Joe is shit. Eat shit lumber foot. Your girl is 4'4" and got bear hair on her toes like a Hobbit.
- Username
- shallow
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- 33
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- About Me:
- Joe is shit. Eat shit lumber foot.
(Quote) Don't worry about it, he's not interested. He will just ignore. I'll never learn about linux containers now. I will sleep well.
I blame @ehab for jinxing me.
(Quote) Ya, what can you do? @Not_Oles is just ignoring my request at this point. Not sure why but that's up to him I guess. Not free for all after all. I'll stick to paid services not play services.
(Quote) No dice.
Oooh Wolves. Exotic. Too bad they're going down this year.
(Quote) Oooh snap
@Not_Oles no dice for shallow?
I would love to learn about LXC containers and such. Can I hop on? ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAILIPoyMH/NzIxi28yaqrLBB9VpkhLtL3bVYXycaL1NhW
(Quote) Inorite? I'm getting tired of my friends seeing my vps' ip address in our private irc room. I have silly vanity domains that need to be put to use.
(Quote) It's gonna happen... this time.
(Quote) (Image)
(Quote) I talked to Finance and they said they had to cut back on 2023 marketing budget due to cocaine and hookers cost overrun from 2022.
WTH? I thought it was @ehab day.
(Quote) I'm pretty sure that's Curb Your Enthusiasm TV show starring Larry David (Seinfeld creator).
When can we expect a flash sale, pump and dump? DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO IT!
(Quote) (Image)
(Quote) Give the guy a break, he can't control inflation.
(Quote) Know the rules son.
(Quote) Mongolesbians.
I'll offer you $7