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- gooblermaster
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21d53a918b9006094f242d63703b4946dd4d9102 i'll be using this for uptime monitoring and possibly a private proxy for anonymity <3
https://freestuff.dev/ shows a decent amount of free hosting services theres also https://www.pythonanywhere.com/ which i don't know if its suitable for discord hosting as most of the free hosting providers include cold starts and don't provide 24/…
Hi again thanks to everyone for the support, but to clarify i've had no intentions of raising any sort of political discussion this is merely a hobby of mine and there are more than enough sources publishing iranian/chinese specific proxies for peo…
Hi oles. not sure if this qualifies but i maintain a few public proxies for my fellow iranians/chinese people to bypass internet cencorshops enforced by goverment. heres some of the scripts i've made for easier setup https://github.com/meower1/Supe…
Hi again oles, is this offer still up? i'd love to grab one of your free servers :smiley: your ed25519 ssh public key; ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIEU3AifpA2MLoycSxSdJZOVmohMzPgDtsHdFInknzlPC [email protected] links to your website, github…
(Quote) I see, thanks for the heads up ill repost this on the new thread then :+1:
(Quote) ah thats unfortunate, they mentioned its up till nov 8 2024 thought it might still be available
Hi again oles, is this offer still up? i'd love to grab one of your free servers :smiley: your ed25519 ssh public key; ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIEU3AifpA2MLoycSxSdJZOVmohMzPgDtsHdFInknzlPC [email protected] links to your website, github…
hi oles. how "flexible" would the pricing be?
awesome deals. good luck witu sales
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAACAQCmWBy+d1tfSbLxKY9zZwLHhXhuLG7lRtDjnzErpR3mPlFcO4fvHbN+BRiyvf+zwJW3iwYPEf3siUUFtBZ7tTeGdzeE9TZbnnK1/N06RUUlVn3cfOS5WQg5Okb3q6v0sLRYu6VyaWFZ90KTpstWBb4s5q+ZEEPPVrwJTOLopLnRdQ1hya15IuB+wiOM0WM031b//iXWIn0qpLa+c2iM1…
(Quote) a discount for the annual base vps would be decent ig
any plans on discounting regular vps plans?
Happy New Year <3
Is the discount recurring?
C1V HOSTING IS THE BEST ON LES, GO TO https://www.c1vhosting.it/link.php?id=38
Merry Xmas 2023, Let's try Silicon Cloud
are iranian users allowed?