Main IP pings: false
Node Online: true
Service online: online
Operating System: linux-ubuntu-20.04-x86_64-minimal-latest-v2
Service Status:Active
Registration Date:2022-12-29
@wudali said:
My server is in LAXA012 and cannot connect anymor
LAX1Z012 was down for about 6 hours, 15 hours ago, but has been fine since.
What is the specific issue you are having ?
More specifically.
Does it turn on or no ?
Have you tried to turn it off and back on again by clicking the reset button ?
If it turns on, have you checked for error msg in VNC ?
If so, what error messages were there ?
@wudali said:
My server is in LAXA012 and cannot connect anymor
LAX1Z012 was down for about 6 hours, 15 hours ago, but has been fine since.
What is the specific issue you are having ?
Main IP pings: false
Node Online: true
Service online: online
Operating System: linux-ubuntu-20.04-x86_64-minimal-latest-v2
Service Status:Active
Registration Date:2022-12-29
@wudali said:
My server is in LAXA012 and cannot connect anymor
LAX1Z012 was down for about 6 hours, 15 hours ago, but has been fine since.
What is the specific issue you are having ?
More specifically.
Does it turn on or no ?
Have you tried to turn it off and back on again by clicking the reset button ?
If it turns on, have you checked for error msg in VNC ?
If so, what error messages were there ?
The server is online, I have reset the network, but I haven't seen VCN because I'm not professional and my English is translated. I'm not sure if you can understand it
@wudali said:
My server is in LAXA012 and cannot connect anymor
LAX1Z012 was down for about 6 hours, 15 hours ago, but has been fine since.
What is the specific issue you are having ?
More specifically.
Does it turn on or no ?
Have you tried to turn it off and back on again by clicking the reset button ?
If it turns on, have you checked for error msg in VNC ?
If so, what error messages were there ?
@wudali - Lets' take it one guess at a time.
If your IP changed, and you reset your network by going to the SolusVM panel and clicking "Reconfigure Networking". There may be additional steps needed if your network interface is not "eth0".
What operating system are you using ?
@FrankZ said: @wudali - Lets' take it one guess at a time.
If your IP changed, and you reset your network by going to the SolusVM panel and clicking "Reconfigure Networking". There may be additional steps needed if your network interface is not "eth0".
What operating system are you using ?
Ok, if you installed Ubuntu 20.04 from template your network interface should be "eth0".
Go to the billing panel and click on your VPS to get to the product details page for your VPS, then click "VNC/Desktop". A small black screen should pop up, tell me if there is a login prompt, or an error message on that black screen.
If there is a login prompt, login to your VPS, and then enter "ping" and post the result.
Also post the output from "ip addr show" and "ip route show".
Ok, if you installed Ubuntu 20.04 from template your network interface should be "eth0".
Go to the billing panel and click on your VPS to get to the product details page for your VPS, then click "VNC/Desktop". A small black screen should pop up, tell me if there is a login prompt, or an error message on that black screen.
If there is a login prompt, login to your VPS, and then enter "ping" and post the result.
Also post the output from "ip addr show" and "ip route show".
Ok, we have errors. First we are going to try the easiest thing.
In the product details page for your VPS, click the "Off" button, wait 2 minutes, and then click the "On" button, wait a minute or so, then click the VNC button again to bring up the little black screen.
Do you have the same error message as above, or different error message, or a login prompt.
Did you recently upgrade the system or kernel ?
How much memory does your VPS have ?
Ok, we have errors. First we are going to try the easiest thing.
In the product details page for your VPS, click the "Off" button, wait 2 minutes, and then click the "On" button, wait a minute or so, then click the VNC button again to bring up the little black screen.
Do you have the same error message as above, or different error message, or a login prompt.
Did you recently upgrade the system or kernel ?
How much memory does your VPS have ?
The situation is still the same. I have not upgraded the system or kernel, and my memory is only 384m. I have no choice but to reinstall the system. Thank you for your answer
@wudali said: The situation is still the same. I have not upgraded the system or kernel, and my memory is only 384m. I have no choice but to reinstall the system. Thank you for your answer
I strongly suggest that if you are going to reinstall anyway, that once you get the system going again, do this to help make this less likely to happen again.
sed -i 's/MODULES=most/MODULES=dep/g' /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf
Then run
update-initramfs -u
Then reboot.
This procedure will shrink the "initrd.img-5.4.0-105-generic" file that your system is using to boot by about half. This will help so that you do not run out of RAM when booting, and get the above error.
I recommend doing this for all low RAM Ubuntu installs on VMs.
Just a note for more advanced users. The above procedure can be done from the recovery system to correct the above "System is deadlocked on memory" error without the need to reinstall.
Ok, we have errors. First we are going to try the easiest thing.
In the product details page for your VPS, click the "Off" button, wait 2 minutes, and then click the "On" button, wait a minute or so, then click the VNC button again to bring up the little black screen.
Do you have the same error message as above, or different error message, or a login prompt.
Did you recently upgrade the system or kernel ?
How much memory does your VPS have ?
The situation is still the same. I have not upgraded the system or kernel, and my memory is only 384m. I have no choice but to reinstall the system. Thank you for your answer
if you dont have any special needs, you could try AlpineLinux which runs smoothly in a very low mem server and its available through ISO install at many hostnodes
Ok, we have errors. First we are going to try the easiest thing.
In the product details page for your VPS, click the "Off" button, wait 2 minutes, and then click the "On" button, wait a minute or so, then click the VNC button again to bring up the little black screen.
Do you have the same error message as above, or different error message, or a login prompt.
Did you recently upgrade the system or kernel ?
How much memory does your VPS have ?
The situation is still the same. I have not upgraded the system or kernel, and my memory is only 384m. I have no choice but to reinstall the system. Thank you for your answer
if you dont have any special needs, you could try AlpineLinux which runs smoothly in a very low mem server and its available through ISO install at many hostnodes
im beginning to like you for agreeing with me
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
I couldn't agree more that you are a snowflake.
@FrankZ is there a minimum age for creating a LES account?
We shouldn't judge people by age.
Anyone who has a head should be able to create an account.
No hostname left!
Yes, 13.
The VM (id=562557) fails to start after the migration.
Please take a look, thanks!
I have a VM on NYCB028, it is working fine, and has had no issues.
I do not have a VM on LAX1Z016 so I can't tell you anything about that one.
I have one on LAX1Z016 which is working normally.
My server is in LAXA012 and cannot connect anymor
@VirMach Hello sir,
This guy used your loophole to escape deportation and stole $4 from you.
He also called you a douchebag in the TG group.
My server is in LAXA012 and cannot connect anymor
Main IP pings: false
Node Online: true
Service online: online
Operating System: linux-ubuntu-20.04-x86_64-minimal-latest-v2
Service Status:Active
Registration Date:2022-12-29
LAX1Z012 was down for about 6 hours, 15 hours ago, but has been fine since.
What is the specific issue you are having ?
More specifically.
Does it turn on or no ?
Have you tried to turn it off and back on again by clicking the reset button ?
If it turns on, have you checked for error msg in VNC ?
If so, what error messages were there ?
Main IP pings: false
Node Online: true
Service online: online
Operating System: linux-ubuntu-20.04-x86_64-minimal-latest-v2
Service Status:Active
Registration Date:2022-12-29
The server is online, I have reset the network, but I haven't seen VCN because I'm not professional and my English is translated. I'm not sure if you can understand it
kvm399022,Is this the host number
@wudali - Lets' take it one guess at a time.
If your IP changed, and you reset your network by going to the SolusVM panel and clicking "Reconfigure Networking". There may be additional steps needed if your network interface is not "eth0".
What operating system are you using ?
Ubuntu 20.04
Ok, if you installed Ubuntu 20.04 from template your network interface should be "eth0".
Go to the billing panel and click on your VPS to get to the product details page for your VPS, then click "VNC/Desktop". A small black screen should pop up, tell me if there is a login prompt, or an error message on that black screen.
If there is a login prompt, login to your VPS, and then enter "ping" and post the result.
Also post the output from "ip addr show" and "ip route show".
Ok, we have errors. First we are going to try the easiest thing.
In the product details page for your VPS, click the "Off" button, wait 2 minutes, and then click the "On" button, wait a minute or so, then click the VNC button again to bring up the little black screen.
Do you have the same error message as above, or different error message, or a login prompt.
Did you recently upgrade the system or kernel ?
How much memory does your VPS have ?
The situation is still the same. I have not upgraded the system or kernel, and my memory is only 384m. I have no choice but to reinstall the system. Thank you for your answer
I strongly suggest that if you are going to reinstall anyway, that once you get the system going again, do this to help make this less likely to happen again.
Then run
Then reboot.
This procedure will shrink the "initrd.img-5.4.0-105-generic" file that your system is using to boot by about half. This will help so that you do not run out of RAM when booting, and get the above error.
I recommend doing this for all low RAM Ubuntu installs on VMs.
Just a note for more advanced users. The above procedure can be done from the recovery system to correct the above "System is deadlocked on memory" error without the need to reinstall.
if you dont have any special needs, you could try AlpineLinux which runs smoothly in a very low mem server and its available through ISO install at many hostnodes
I just installed Debian 11, thank you
This procedure also works to reduce the required memory when booting Debian 11.
Then run
Then reboot.
Thank you.
@FrankZ is such a nice and helpful guy support agent.
Congratulations South Africa - Rugby World Cup Champions
@VirMach Boss, should the users from Tokyo 038 wait for the node to be fixed? Or do you want to relocate the users to another node in Tokyo?