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- rpollestad
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Mine has been back up for 2 hours, so seems resolved.
Picked one up in Ohio!
Super sad to see Seattle not work out. it was such a great location and I have a ton of nice VPS there. LAX makes them redundant, but I understand what has to be done. Just had fingers crossed that it would all get resolved. Fucking Dedipath.
(Quote) Been collecting Virmach specials for a long while, so I have a $3/yr one, a $4.95/yr one, two $6/yr ones, and one that is $6.01/yr. Got 17 that are $10/yr or below. Now that some locations are being consolidated, I may wind up dropping a f…
(Quote) Definitely going to be shedding a lot of VPS once the dust settles. I bought 3-5+ servers in any given location so that they would be in that location, but now I'll have 25+ in NYC, which does me no good. Not being critical of anyone - a pro…
Sad if SEA goes away but I'm not placing blame. It's a crap situation. DEN was a nice unique location, so really was hoping that would stick around but mine is being migrated also. Sounds like I'm going to have to shed quite a few servers at renewal…
Thanks a lot for this tutorial! I had tried to play around with llama.cpp in the past but after getting the main program compiled, I could never figure out how to get models. (And based on your instructions, I never would have figured it out anyway.…
(Quote) Weird, it's not happening now. Everything is solid. 60MB/s+ from DAL, and 90MB/s+ from NYC. Thanks for the response though.
Is your looking glass throttled by any chance? I was interested in the offer but I got very poor speeds on the 1G file from nearly every place I tested (KC, NYC, DAL, Utah). Rates averaging under 2.00MB/s in most cases. (NYC got to ~4.54MB/s)
I'm 100% in for one if/when they restock.
(Quote) Been a happy dedicated holder since 2016. Sad to see it go but thank you for the reply.
Oof. Got a notice that my SJ dedicated server is going away. That sucks. Are you just done offering dedicated servers or is it just that location and I can migrate?
While I am never happy to hear when an entire data center is offline, I am a bit relieved because I had 6 or 7 VPS go offline on Monday and users in this thread were only reporting that a single node was offline. I thought, oh man, how do I have 7 V…
Thanks for all of the deals this year (and last) @VirMach - bought more than I should, which is the way of things.
What was the specs on the 1.11 VPS? I missed it.
(Quote) I purchased one that got deployed to TPAZ002. It's been offline since it was created. But I just clicked boot and it booted up. Maybe it's just a thing with Tampa VPS orders that they are deployed not powered on? (shrug)
Hey @VirMach - I mentioned this a number of pages back but not sure if you ever saw it. (Or consider it broken.) Your redirect back from PayPal when paying an invoice or buying a service goes to a 404 URL (https://virmach.com/manage/clientarea.php?…
3 vCORE in PHX for $10? Yes, please!
Damn, missed that 2 vCORE Tampa deal. Would have jumped on that.
(Quote) The main issue is that the "good" deals are all in the same place. There's been plenty of NJ/SEA/SJ/DAL deals with great specs, but after 72+ hours, you already have your fill of those locations. CHI/DEN/MIA has been sparse, and mo…
Heh, typical luck. I watched the deals for like 15 hours yesterday, mainly looking for a 3+ core in MIA or PHX, because I have tons of other Virmach machines in the usual places (SJ, SEA, DAL, NJ). And one very nice MIA deal got posted 15 minutes af…
First, I told myself I wasn't going to buy any this year, since I have plenty of Virmach idlers. Then, as I saw the deals, I convinced myself that I'm just buying new ones to replace the older ones because they are better deals. But the old ones are…
(Quote) I've purchased 7 so far and all have deployed within an hour or so. Guess I'm lucky.
Hey @VirMach - I'm sure you're aware but just to let you know in case you aren't: your PayPal redirection page (after buying a service or paying an invoice) takes you to an invalid 404 URL (https://virmach.com/manage/clientarea.php?action=services).…
@nessa - whoop
(Quote) So, the server is back up but I'm getting extremely poor network performance @VirMach. (Like, ~104KB/s downloads.) I rebooted the server to see if that would fix it but no dice. Any thoughts?
(Quote) Back up for about ~4 hours now. Thanks @VirMach for checking on it.
(Quote) Same. Ticket #789821
Hey @VirMach - any recent issue with SJ dedis? Mine went offline in the last few hours. Rebooting it in the control panel didn't help and I don't see anything posted on the server status page.
I know this question might get lost in all the sales talk (or is covered elsewhere in the 17x pages), but is there a known issue with the "increase disk" button in the control panel? I have a number of VPS servers that got woefully under-…
(Quote) Can I try to guess how many tickets you're going to have opened on 09/29? I suspect hundreds.
@VirMach I just got an invoice generated for my dedicated server that is gone. I left the service as is in the panel, despite requesting a replacement, because a) I still want the service and b) I assume you might need an accounting of active servic…
(Quote) Bought my dedi on 08/15/2016, so same. I still have a few VPS with other providers that are older but definitely the longest dedicated server of mine by far.
(Quote) Where/how are these being sent? I haven't received anything via email and I see nothing in the billing panel related to this. Had I not checked the forums, I would have no idea of the severity of the outage.
(Quote) Is it safe to assume any existing dedicated servers (I had two) are gone for good? No chance at getting any remaining data off them?