I just had a look at the dual socket AMD Rome Epyc processors and did some calculations and I observed some interesting details like e.g. one low end 8 Core processor having 16MB of L3 per core where all others have 4 - 5.33 MB. What do we want in hosting, other than many cores at low cost? * low power consumption as those costs are quite high * Lots of cache because for many workloads cache is in fact more important than core frequency. With the 64, 48, and 24 core Epycs it's simple because the the choice boils down to the only differentiating factor, the clock speed. The 32 core Epycs are a different thing and unlike Anandtech who chose the 7502 as "preferred SKU" I see the 7452 as the clear winner because its typical clock is just slightly lower but its power consumption and cost are significantly lower. Short, you get much more bang for the buck and at lower cost
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