback) for the same price: More co…
(Quote) This might be sort of what Groq (not Grok) does. I'm not sure about the 'sending data' part, though. Otherwise I expect we're going to see providers start to acquire good deals on bulk GPU rentals and begin to offer "shared" servi…
(Quote) I saw that video, and had seen those units before. Given my experience with Quanta stuff gradually getting worse with each newer generation of CPU/chipset I definitely opted to stay far away. Feels like they peaked around E5 v4 siiiiip. Any…
(Quote) While I love multi-node (and I voted "mix" with that in mind because I also have strong use-cases without it) these are valid. Take the beloved Quanta T41's: their onboard sata data cables use standard SFF connectors but a custom p…
(Quote) We're all holding our breath about that now :/ P.S. Quanta Queens > Dell Diddlers
(Quote) Amen. Panel really looks great @PCx3, would definitely consider it for some free stuff but I just can't do Ubuntu for a real production server.
(Quote) I haven't gone far enough down the path, but on the surface I believe they were just charging 5% + 50c per tx (list price). My guess is they have negotiated better deals directly due to volume, but more importantly I was interested in having…
(Quote) Something else to look into that I briefly started investigating (and some other hosts have said they're looking at) is someone like Paddle. It'll give you access to all the gateways but centralized in one spot and definitely seems easier f…
(Quote) Pretty accurate. There was a chunk of fraudulent CC orders making its way around and passing Stripe checks too—of course Stripe claimed “3D secure was temporarily unavailable” and still authorized the charges despite peoples rules and was a…
(Quote) I think it could be done easily enough if you got creative. Use a separate coupon code on LES (or for general non-spam forum offers) and just have standing rule to double bandwidth when that coupon code is used? No tickets needed, no forum s…
(Quote) (Image) Hi @Ganonk -- took care of this B) Thank You again for growing your wife with us!
Spam: No, flat out disallow it. I'm out of ideas of on that front anyways =) What I'd like to do/see: hosts finding a way to do something actually engaging. If I'm being honest I think this is where LES has a 'leg-up' over OGF, and when we're talk…
(Quote) Appreciate both mentions. Hey @dimbulb: I am assuming you want a /28 IPv4 + something like /64 IPv6? We're on the opposite side of the state (Spokane, WA) but if that works for you happy to discuss colocation or dedicated rental. Our Lease…
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