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Looks like something went wrong with one of my VPS on node "RYZE.LAX-A019.VMS", after the migration. :/ Anyone else has a similar issues? (Image)
If you can't reach your VPS on node "ATLZ034.VIRM.AC", you should check the VM's IP, because mine has been changed in the last days. You need to use the "Reconfigure Networking" option on the SolusVM panel, after that probably th…
My VPS from FFME003 node got back online :) Thx rDNS for the IP address is still missing.
@VirMach My VPS still offline / unreachable from the FFME003 node :( There is any ETA when will be available again? Previously set valid rDNS also disappeared from the IP Thx for the answer & help! https://i.postimg.cc/Qxn1gC13/2024-05-29-2120…
(Quote) Same situation :/ My VM on FFME003 too, and still offline. I can't start it on the SolusVM. And no any new official update on the 'Network Status' page :( It was rock solid before this migration/downtime, hope it will be back soon. Anyway t…
I got the CloudFlare error and a 'Critical Error' too :/ Can't login.. (Image)
@VirMach Anyone else has an issue with VPS from node "RYZE.LAX-A032.VMS"? Looks's like the problem solved with the node (Network Status page): (Image) But my VM still offline since this issue. When I try to start it, the SolusVM's respo…
(Quote) I hope, they will be able to solve the exist difficulties, (after the Dedipath bankrupt) - which affect the exist services and customers - before make any new big sale/promotion. (Image)
@VirMach My VPS on node "RYZE.LAX-A026.VMS" not received a new IP address. The SolusVM panel listing only one old: "47.87.153.XX" (ZenLayer / Alicloud(?)) IP address. Is this a mistake? or normal? (Image) I ask it only because…
(Quote) Same experience with node "RYZE.ATL-Z006.VMS". (66.59.19Z.XYZ) WHMCS: "Operation Timed Out After 90000 Milliseconds With 0 Bytes Received"
My VPS from node "NYCB021" has been woked up today :) It needed only a "Reconfigure Networking" on SolusVM to use the new IP address. (This VPS previously was on node "RYZE.DAL-Z003.VMS" (Dallas location), but it now in…
(Quote) Thank You very much, @FrankZ ! Yes, this VPS location was previously - if i'm not wrong - in Dallas (node name: RYZE.DAL-Z003.VMS) Yes, the VNC provide the "Authentication failed" error message. :/ Yes, the "Operating System&q…
My VPS on node "NYCB021" in offline status. All control options are available on SolusVM panel. When I try to 'boot' the VPS, the panel confirm: "Success!", but after that ,the VPS status remain in 'offline' status on SolusVM an…
I can confirm too. All of my services online again (from the previously mentioned providers and locations). Looks like it was only a network outage, because all of my processes running on the VPS's and the uptimes not changed.
Looks like NYJ and LAX affected (Evocative DataCenters?): DediPath, EthernetServer, VirMach - again All of my VPS from these providers and locations unreachable..
Looks like all of my VPS from VirMach is online again, which were affected in the NY datacenter outage. (My VPS's from DediPath (directly) & from Ethernetservers are also online - they use the same DC).
(Image) Latest updates from DediPath: https://i.imgur.com/61dOTbV.png
Latest updates from DediPath: https://i.imgur.com/V25a2xA.png
(Quote) My VPS from Dedipath directly (NY location) is also offline / unreachable. This is from DediPath (because probably the same issue in the background): (Image)
(Quote) This free virtual card sounds good, but if i'm not wrong, this is a russian based company also, so not clear for me how can I transfer money to the wallet/virtual card (for example from the EU) if someone have bank cards from the EU only.
I also detected some network outages in Germany location :/ (routing issue?) (Image)
(Quote) I have an old registration too, and they asks an SMS validation from me too when I try to log in to my exist account (it started more than one year). :/ And sadly not found any working SMS validation tool, service which work with it.
The problem looks like solved in Germany location (FFME003) with the new IP address. My VM accessible again. In the SolusVM panel needed to use the 'Reconfigure Networking' button. I got an error message ('An error occured: unklnown error') from the…
(Quote) I'm not sure. Firstly I checked the 'Network Status' page on their website, and they not mentioned any network maintenance. After asked it on the forum. My other VM's in USA looks like also affected LAXA026 - 47.87.153.XXX - https://i.imgu…
There is some network/routing issue with Germany location? :/ Anyone with same experience? (Quote) https://i.imgur.com/dt4JrTn.png https://i.imgur.com/UFBrhzD.png
@VirMach Made my day happy with the rDNS option :) Thank You! The rDNS settings worked on SolusVM panel for one of my VM's IP from 47.87.226.XX range
@VirMach I received a notification about an upcoming IP address changing (my two VPS affected). The old ones from DediPath, the new ones from "Ipxo". As You suggested, I used the "Re-configure Networking" button in the SolusVM pa…
@VirMach First of all, Happy New Year! :) Sorry for the question(s), but there is any new information about node "SEAZ010"? (One of my VM affected on this node) (Quote) My 2nd question is: I ordered only one "Ryzen special 384 - 0.2…
(Quote) I can also confirm. I tried to request rDNS (about a month ago), when the button appeared for one of my VM with Dedipath IP, and still not working. IP: 95.214.112.XX Ticket ID (Closed by the system): #863435 Ticket date: 11/15/2022 First o…
(Quote) Thank You! This linked comment is new for me. My latest info was (before Your reply). "it will work 1-2 weeks after the IP change", and a button will appear for it. I saw the 'new' button so I tried it :D :/ Yes, I checked with mu…
(Quote) I have a similar experiences with my VM from node FFME003. Looks like a "heavy" network related issue. https://i.ibb.co/0GzTLfz/img-irt-Qakq-C.png https://i.ibb.co/MDcJ1X3/2022-10-29-045116.png
@VirMach Sorry, about my question, but there is any update about the rDNS settings option? I tried to use the new button in the WHMCS (Ticked ID: #950786). I got an auto reply, which say, "my request completed", but it still doesn't work f…
(Quote) Thank You for the help and for the answer! I was able to start my VM now from this node, and looks like everything is fine with it. So i'm happy now :) PS: Sadly my VM was technically offline for me since 09/25/2022 until today. maybe the n…
@VirMach There is any update, ETA about node SEAZ010? (When will be available again?). Sadly my VM from this node offline, unreachable since 09/25/2022. Looks like most of my newly assigned IP addresses listed on Spamhaus blacklists (zen.spamhaus.…
@VirMach I received the email notifications about the upcoming IP address changing (Thank You!). I have 11 'small' VM, and looks like 6 will be affected. I know and I understand, it's not the most important thing "on the list" at the mome…