YABS Banner/Logo Competition -- Calling All Graphic Gurus -- Prizes & Street Cred - Submit by 11 Jan
I'm looking for a new logo/banner design to be face of the Yet Another Bench Script (YABS) project. I would like to swap out the xkcd comic currently on the repo page and instead replace it with a design created by someone in the community. Because I see YABS as a community-powered project, I'd also like to source the logo design from the community as well instead of heading to Fiverr or some other site.
Friendly Competition Details:
- Submissions due by 1700 EST (2200 UTC), 11 January 2021
- LES Poll will determine winner after all submissions gathered (community picks winner, basically)
- Dimensions don't matter too much, it'll be scaled to not take up an obscene amount of space in the GitHub repo
- Themes to consider: community-focused, open-source, disk/network/cpu performance, Linux, etc.
- Multiple submissions are allowed
Prizes To Be Had:
- Winner will be mailed some stickers that I have from various providers in the community
- $20 sent to your LES provider of choice as account credit (or donated to charity of your choice)
- Winner's design added to the YABS repo with attribution/link to personal webpage
- Mad street cred and bragging rights
- $50 Nexus Bytes credit courtesy of @seriesn
Post your submissions in this thread in the next 2 weeks (by 11 Jan) to be included in the winner selection poll. Let me know any questions/concerns that you have.
This discussion has been closed.
Designs Submitted by @AnthonySmith
Head Janitor @ LES • About • Rules • Support
Design Submitted by @Ympker
Head Janitor @ LES • About • Rules • Support
ASCII Art Submitted by @MaxKVM
Head Janitor @ LES • About • Rules • Support
ASCII Art Submitted by @thedp
Head Janitor @ LES • About • Rules • Support
Design Submitted by @Chievo
Head Janitor @ LES • About • Rules • Support
Yabs being one of the most used script on our system, here's a Nexus Byte love to support the contest,
Winning designer will be eligible for $50 Nexus Bytes Service credit
Nexus Bytes Ryzen Powered NVMe VPS | NYC|Miami|LA|London|Netherlands| Singapore|Tokyo
Storage VPS | LiteSpeed Powered Web Hosting + SSH access | Switcher Special |
Might submit some more since this is more of a mockup, not a real "logo". Gotta see if I find the time though
Ympker's VPN LTD Comparison, Uptime.is, Ympker's GitHub.
You the man!
Head Janitor @ LES • About • Rules • Support
I like this one, would fit in the script header too.
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
Sorry, I embrace simplicity
F*kin prem!
Nexus Bytes Ryzen Powered NVMe VPS | NYC|Miami|LA|London|Netherlands| Singapore|Tokyo
Storage VPS | LiteSpeed Powered Web Hosting + SSH access | Switcher Special |
We are not going to beat the alliterative awesomeness of "Because dee dee ha didts day."
Of course, no matter how poetic, a phrase still might not be a logo. "A phrase does not a logo make."
Moreover, it's probably an issue that a few | some | many people might not know about dd.
Here's a terrible visual logo idea: a gorgeous, potted Yabsemum blooming next to the tombstone of dd.
Well, maybe a Yabs logo somehow could be based on a Yabsemum?
I want to see what @vyas proposes!
I hope everyone gets the servers they want!
Source attached (distributed under WTFPL
This one looks good. I think it needs more contrast though.
I'm no artist but I looked through the ascii generators and thought these looked the best.
I prefer the lowercase but it takes a few extra lines which might be too much.
This is YABS logo I designed:

For ASCII you could use this:
Or this:
⭕ A simple uptime dashboard using UptimeRobot API https://upy.duo.ovh
⭕ Currently using VPS from BuyVM, GreenCloudVPS, Gullo's, Hetzner, HostHatch, InceptionHosting, LetBox, MaxKVM, MrVM, VirMach.
Too much contrast.
Keep in mind y'all, this is for the logo/graphic on the github page, not necessarily for a header in the script output itself
Adding anything to the script output might be worth a separate discussion.
Head Janitor @ LES • About • Rules • Support
Just doing this for fun btw, not after any prizes or glamour ?
We'll see. I'd like to keep the script output pretty streamlined/minimal. Won't be changing the font/color of the text in the output, for instance. But if the ascii is small enough (not an obscene number of lines) then I may consider it
Head Janitor @ LES • About • Rules • Support
Ok, I'm out.
I think we have a winner
Head Janitor @ LES • About • Rules • Support
Simplicity is beautiful.
Quite some nice ideas here
This community surprises me every day 
Ympker's VPN LTD Comparison, Uptime.is, Ympker's GitHub.
nah, instead you should already think about merchandise...