@qqlikelo said:
Any argument seems to be moot anyway what are you going to do with the suspended machines that's the point assuming that the suspended machines are all violating any possible TOS. Will the machine be cancelled? Permanent suspension? How will the bill be handled? That's what I want to know. Does this determine what I should do next instead of waiting indefinitely for a "trial"?
They don't go around randomly suspending accounts or looking for customers to piss off.
You and the others making this claim need to stop your stupid repeating of dumb questions and think for 5 minutes. Why would they want to waste their time and lose money to do something that hurts their business in the end?
Anyone suspended did stuff they shouldn't have AND caused enough of a problem doing it that they had to do it to ensure the services of the other 99% of their clients that do follow the rules would stop being impacted.
You fucked up, you found out the consequences, now accept that YOU are the reason for the whole situation and go away to think about your actions.
@qqlikelo said:
Any argument seems to be moot anyway what are you going to do with the suspended machines that's the point assuming that the suspended machines are all violating any possible TOS. Will the machine be cancelled? Permanent suspension? How will the bill be handled? That's what I want to know. Does this determine what I should do next instead of waiting indefinitely for a "trial"?
They don't go around randomly suspending accounts or looking for customers to piss off.
You and the others making this claim need to stop your stupid repeating of dumb questions and think for 5 minutes. Why would they want to waste their time and lose money to do something that hurts their business in the end?
Anyone suspended did stuff they shouldn't have AND caused enough of a problem doing it that they had to do it to ensure the services of the other 99% of their clients that do follow the rules would stop being impacted.
You fucked up, you found out the consequences, now accept that YOU are the reason for the whole situation and go away to think about your actions.
Are you sure you understand what I'm saying? I'm not asking why suspended.
I'm also not asking for the suspension to be lifted.
I'm asking, VPS that has stopped.
What is the final result of the processing, is it canceled, permanently suspended, or something else?
see what I'm talking about
@qqlikelo said:
Are you sure you understand what I'm saying? I'm not asking why suspended.
I'm also not asking for the suspension to be lifted.
I'm asking, VPS that has stopped.
What is the final result of the processing, is it canceled, permanently suspended, or something else?
see what I'm talking about
If you read the rules, you will know what they are and what will happen if you don't follow them. So follow the rules and you won't have to worry about what happens if you break them.
I really don't know what you are asking. because as with most of the translated stuff, you seem to be asking for two different things at the same time. Perhaps try using deepl instead of google or whatever you are using?
@qqlikelo said:
Any argument seems to be moot anyway what are you going to do with the suspended machines that's the point assuming that the suspended machines are all violating any possible TOS. Will the machine be cancelled? Permanent suspension? How will the bill be handled? That's what I want to know. Does this determine what I should do next instead of waiting indefinitely for a "trial"?
They don't go around randomly suspending accounts or looking for customers to piss off.
You and the others making this claim need to stop your stupid repeating of dumb questions and think for 5 minutes. Why would they want to waste their time and lose money to do something that hurts their business in the end?
Anyone suspended did stuff they shouldn't have AND caused enough of a problem doing it that they had to do it to ensure the services of the other 99% of their clients that do follow the rules would stop being impacted.
You fucked up, you found out the consequences, now accept that YOU are the reason for the whole situation and go away to think about your actions.
Are you sure you understand what I'm saying? I'm not asking why suspended.
I'm also not asking for the suspension to be lifted.
I'm asking, VPS that has stopped.
What is the final result of the processing, is it canceled, permanently suspended, or something else?
see what I'm talking about
It seems to be permanently suspended,of course you can request to cancel it right now.
@sunday01 said:
Ticket: 1397296
Ryzen Special 768 - WeightyVicious-VM (03/12/2022 - 03/11/2023)
Selection Location: Tokyo, JP - Later Equinix & Inap - HANDLING
Reason for suspension: Account not in good standing
Cann't appeal.
I didn't abuse the machine and got suspended.
What a random reason to suspend my machine.
Really have to admire this nasty means.
Exactly, how dare Virmach discontinued the machine.
Of course I endorse environment protection.
I'm interested, what do you guys get out of pretending like it's random? And if it really is a misunderstanding, why would anyone come here to claim such things before even trying to work it out with the provider? It seems to me that the people who do that are generally just angry and think if they do that we'll quickly just undo it because it makes us look bad, but I do not understand why some minimal level of research wouldn't first be done to ensure it's a good strategy.
Out of any host, it's been proven time and time again that it has no effect on us.
We do not operate like other companies where if you make a claim without evidence publicly, someone reaches out and tries to get you to stop repeating it. Free speech. But all you end up doing is wasting your time, weakening your case, and annoying everyone here.
Any argument seems to be moot anyway what are you going to do with the suspended machines that's the point assuming that the suspended machines are all violating any possible TOS. Will the machine be cancelled? Permanent suspension? How will the bill be handled? That's what I want to know. Does this determine what I should do next instead of waiting indefinitely for a "trial"?
i hope he takes all that money for all the troubles caused
Oh looks like SolusVM finally added this feature, I'll read about it but basically it's relevant to the previous community discussions we had regarding giving NVMe space alongside storage plans:
(edit) We can possibly do some of the cool things we've wanted to do with it as well unless I'm reading this incorrectly. Basically with the backups we have from NVMe --> SATA we can have a copy of your VPS at all times, and if the disk you're on has issues we could potentially make it auto failover to the backup (after reviewing further how it should be done specifically since otherwise in some situations it could be confusing and essentially create two different versions of your VPS once the original returns. Possibly this could be an optional button on your end.)
@qqlikelo said: Any argument seems to be moot anyway what are you going to do with the suspended machines that's the point assuming that the suspended machines are all violating any possible TOS. Will the machine be cancelled? Permanent suspension? How will the bill be handled? That's what I want to know. Does this determine what I should do next instead of waiting indefinitely for a "trial"?
I recommend actually reading what I've already said while you're around this thread if you're interested in hearing my thoughts that may potentially answer some of the questions you just asked. Keep in mind it's all unofficial, and the official response in this case is to check our terms of service and how we usually handle these cases. Account not in good standing = ToS breach. ToS breach = generally $25 suspension fee (in this case it wasn't auto generated), and usually fee has to be paid to appeal (not required for first response, may be required thereafter, and if this is getting confusing, assume $25 fee by default.) Then once appealed, either rejected or successful. If successful, unsuspended. If rejected, remains suspended and account may be terminated/closed. If rejected, and you have any important data, by this point you should immediately let us know if you have important data and need a copy. Undetermined time for termination. Usually we may allow it to just sit there on normal suspensions but for "account not in good standing" it usually means termination since it involves a ToS breach at a fundamental level rather than AUP issue.
As for renewals: you should place a cancellation request. We do this for you only if it ends up being terminated. If it's not terminated, you must cancel it so it terminates, otherwise it will renew, even in a suspended state. If you decide to renew, you're renewing the service (the IPv4 address, the disk/data.) This is how our system works.
@VirMach said: Of course we will review his claim and see what happened and be fair. If he is the original owner and there is no other problem, we'll disclose what happened, how we'll prevent it, and credit him for the downtime.
That will reassure most normal customers. Thank you.
Boss, your focus should be to punish the abuse of resources, it could be a disaster if you insist on the authenticity of Chinese users' information, because they use vps to traverse GFW, if the data is leaked, they will result in being warned or even imprisoned by the Chinese government, so many of them are afraid to fill in the real information because of that.
@qqlikelo said:
Are you sure you understand what I'm saying? I'm not asking why suspended.
I'm also not asking for the suspension to be lifted.
I'm asking, VPS that has stopped.
What is the final result of the processing, is it canceled, permanently suspended, or something else?
see what I'm talking about
If you read the rules, you will know what they are and what will happen if you don't follow them. So follow the rules and you won't have to worry about what happens if you break them.
I really don't know what you are asking. because as with most of the translated stuff, you seem to be asking for two different things at the same time. Perhaps try using deepl instead of google or whatever you are using?
As for as I know, most people impacted got this vague email (excerpt):
...Your service was suspended for: Account not in good standing...
The chilling effect brought about by pocket crimes accusation is obvious: people will think twice before taking tempting offers, considering
1. Little or no after-sale service (All Flash Sale has no support), which exists long before;
2. Service suspension without clear allegation.
It is Virmach who suspended service, so it's its responsibility to point out which exact term his user has violated.
And accordingly, if the user denies the charge, it's the user's responsibility to provide proof to prove the innocence.
But how could a user deny a pocket crime, like 1989.0604 pages-long TOS?
Last, a native speaker can understand poor language usage.
Otherwise, it's ridiculous or malicious. Which one do you belong to?
...Your service was suspended for: Account not in good standing...
And I'm sure most people immediately knew what they did wrong, they just wanted it laid out in case the wrong thing was said so they could dispute it.
Last, a native speaker can understand poor language usage.
Otherwise, it's ridiculous or malicious. Which one do you belong to?
I'm a native english speaker & writer. You are not. Your text is being run through a program that is not always accurate and then translated and output in a different language. And then the reverse is done for my response back to you.
For example, I have no idea what a "pocket crime" that you keep mentioning is. Are you trying to say it's a minor crime what you did, not a major one like killing someone? Well, you still did a crime, why should you escape the consequences?
Also, as has been stated MANY times before this, the accounts were ones that did multiple things that were against TOS. And you all know (and many of you admit) that buying from someone else is against TOS yet you did it anyway. So you all knew at least one way you've broken it. Stop trying to pretend you are innocent.
Virmach has been extremely nice trying to resolve the issues with why you didn't buy directly for future people as well as offering people not lying about it a way to resolve the current issues. Yet you continue to insult us and Virmach over and over again while demanding things like a spoiled child.
Last, a native speaker can understand poor language usage.
Otherwise, it's ridiculous or malicious. Which one do you belong to?
I'm a native english speaker & writer. You are not. Your text is being run through a program that is not always accurate and then translated and output in a different language. And then the reverse is done for my response back to you.
For example, I have no idea what a "pocket crime" that you keep mentioning is. Are you trying to say it's a minor crime what you did, not a major one like killing someone? Well, you still did a crime, why should you escape the consequences?
Also, as has been stated MANY times before this, the accounts were ones that did multiple things that were against TOS. And you all know (and many of you admit) that buying from someone else is against TOS yet you did it anyway. So you all knew at least one way you've broken it. Stop trying to pretend you are innocent.
Virmach has been extremely nice trying to resolve the issues with why you didn't buy directly for future people as well as offering people not lying about it a way to resolve the current issues. Yet you continue to insult us and Virmach over and over again while demanding things like a spoiled child.
Some parts of your statement are correct, while some are not:
1. "Pocket crime" are not widespread understood because in most democratic countries there are no such things. I thought "pocket crime" was of foreign origin, but now I know I was wrong. Sorry for any misunderstanding it caused, and I will be careful.
I know I read and writing English myself, without any assistance of translation program. If you think I'm illiterate, fine, it's your choice, and I don't care.
Look at what GreenCloud did when suspending service (I mean providing some sort of proof, instead of stating a vague "not in good standing"): https://ibb.co/QpyDMhH
Section 3, Point C C) Fraud Protection: VirMach uses automated fraud protection on all orders, so please enter all billing information correctly. Do not use proxies when ordering, and do not try to mask your identity in any way.
No clear rules that don't allow users transfer service privately.
Section 4, Point I I) Assignment: This Agreement and the rights granted and obligations undertaken hereunder may not be transferred, assigned or delegated in any manner by Customer, but may be so transferred, assigned or delegated by VirMach.
No need for real info.
No clear rules that don't allow users transfer service privately.
Section 4J - "I) Assignment: This Agreement and the rights granted and obligations undertaken hereunder may not be transferred, assigned or delegated in any manner by Customer, but may be so transferred, assigned or delegated by VirMach."
If you're going to link to terms "proving" your point, you might want to read them first.
No need for real info.
No clear rules that don't allow users transfer service privately.
Anyway they always can catch you for suspending your service with some excuses.
You should refer to the old version of the document, which has been modified dozens of times.
And customers will be exempted from account trade or transfer in private if they registered the account in early times, for example before 2015: https://web.archive.org/web/20140907135447/http://virmach.com/terms-conditions/
You cannot resell/transfer these free services to others. We may cancel or discontinue free offers at any time.
That means customers (old enough) can freely trade non-free services. Am I wrong?
At the same time, however, I doubt the value of VPSes before 2015, which few people are interested in.
@ForMat_eXt4 said:
3. Look at what GreenCloud did when suspending service (I mean providing some sort of proof, instead of stating a vague "not in good standing"): https://ibb.co/QpyDMhH
It must be really annoying to deal with army of those clients. So much ticketing and for what? suspension because of suspicious activity/request for change a server node with promo plan/refund request on a promo plan/and so on...
I use VPS services from various companies for more than 15 years (I started some 2 years before LEA opened his famous blog) and I can't imagine to get suspended. I mean, never say never, it can happen (so far it didn't), because of some trivial unintentional reason, mistake or something, but like said so far it didn't. It seems like those things are reserved for very certain type of clientele.
@ForMat_eXt4 said: Look at what GreenCloud did when suspending service (I mean providing some sort of proof, instead of stating a vague "not in good standing"): https://ibb.co/QpyDMhH
In regards to your green cloud suspension, it's really two different things. If VirMach had suspended you for the same reason as GreenCloud (an unsecured VPS sending out suspicious traffic) you would probably have received a similar notification with a log entry from VirMach. But this is a suspension not for a log-able event like suspicious traffic , and was determined my investigation to tie multiple accounts to one original owner, thereby breaking the TOS that the original owner agreed to.
As many have stated before me, anyone who purchased an account from a third party does not have any legal business relationship with VirMach, your relationship is with the third party. As an example of what I am talking about, when a VPS provider gets shutdown by the DC he rents from for breaking their TOS. You cannot go to the DC and demand that they continue to provide the service you had with the VPS provider, because you have no legal relationship with the DC. The DC did not suspend you, they suspended the provider, even if you suffered damages the DC is not responsible in any way, the provider is. Virmach is the DC in this example, and the third party that you purchased the account from is the VPS provider. Virmach has not suspended you, but your provider. You only have a relationship of courtesy with VirMach, but have no binding legal relationship with VirMach until you signup for an account directly with VirMach and establish that legal relationship. You may wish it was different, but since VirMach is a USA LLC, it is not.
You are not legally correct in you assumption. Every time you renew a contract or make a purchase with VirMach the account holder is taking a material action to agree with the AUP and TOS conditions that VirMach has at that time.
No need for real info.
No clear rules that don't allow users transfer service privately.
Anyway they always can catch you for suspending your service with some excuses.
You should refer to the old version of the document, which has been modified dozens of times.
And customers will be exempted from account trade or transfer in private if they registered the account in early times, for example before 2015: https://web.archive.org/web/20140907135447/http://virmach.com/terms-conditions/
I quote from the page you showed.
We reserve the right to change these terms at any time without notification, so please review this document, at the very least, between each billing term.
Fraud: We use automated fraud protection on all orders, so please enter all billing information correctly.
No need for real info.
No clear rules that don't allow users transfer service privately.
Section 4J - "I) Assignment: This Agreement and the rights granted and obligations undertaken hereunder may not be transferred, assigned or delegated in any manner by Customer, but may be so transferred, assigned or delegated by VirMach."
If you're going to link to terms "proving" your point, you might want to read them first.
What you pasted here is in connection with This Agreement and the rights granted and obligations ,while not customer's service or server,these two things are different.
@kuroneko23 said: Fraud Protection: VirMach uses automated fraud protection on all orders, so please enter all billing information correctly. Do not use proxies when ordering, and do not try to mask your identity in any way
Thank you but from my perserpective,this should be applied to order,so it's nonsense when Virmach suspended customer's service and require them provide the info that need to be correct after months usage.The order has completed yet and Virmach already received these money long time ago.
What I found some terms related about account abuse in Virmach TOS is here(in AUP):
Circumvention Prohibited: Customer agrees not to circumvent, abuse, or attempt to circumvent or abuse VirMach security measures and/or billing system. This includes, but is not limited to: creating multiple billing accounts for the same Customer or from the same household, using multiple accounts to deposit funds exceeding amount of funds permitted, creating a billing account for someone other than Customer, or abusing bugs in VirMach’s system. Any abuse will result in account closure and immediate Service termination, without refund. VirMach does not honor any pricing mistakes on their website and reserves the right to cancel such orders.
No need for real info.
No clear rules that don't allow users transfer service privately.
Section 4J - "I) Assignment: This Agreement and the rights granted and obligations undertaken hereunder may not be transferred, assigned or delegated in any manner by Customer, but may be so transferred, assigned or delegated by VirMach."
If you're going to link to terms "proving" your point, you might want to read them first.
What you pasted here is in connection with This Agreement and the rights granted and obligations ,while not customer's service or server,these two things are different.
I... do not think you comprehend what a "contract" is.
Regardless, if you bought an account from a third party (in direct violation of this term) then you aren't a customer of Virmach anyway, so they have literally no obligation to you in any form AT ALL.
I'm not sure how we can possibly say this more clearly. You're NOT THEIR CUSTOMER - you're the customer of the shady guy you bought the account from, so go complain to him instead?
They don't go around randomly suspending accounts or looking for customers to piss off.
You and the others making this claim need to stop your stupid repeating of dumb questions and think for 5 minutes. Why would they want to waste their time and lose money to do something that hurts their business in the end?
Anyone suspended did stuff they shouldn't have AND caused enough of a problem doing it that they had to do it to ensure the services of the other 99% of their clients that do follow the rules would stop being impacted.
You fucked up, you found out the consequences, now accept that YOU are the reason for the whole situation and go away to think about your actions.
Are you sure you understand what I'm saying? I'm not asking why suspended.
I'm also not asking for the suspension to be lifted.
I'm asking, VPS that has stopped.
What is the final result of the processing, is it canceled, permanently suspended, or something else?
see what I'm talking about
If you read the rules, you will know what they are and what will happen if you don't follow them. So follow the rules and you won't have to worry about what happens if you break them.
I really don't know what you are asking. because as with most of the translated stuff, you seem to be asking for two different things at the same time. Perhaps try using deepl instead of google or whatever you are using?
It seems to be permanently suspended,of course you can request to cancel it right now.
💩:Virmach,Greencloud,Pacificrack really sucks
Love was such an easy game to play
Now I need a place to hide away
Oh, I believe in yesterday
i hope he takes all that money for all the troubles caused
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
Oh looks like SolusVM finally added this feature, I'll read about it but basically it's relevant to the previous community discussions we had regarding giving NVMe space alongside storage plans:
(edit) We can possibly do some of the cool things we've wanted to do with it as well unless I'm reading this incorrectly. Basically with the backups we have from NVMe --> SATA we can have a copy of your VPS at all times, and if the disk you're on has issues we could potentially make it auto failover to the backup (after reviewing further how it should be done specifically since otherwise in some situations it could be confusing and essentially create two different versions of your VPS once the original returns. Possibly this could be an optional button on your end.)
I recommend actually reading what I've already said while you're around this thread if you're interested in hearing my thoughts that may potentially answer some of the questions you just asked. Keep in mind it's all unofficial, and the official response in this case is to check our terms of service and how we usually handle these cases. Account not in good standing = ToS breach. ToS breach = generally $25 suspension fee (in this case it wasn't auto generated), and usually fee has to be paid to appeal (not required for first response, may be required thereafter, and if this is getting confusing, assume $25 fee by default.) Then once appealed, either rejected or successful. If successful, unsuspended. If rejected, remains suspended and account may be terminated/closed. If rejected, and you have any important data, by this point you should immediately let us know if you have important data and need a copy. Undetermined time for termination. Usually we may allow it to just sit there on normal suspensions but for "account not in good standing" it usually means termination since it involves a ToS breach at a fundamental level rather than AUP issue.
As for renewals: you should place a cancellation request. We do this for you only if it ends up being terminated. If it's not terminated, you must cancel it so it terminates, otherwise it will renew, even in a suspended state. If you decide to renew, you're renewing the service (the IPv4 address, the disk/data.) This is how our system works.
We can't tell you the final result if it hasn't even yet been determined for your case. That gets done on your ticket.
That will reassure most normal customers. Thank you.
LowEndSpirit is most supreme.
Help! I need somebody help!
Not just anybody, you know I need someone,
LowEndSpirit is most supreme.
Boss, your focus should be to punish the abuse of resources, it could be a disaster if you insist on the authenticity of Chinese users' information, because they use vps to traverse GFW, if the data is leaked, they will result in being warned or even imprisoned by the Chinese government, so many of them are afraid to fill in the real information because of that.
As for as I know, most people impacted got this vague email (excerpt):
The chilling effect brought about by pocket crimes accusation is obvious: people will think twice before taking tempting offers, considering
1. Little or no after-sale service (All Flash Sale has no support), which exists long before;
2. Service suspension without clear allegation.
It is Virmach who suspended service, so it's its responsibility to point out which exact term his user has violated.
And accordingly, if the user denies the charge, it's the user's responsibility to provide proof to prove the innocence.
But how could a user deny a pocket crime, like 1989.0604 pages-long TOS?
Last, a native speaker can understand poor language usage.
Otherwise, it's ridiculous or malicious. Which one do you belong to?
LowEndSpirit is most supreme.
And I'm sure most people immediately knew what they did wrong, they just wanted it laid out in case the wrong thing was said so they could dispute it.
I'm a native english speaker & writer. You are not. Your text is being run through a program that is not always accurate and then translated and output in a different language. And then the reverse is done for my response back to you.
For example, I have no idea what a "pocket crime" that you keep mentioning is. Are you trying to say it's a minor crime what you did, not a major one like killing someone? Well, you still did a crime, why should you escape the consequences?
Also, as has been stated MANY times before this, the accounts were ones that did multiple things that were against TOS. And you all know (and many of you admit) that buying from someone else is against TOS yet you did it anyway. So you all knew at least one way you've broken it. Stop trying to pretend you are innocent.
Virmach has been extremely nice trying to resolve the issues with why you didn't buy directly for future people as well as offering people not lying about it a way to resolve the current issues. Yet you continue to insult us and Virmach over and over again while demanding things like a spoiled child.
Let's read Virmach AUP again:
No need for real info.
No clear rules that don't allow users transfer service privately.
Anyway they always can catch you for suspending your service with some excuses.
💩:Virmach,Greencloud,Pacificrack really sucks
Does this include suspension due to DMCA complain of pirate trorrent? ToS TL;DR
Some providers are lenient, pay 5~10$ fine to get things done, everyone is happy except Paramount
Ontario Dildo Inspector
Some parts of your statement are correct, while some are not:
1. "Pocket crime" are not widespread understood because in most democratic countries there are no such things. I thought "pocket crime" was of foreign origin, but now I know I was wrong. Sorry for any misunderstanding it caused, and I will be careful.
I know I read and writing English myself, without any assistance of translation program. If you think I'm illiterate, fine, it's your choice, and I don't care.
Look at what GreenCloud did when suspending service (I mean providing some sort of proof, instead of stating a vague "not in good standing"):
LowEndSpirit is most supreme.
Section 3, Point C
C) Fraud Protection: VirMach uses automated fraud protection on all orders, so please enter all billing information correctly. Do not use proxies when ordering, and do not try to mask your identity in any way.
Section 4, Point I
I) Assignment: This Agreement and the rights granted and obligations undertaken hereunder may not be transferred, assigned or delegated in any manner by Customer, but may be so transferred, assigned or delegated by VirMach.
Probably? IANAL
Section 4J - "I) Assignment: This Agreement and the rights granted and obligations undertaken hereunder may not be transferred, assigned or delegated in any manner by Customer, but may be so transferred, assigned or delegated by VirMach."
If you're going to link to terms "proving" your point, you might want to read them first.
obviously @Franzkafka cant read or wont read or selectively dyslexic
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
You should refer to the old version of the document, which has been modified dozens of times.
And customers will be exempted from account trade or transfer in private if they registered the account in early times, for example before 2015:
That means customers (old enough) can freely trade non-free services. Am I wrong?
At the same time, however, I doubt the value of VPSes before 2015, which few people are interested in.
LowEndSpirit is most supreme.
It must be really annoying to deal with army of those clients. So much ticketing and for what?
suspension because of suspicious activity/request for change a server node with promo plan/refund request on a promo plan/and so on...
I use VPS services from various companies for more than 15 years (I started some 2 years before LEA opened his famous blog) and I can't imagine to get suspended. I mean, never say never, it can happen (so far it didn't), because of some trivial unintentional reason, mistake or something, but like said so far it didn't. It seems like those things are reserved for very certain type of clientele.
In regards to your green cloud suspension, it's really two different things. If VirMach had suspended you for the same reason as GreenCloud (an unsecured VPS sending out suspicious traffic) you would probably have received a similar notification with a log entry from VirMach. But this is a suspension not for a log-able event like suspicious traffic , and was determined my investigation to tie multiple accounts to one original owner, thereby breaking the TOS that the original owner agreed to.
As many have stated before me, anyone who purchased an account from a third party does not have any legal business relationship with VirMach, your relationship is with the third party. As an example of what I am talking about, when a VPS provider gets shutdown by the DC he rents from for breaking their TOS. You cannot go to the DC and demand that they continue to provide the service you had with the VPS provider, because you have no legal relationship with the DC. The DC did not suspend you, they suspended the provider, even if you suffered damages the DC is not responsible in any way, the provider is. Virmach is the DC in this example, and the third party that you purchased the account from is the VPS provider. Virmach has not suspended you, but your provider. You only have a relationship of courtesy with VirMach, but have no binding legal relationship with VirMach until you signup for an account directly with VirMach and establish that legal relationship. You may wish it was different, but since VirMach is a USA LLC, it is not.
You are not legally correct in you assumption. Every time you renew a contract or make a purchase with VirMach the account holder is taking a material action to agree with the AUP and TOS conditions that VirMach has at that time.
I quote from the page you showed.
What you pasted here is in connection with
This Agreement and the rights granted and obligations
,while not customer'sservice
,these two things are different.🌟:SpartanHost,Cloudcone,Hostodo,WebHorizon
💩:Virmach,Greencloud,Pacificrack really sucks
Thank you but from my perserpective,this should be applied to
,so it's nonsense when Virmach suspended customer's service and require them provide the info that need to be correct after months usage.Theorder
has completed yet and Virmach already received these money long time ago.🌟:SpartanHost,Cloudcone,Hostodo,WebHorizon
💩:Virmach,Greencloud,Pacificrack really sucks
Thanks for explaining.
It's very reasonable, and I totally agree.
LowEndSpirit is most supreme.
What I found some terms related about account abuse in Virmach TOS is here(in AUP):
💩:Virmach,Greencloud,Pacificrack really sucks
I... do not think you comprehend what a "contract" is.
Regardless, if you bought an account from a third party (in direct violation of this term) then you aren't a customer of Virmach anyway, so they have literally no obligation to you in any form AT ALL.
I'm not sure how we can possibly say this more clearly. You're NOT THEIR CUSTOMER - you're the customer of the shady guy you bought the account from, so go complain to him instead?
If you bought it from a reseller:
You didn't buy anything from Virmach, you bought it from random other person, you have NO contract, no rights, no privileges, NOTHING with Virmach.
Stop trying to make yourself look like the victim. You knowingly were involved in breaking the rules.