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- sureiam
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whatever you get make sure to get a heatsink they get silly hot and can fail as a result
(Quote) Fair, although that's a fixed price point and at 500mb/s speed cap the server grade nvme will likely last a long time. The power consumption will be lower though. Would it make sense if they were able to for 32x of them in there via a full 1…
That's some fantastic suggestions! Thanks guy, the Turnkey Promox mail Gateway is a real interesting option also although I do feel a little iffy managing that as I prefer to offload all my email management. (Quote) I really like the Heluna option.…
(Quote) Probably less than 10 but might need more. It'll be Sitting between hosted Microsoft exchange. Which shockingly has very poor filtering vs gmail.
(Quote) Can you disable the sharing? Also how would IPs eventually get cleaned? Are they on a time out period?
I believe it's still somewhat popular outside of the states and europe. Although in this day in age it's kinda silly considering how many times they've been breached.
(Quote) As we say you my friend are a "scholar and a saint". Thanks that's exactly what I was looking for!
(Quote) Yea that's one thing I really appreciate about S3 style data management. The ability to lock users to specific buckets and commands. I would love that level of control over DNS API commands in a script.
(Quote) Geez, how have I never run across this before!? That's Fantastic thanks for sharing. Still need to write up the rest of the script though to check a site or ping a port (which I'm not very good at). But thats really nice to have in my back p…
(Quote) Let's say 5 years down the line you decide to use a different DNS provider. You now have to recreate everything from scratch or give up features you appreciate. It's just preferred for me to do put in the extra effort from the start and crea…
(Quote) In addition to cost (which I know there are some coupons and other ways to get that basically free) I would prefer to have a script that's easily interchangeable between providers. Route53 or ClouDNS would lock me in if I want FailOver. I do…
Any benefit to a VPS in Norway specifically?
It's a very good platform. However vultr's free dns would be my recommendation.
And "unlimited" 1gbps (30tb) traffic with 64gb of ram? Yea not gonna find that anywhere else.
Wish it was state side.
Windows servers without the very basic firewall change (set it to drop ALL incoming and disable all rules) will get rocked pretty quick. Additionally open to the world RDP is a horrible horrible idea.. I wouldn't want to be provider offering this to…
(Quote) Yea the deal really is a "once in a lifetime". Remarkably stable and well managed
(Quote) Ya you would have needed to go with a smaller screen then another with a built in arm that allows for vertical ordination or an after market dual arm vesa mount.
(Quote) You might have benefited from one horizontal screen and one vertical screen. Vertical screens for web browsing, and excel are amazing
Probably wouldn't want that indexed though I imagine
Phoenix location: 3cpu 3gb ram 60gb storage 3tb transfer 1IP And or 1 cpu 1gb ram 20gb storage 1tb transfer 1 IP And or 2cpu 2gb ram 4tb storage 4tb transfer (1 direction unlimited) 1 IP Thanks!
(Quote) Not really sometimes you can resolve an issue within 5-15 mins. Then you would respond with the fix. It's a reasonable protocol imo.