Make your own offer, what do you want, be specific - Open Deal!
I thought I would try to do something different and more engaging. This approach may not work at all but I thought it was worth trying anyway.
Let me know what you actually want, I will offer a couple of guidelines and some things you should know apart from that it is wide open.
I can offer you KVM or OpenVZ 7 based servers in the UK (London) or USA (Phoenix Arizona)
London specifics:
- All services are in Clouvider DC.
- All services have DDOS protection at no extra cost.
- Pure SSD/NVMe are backed up to a separate local raid array nightly at no extra cost.
- Free Direct Admin licenses are available on request.
USA Specifics:
- All services are out of IOflood.
- IPv6 is not available
General info:
- I am unlikely to give great prices on crazy amounts of bandwidth comparative to the size of the VPS plan.
- Docker is supported on the OpenVZ 7 services.
- Abuse reports from torrenting = termination.
- Crypto, card, PayPal accepted.
- tor = termination.
- Orders are not accepted when placed via a VPN or proxy without additional validation.
- Orders are currently not accepted from China, Brazil or Iran.
- Special deals are none refundable.
- Managed migration is available for free from other hosts for KVM > KVM
What do you want?
let me know what amount of the following resources you want:
vCPU's (fair share is assumed)
Any Extras
I will give you the best price I can and I will make that price available to anyone else for 7 days.
In the event, a deal can be made I will give you the closest plan order link to what you want, you will order that product but do not pay the invoice, then open a ticket with the order number and specs quoted here and I will update the order price, once you have paid I will update package to match that.
Don't be shy
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Interesting for sure! Good luck with this, @AnthonySmith
How about the tiniest KVM VPS possible?
Virt: KVM
vCPU: 1
RAM: 128MB
BW: 100GB
IPv4: 1 (or none)
IPv6: 1
Location: UK
one coffee please
Grab your vmWare toblerone today.
A double storage KVM500 in UK would be lovely. Tho, I got one in the US already.
I can do that however I have minimums to not be making a loss so you would be looking at €12 /year which probably makes it pointless.
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Decaf, soy milk, oat milk, woman milk, sprinkles ? be specific or I cant quote.
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For a matching plan you would be looking at €10 /month
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Oha, that's quite a price difference. Well, I think I'll stick to the overseas machine then. Thanks!
Yep, everything costs significantly more in the UK.
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Totally different idea, but have you considered launching a Germany location at e.g. Hetzner and offer cheap Contabo-like offers where people will know it's not the best quality you can get (compared to Clouvider prem) but cheap and from a great guy? Maybe just throw some mildly oversold LXC containers on a Hetzner Dedi around or smth like that?
Ympker's VPN LTD Comparison,, Ympker's GitHub.
Yes, I have definitely considered that.
The big thing stopping me is the fact that I am a complete maniac. By that I mean when something goes wrong that is beyond my control I want/need it to be fixed with a reasonable blend of accountability, appropriate urgency and scale of response. if I don't get that I go all hulk smash.
By that I mean, I don't want to have to deal with people that look for a reason not to help first just to get a ticket closed, I expect from the moment it is agreed that I am personally powerless to resolve the fault and they are not that they accept that and take responsibility for it and finally that the response to say, a failed raid card is not a whole new server and the data be damned.
I tend to find with the super-budget brands which I have had experience of, they fail on all 3 of those tests, while many of them do a good impression of customer service it ultimately has no substance.
I have had OVH enterprize services take almost 7 days to respond to a service outage with "it seems fine now" 2 days after it was actually fixed. I had a huge and frankly bizarre issue with hetzner about 10 years ago, 2 other budget hosts I used closed down with 0 advanced warning.
I understand the low price allure but personally, I would rather pay 30% more and worry 80% less. you can put all the terms in the world into your service, all that does is encourage the operator "I know it is XYZ BUT" when things do not work as expected
tl;dr yes I have considered it but I like to sleep at night.
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Also i think many people often ever not realize that also IPv4 costs money and is not possible still go lower and lower under the critical edge (price), independently how low the rest - HW spec is
Good day and Goodbye
I don't really need a vps right now, but if I could adjust offers to better suit me, it would probably look a lot different then what you are used to.
CPU and RAM can be adjusted depending on the task, flexibility there is already good on most offers.
Bandwidth. Most offers are like "10GBit, super response times, a million peers" and then a limit. Well, to me that's just marketing blah, and I really don't give a shit. Give me 10MBit full duplex and I'm totally fine with it. If it's 100MBit that's fine, I will never use that much anyway. I understand that there are cases where bandwidth is important, but jezuz christ, you are buying a $2 a month vps with 512M RAM that will most likely just idle or run a few low traffic websites. There is no way that you will ever need or even be able to use that kind of bandwidth on such a lowspec vps.
Storage. It's very much the same rant as bandwidth here. I don't need a trillion iops from a pure ssd/nvme top of the line oh my god kind of storage from the puny 5GB I'm assigned. I would take 50GB of slow-ass spinning SATA storage over 5GB of SSD every time! Again, its a lowend box. If I need highperformance top of the line stuff, I buy top of the line servers.
On lowend boxes you run lowend stuff, but somewhere this performance bullshit just went insane. I just want a dirtcheap vps to do lowend stuff, I don't want to be limited to only getting 2GB discspace because someone else think it's justified to demand nvme storage on a $2/month vps.
So why do I still buy lowend vps's if they don't suit me? Because its lowend vps's, we are talking a few dollars a month here. I would never even dream of demanding anything for that kind of money, so I just roll with whatever is offered. I'm still amazed I can even get a vps for less money then I spend on a decent icecream.
@rcy026 yes I pretty much feel the same way personally.
I tend to end up thinking "I wonder what sort of offer I can put out" then I try and come up with something that will appeal to as many people as possible, this time I thought... why not just ask?
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Fair enough. Thanks for taking the time to reply thoroughly. Nothing I can say against that, although I would have assumed Hetzner to be responsible folks that can be accounted for and will make sure to fix issues on their end according to the german (strict) law and to the full extent in a swiftly manner. Anyway was worth asking
Ympker's VPN LTD Comparison,, Ympker's GitHub.
I made 100Gbps software and can eat this box for breakfast.
If a deployment begins, my users would want a box like this in next few years.
No hostname left!
That is not a VPS you want, well it might be a VPS price you want, but actually, you need to be talking about dedicated server hosts for that.
Clouviders 10GB port with 100TB starts at £269 /month + the physical server. so I would be quoting you closer to £600 /month all in which I expect is not what you are looking to pay.
Appreciate the request but its not something I can actually quote for, any other hosts reading this please feel free to quote in this thread, I am not precious
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Doubt many people are capable of providing this as a VPS, but NetCup has a Root Server with 1/4th of your required resources at 12 USD: 2 dedicated threads, 8GB, 160GB, 120TB on 2.5G. So, your requirements will be fulfilled at less than 50 USD, in a way.
Thanks for answering. It's unsurprising that this exceeds the normal $70/month maximum.
It's not what I'm going to personally pay, but now I have some ideas on what it would cost if someone wants to deploy my software in a commercial data center.
This fish tank is too small for the whale.
Ideally I want 100Gbps, where an Ethernet adapter costs $500 and a transceiver costs $100. But I never saw 100Gbps mentioned in this forum, so I'm too afraid to ask.
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I was going to make a suggestion until I saw your last offer at 50 EUR, so grabbed that, bargain to be honest.
The problem is not the cost of the hardware, its the cost of the transit. Hardware cost is a one time fee, while 100Gbps links are expensive and payed every month.
Just black nothing fancy
Grab your vmWare toblerone today.
Nexus Bytes Ryzen Powered NVMe VPS | NYC|Miami|LA|London|Netherlands| Singapore|Tokyo
Storage VPS | LiteSpeed Powered Web Hosting + SSH access | Switcher Special |
How much?
Hetzner alone wants 50€ for /56 IPv6, they did not even mentioned a /48 when we asked for NanoKVM.
I mentioned L2 connection to Internet2. Internet2 is minimal cost for educational use, if the use case qualifies as educational.
Maybe I should give my users a shovel and let them dig a tunnel for 100Gbps fibers. Transit would be free forever.
No hostname left!
That seems like a mix of NetCup RS 8000 G9 and your nighttime fantasies.
Interesting concept
What would the following cost?
vCPU: 1
RAM: 1GB (or maybe even 0,5 GB)
Transfer/BW: 500 GB
IP's: 1
Location: UK
Holy shit thank you very much i didn't know something like that actually existed!
Phoenix location:
3gb ram
60gb storage
3tb transfer
And or
1 cpu
1gb ram
20gb storage
1tb transfer
1 IP
And or
2gb ram
4tb storage
4tb transfer (1 direction unlimited)
1 IP