Z+ 512MB LXC 5GB Solid State - $2.50/m

You ever wanted to Go Green? You feel the need to be easy on the environment? Want to cause yourself misery? I got a deal for you lads.
Solar Micro Services Container
- 2 Cores (shared) (Intel Atom x5-Z8330)
- 512MB Ram
- 5GB Solid State Storage
- 1MB/s bandwidth cap (approximately)
- 1 public ipv4 address
- /64 ipv6 (Drop a ticket.)
- LXC virtualization
- Solar offset / powered.
- May be located in a cornfield / back yard.
- Uptime may vary by season, but approximately from sun up to sun down, or whenever the batteries have juice or grid tied.
$2.50 / Month. Click Here
Will give 3 months free to the first person who can get a Yabs Benchmark to successfully finish.
These are limited stock, though if prodded enough I could add more nodes.
Q: Are these really solar powered?
A: Not yet, I'm still building the UPS system to run these buggers overnight. They're on grid tie right now. I had a solar system set up over the summer to help offset personal AC usage.
Q: Will these actually be located in a corn field?
A: I'm looking to get these slapped up around the edges of a corn field, but general backyard is what it's looking like in terms of design on poles.
Q: Why?
A: It's funny.
I know I'm brand new to the scene, I'm still learning. Jokes aside, all equipment is owned along with the resources in use. I'll be offering more serious things in the future. Hopefully sooner rather than later.
Looks like manual activation? #15
You'd be correct.
Activated, good luck lad.
Interested to see the picture of them please.
I think I really need that.
Can't login to the VPS via SSH immediately because it disallow remote root access on fresh install (which is good I guess?). Need to use the console from billing panel to create new user, etc. Tried to access the control panel (Proxmox) but got Permission check failed (sys.audit).
Can't do apt update because it doesn't resolve the repo domain (broken dns) so I edit the /etc/hosts. Got 1388 kB/s while doing apt upgrade. Edited the resolv.conf, still can't resolve any domain. Sorry I'm shit at Linux.
YABS, probably.
Sun Oct 23 06:04:32 UTC 2022
You managed to find 2 bugs within 3 hours. I'm pretty grateful for that lad.
I've resolved the DNS errors, you will have to reset your VM to reflect that.
I think I managed to broke it. I did a fresh Ubuntu 22.04 reinstall from billing panel but the VM is now in error state.
EDIT: Probably my fault since I miss-clicked the reset button and then proceed to use the rebuild options immediately. Just like what MJJ virmach user do.
sips coffee
Remember before ordering,
I'm willing to throw $2.5 bucks just for the lolz :P
Ask and ye shall receive. Despite the memes, this was a really fun project to put together. It's extremely cursed.
World's most powerful host node
It's okay, nothing bad actually happened here, you could have just slapped the power on button again after about 3 minutes of Proxmox wondering what's going on for dear life.
I can't do anything other than rebuild and when I tried to rebuilt it, it just return "Action Error". Probably you need to recreate the VM on your side?

or I managed to destroy the poor intel stick lmao
I bonked it, what do you see now.
Fixed, thanks a lot. Now trying do another yabs
You ever want to go green?
Change to shared IPv4 NAT and reduce pricing to $3/year.
No hostname left!
Latest YABS
The rebuild function on the billing panel still doesn't work (It did work at first), it'll return Action Error and send your VM to error state.
Oh my god, this is such a cursed offer. I'm tempted to purchase one now
I am a representative of Advin Servers
This was inspired by your site https://yoursunny.com/p/summer-host/ipv9/
So, for some reason my dummy account, and a friend's account is able to rebuild constantly but when you try it Proxmox says that your VM's disk is still in use. I asked a friend to spam rebuild overnight while I was away. Not sure what's actually causing this.
Ah, probably because I was trying to create a swap but it didn't work. I can do reboot just fine, cleared the fstab but it kept showed up at /proc/swaps for some reason.
Oh yeah, swap is definitely going to break things on this considering your dd testing showed 11MB/s disk speeds.
Do you give me permission to obliterate the vps and re-provision? Won't do it till I have the OK.
Can you take 🥭 payment?
Is your IPv9 working?
No hostname left!
I do accept payment in mangos, if requested.
I've not figured out how to do IPv9. I figured out IPv6 so I can avoid being added to the no IPv6 hall of shame though!
Sure. Too bad I can't see the gb5 score :P
Network is fast, my man.
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
"I'll get right on that" has turned into "oh no, proxmox won't actually delete the dev because it thinks it's in use still"
The entire dashboard error is a bug of proxmox holding onto that dev for dear life for some reason.
Bonked it with printer fixer 9000. Works again... I think?
Yep, it works again. And in my infinite wisdom, I hit the rebuild button again and it throws the same error again. Maybe my VM is just cursed?
tl;dr OP is offering you a VM that's hosted from a Intel Compute Stick
10/10 network is fast my man
In all honestly this is a neat concept. Adding Solar + cellular and/or satellite failover could make this a doomsday/prepper type VPS that's about as off grid hosting as one could get.
Cheap dedis are my drug, and I'm too far gone to turn back.
I've opened a ticket , hopefully it explains what went wrong? I wasn't for sure if I could say it on the forums so ticket was next best option. Feel free to share if you don't think it's worth keeping between you and I.
I do have cellular backup, it's a bit pokey but it's there just in case.
Would be happy to try and run yabs, anyone wanna share their instance for an hour?
Crunchbits Technical Support, Technical Writer, and Sales
Contact me at: +1 (509) 606-3569 or rafal@crunchbits.com
My testing account has a reserved node on it if you'd like to try it using that node - I can push the services to your account through the billing panel so you can have a go at it if you want?
I was not at all expecting to sell out of this meme, though to be fair there's only one node up. I'll set up a couple more over the weekend - these are great learning tools and when they work, they're actually functional despite the meme.