iHostART - 5.5$/yr 50 GB HDD & 512 MB & 1 vCore & Public Torrent allowed & DMCA Ignore & 1x IPv4 NAT



  • @hotsnow said:
    @Calin may I ask when the IPv6 can working? thanks

    Hello , don t know exactly i m have same problems :( IPv6 don t working , it s possible try yourself for create IPv6 tunnel?


  • edited November 2022

    @Calin said:

    Hello , don t know exactly i m have same problems :(

    What's the problem?
    Other providers that have Virtualizor may be able to help.

    IPv6 don t working , it s possible try yourself for create IPv6 tunnel?

    It would not be DMCA ignored.
    Unless, you give me a free KVM NAT box?
    Then I can make tunnel there and let all the neighbors use it.

    Thanked by (1)hotsnow

    No hostname left!

  • @Calin said:

    Hello , don t know exactly i m have same problems :( IPv6 don t working , it s possible try yourself for create IPv6 tunnel?


    maybe you could propose some compensation for not working IPv6 (i.e. +20GB hard disk space), and it would cut number of complaints by 90% :)

    Thanked by (1)jmaxwell
  • @Calin I can help you solve your ipv6 issues. Happy to help, send me a message.

  • @Andrews said:

    maybe you could propose some compensation for not working IPv6 (i.e. +20GB hard disk space), and it would cut number of complaints by 90% :)

    Amen. To hell with IPv6


  • edited November 2022

    Hello, the issue with IPv6 is as follows

    For the VPS Storage NAT 2 and VPS KVM NAT64 offers we do not use routers, we actually have 1 GBps fiber with FTTH port and we connect that fiber directly to the dedicated server, it is a very good achievement for us and we have much higher performances like this, on in addition to this, we also cut the costs of a router that has an SFP port output

    For VPS KVM NAT64 we use proxmox, and IPv6 is assigned automatically (we want to mention that we have our own dedicated VLAN and our own dedicated ODB just for us, so the configuration is done at our ISP basically we have IPv6 already allocated in our ISP Core

    VPS Storage NAT 2 instead usage Virtualizor with Virtuozzo OS we don't see them, we tried to allocate them through nmtui, with the Manual or Automatic option, even Automatic-DHCP (screenshot about obtions IPv6

    We have the following problems

    In automatic, we don't see anything in ifconfig, even after a reboot

    In Manual, IPv6 is allocated but has no ping and in Automatic (DHCP Only) the connection starts to be lost.

    As I said, it's a very strange problem, if someone has a solution I'm looking forward to it, I want to point out that proxmox allocates IPv6 automatically, I tried this this morning, because of that there was a downtime of about 50 minutes at the VPS Storage NAT 2 according to uptime.ihostart.com


  • @yoursunny said: It would not be DMCA ignored.

    Unless, you give me a free KVM NAT box?
    Then I can make tunnel there and let all the neighbors use it.


    Hello , yes it s ok , please opened ticket on website and give you


  • @Calin said:

    Unless, you give me a free KVM NAT box?
    Then I can make tunnel there and let all the neighbors use it.


    Hello , yes it s ok , please opened ticket on website and give you


    do not forget to update your TOS and mention about volunteer network traffic security inspector (before customers start asking about MITM) :D

    and if you need to draw an updated company network diagram you could start from here:

    Thanked by (2)yoursunny chris
  • edited November 2022

    Hello @Andrews I most likely expressed myself wrongly , I don't mean others, I mean to configure it for him and let him use it only he


  • edited November 2022

    @Calin said:
    we actually have 1 GBps fiber with FTTH port and we connect that fiber directly to the dedicated server

    Does this connection provide on-link IPv6 or routed IPv6?
    If you have routed IPv6 (possibly delivered via IPv6-PD), you may not need a bridge interface (br0) on the WAN side.
    Instead, the bridge interface should be on the LAN side, connected with the containers.

    VPS Storage NAT 2 instead usage Virtualizor with Virtuozzo OS we don't see them, we tried to allocate them through nmtui, with the Manual or Automatic option, even Automatic-DHCP

    A limitation of OpenVZ is that, each address must be configured before starting the container.
    It is not possible to run DHCPv6 client inside an OpenVZ container.

    No hostname left!

  • edited November 2022

    A limitation of OpenVZ is that, each address must be configured before starting the container.

    Thats not entirely true, an address can be added after the container has been started however it must be done on the host using the:
    vzctl set <id> --ip <address>

    Or using the equivalent prctl command.

    You do not need to restart the container for this to take effect.

    Thanked by (1)yoursunny
  • @Calin said:
    Hello @Andrews I most likely expressed myself wrongly , I don't mean others, I mean to configure it for him and let him use it only he


    Can I use it aswell, I want yoursunny to see the nudes I'm sending to my wife.

    Saves him renewing the onlyfans subscription!

    Thanked by (1)yoursunny

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  • Invoice #696

  • mmmh, node offline?

  • @TrendyJack said:
    mmmh, node offline?

    Container went offline when I'm streaming Young Sheldon, mid episode.
    This is a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad time, because I'm eager to know the outcome.


    Everybody dies.


    Well, nobody dies on Young Sheldon.

    Thanked by (1)TrendyJack

    No hostname left!

  • Sorry guys, i hosted too much "art"

    Thanked by (1)FrankZ
  • @Calin
    Invoice #713
    Thank you.

  • node offline =)

  • The end is nigh.

    No hostname left!

  • edited November 2022

    Hello everyone , yes little downtime on LV0 (NAT Storage VPS) ISP Problems about ddos attack , in next two hours problems fixed.


  • Hello again , fixed problems , all working good


    Thanked by (1)jmaxwell
  • Invoice #722

    Please mark as paid and increase RAM.


  • Is ipv6 available?

  • @TerryX said:
    Is ipv6 available?

    currently not, maybe soon we hope

  • Invoice #727

    Recommended hosts:
    Letbox, Data ideas, Hetzner

  • invoice 728 paid 384 MB RAM FREE sir ,thank you very much.

  • I'm waiting for activation, Paypal done, here's mine:

    Invoice #729

  • Invoice #738 awaiting activation

  • edited November 2022

    I upgrade the node to a dedicated network of 10 GBps so today whoever buys this offer has unlimited internet bandwidth (Unlimited internet bandwidth is available now and for those who already have this type of VPS)How is it possible at 50
    cents per month to have the possibility to have a port of 1 GBps unlimited? Simple, because our data center is located in a very small town we invested our own money for upgrades to some dedicated ODB and dedicated backbone/vlan's only for us so now I benefit from very cheap fibers both internally and externally, all VPS's are limited to 1 GBps , after several tests performed you should catch around 300-400 mbit on very busy days and 700 to 800 mbit on non-crowded days


  • edited November 2022

    @Calin said: I upgrade the node to a dedicated network of 10 GBps so today whoever buys this offer has unlimited internet bandwidth

    How about ones with 25 eur/year offer? Do we also enjoy the new networking setup?

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