MetalVPS Bare Metal Flash Sale! E3, 64 GB DDR4 RAM, 2 x 512 GB NVMe, 1 Gbps -- $7

Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer
edited September 2023 in Offers

Friendly greetings! 🌎🌍

Awesome MetalVPS Bare Metal Flash Sale Offer!

Please look at the below screenshot of a recent Hetzner Server Auction listing. The server in the screenshot has an identical twin, newly delivered from Hetzner. Not yet having any OS installed, our new sister is relaxing, as delivered, in the Hetzner Rescue System just waiting for you!

You can install pretty much whatever OS you want via the Rescue System, VNC Install, Auto Install, KVM Spider, etc. Of course, and only if you prefer, you can ask @Not_Oles to do the install.

You get root on the installed server. You can use the server in any awesome way you want.

What's The Catch?

Welp, in addition to all the Warnings and all the Terms of Service shown below, you get an old guy a veritable cucaracha 🪳 joining you as root on the server. You gotta teach the seemingly immortal, ancient cucaracha something while also making sure he has fun learning from you! 🌟 Additionally, if you want, and only if you want, maybe we might let a friend or a few friends join us on the server.

Unlike Gentoo USE flags, there is only one use of this flash sale unless the winner decides to allow additional uses.

How will the winner be selected? Maybe nobody will like the offer. If somebody or several people like the offer and want to buy, then it's up to @Not_Oles to pick the winner. @Not_Oles can decide for any reason or for no reason at all. @Not_Oles reserves the right not to pick any winner, even if multiple people apply.


  • Clueless™ co-administrator with no technical background and with "limited technical skills. . . ." 😀 @Not_Oles frequently messes up! 😱

  • @Not_Oles is especially clueless™ about Debian, Fedora, and all other OSes. 🤗

  • Sometimes trusted MetalVPSians might or might not get sudo. You get root, so you can give yourself or other people sudo if you want. 🙈🙉🙊

  • MetalVPS has no billing panel and no server control panel. It's all command line via ssh until you install the GUI that you want. 🆕

  • MetalVPS has no onboarding and no knowledge base. ♒︎

  • Account delivery might take awhile! 😴

  • Intended especially for computer learning and fun! 🤑

  • Frequent (almost daily) maintenance reboots are guaranteed! 🌺 Reboot timing depends on you.

  • Please make your own redundant, offsite backups! It's easy to download or sync or clone your backup to a safe place. Please also make sure that you actually can restore from your backups! Please think of your MetalVPS account as ephemeral! Your server might blow up! 💥 At any random second @Not_Oles or maybe you might reinstall the Node! 🤦‍♂️

  • If you want to let anyone else come aboard, other MetalVPSians can see your account name, some of the processes you are running, and much other information. So, please do not put confidential information on the server. 🤔 Unless you want to. :)

  • MetalVPS Neighbors are expected both to monitor and to contribute actively to this thread or to the companion Nodeseek and Low End Talk threads. 🍔 Nope. This one can be as secret or as public as you want. It's up to you! ♒︎

Terms Of Service

  • Be awesome!
  • White Hat only!
  • Not for business use!
  • Intended for education and fun!
  • 100% open source software only!
  • Hetzner TOS also applies!

Equipment Cost And Ownership Disclosure

  • Rent paid to Hetzner for the server is, as shown in the screenshot, approximately €26.70 per month (without VAT).


  • US$7.00 per month, recurring if continued, but no commitment to continue.

  • MetalVPS might give free accounts to those in need. So, please don't hesitate to ask.


  • Payment methods are available in US$ via Zelle or via Paypal (and maybe also via Stripe). Maybe we could figure out an additional payment method if there is some other way you want to pay.

How To Ask To Sign Up

More About MetalVPS!

What People Are Saying

  • About MetalVPS

"MetalVPS . . . seems to have endless servers."

@crunchbits: MetalVPS "is literally the best deal in town."

"@Not_Oles . . . thank you for providing machine for me to help me finish all the tests."

"I really enjoyed MetalVPS . . . I hope more people can learn together using MetalVPS."

"非常感谢Not_Oles分享免费的MetalVPS为大家使用!" "Big thanks to Not_Oles for sharing his MetalVPS for people to use!"

". . . [V]ery cool that MetalVPS is still a thing :) Thanks for providing this to the community, tinkering with servers is fun and a learning experience!"

"The permanent free shell account of MetalVPS is very fun!" ("MetalVPS的永久免费shell账号挺好玩的")

"This is really really cool."

"I enjoyed the section of the OP dedicated to complementary comments, including helpful links so they can be verified."

"MetalVPS used to be a high end provider, but it's becoming a sorority now."

"fun stuff indeed, appreciating the comfortable computing experience!"

"Liking my darkstar"

"Nice trial and results! Very interesting :)"

Metalvps recommended on OGF 🙈

"It just crossed my mind that I've been using your server for over half a year! It's been an amazing experience! . . . Your services deserve much more attention. <3"

"Wow pretty nice ! Congrats excellent options thanks for being a part of the community"

"the terms seemed exceptionally fair"

"Kernel Linux 5.11 is now in much better shape for AMD <3"

"Yes, please. I’ll take that."

"it's really quite dedicated. not all dedicated are the same."

"MetalVPS-AX101 has a reasonable price"

"really need a testing ground badly now especially with dedicated core"

"the fastest VPS I ever used"

"I've been using this one from him. Highly recommend! His support is really amazing!"

"10/10 metalvps recommended"

"very powerful"

"premium stuff"

"Grab it while the hotel still has vacant rooms."

". . . very passionate and enthusiastic about everything. Not all businesses are made this way and it's very easy to see when you interact with them. You are giving the right impression with this industry and it's wonderful to see."

"I think MetalVPS is designed in between a dedicated and a regular VPS. Some use case cannot fill the capacity of a dedicated but need more CPU than a regular VPS, and it makes sense to use MetalVPS in such situation."

  • About Not_Oles

"@Not_Oles . . . is doing all kinds of interesting work and sharing it with others"

"Hi Tom <3"

"Tom, you're the best :)"

"I found it interesting that Tom still treats his free vps members like humans (it's really admirable). . . ."

"@Not_Oles is really a funfull and helpful grandpa!!"

"especially thanks @Not_Oles , He pointed out my problems and told me the correct way to share. He is a good guy."

"I'm not in need for any free vps at the moment, but thanks for what you're doing. If I had this chance few years ago, I think my life would be different."

"I did want to thank @Not_Oles for always being so friendly. Makes me smile seeing how nice you are to everyone here."

"You are a great person."

"Possibly the most polite and enthusiastic personality in the entire LE* world with a genuine interest that runs so deep he even set up a business exclusively catering for LES. as a regular content writer for LES his articles frequently top the charts in terms of most viewed (according to google)"

"Really, you're the best person I've known on the internet."

"we've found that good, in-depth technical articles tend to drive user interaction and new sign-ups on the forum. @Not_Oles's Proxmox articles are evidence of this."

"It was a pleasure for me to collaborate with Tom, he really knows what he's doing :)"

"Thanks again to @Not_Oles for valiant testing."

"you've brought a smile on my face countless times "

"Good luck with your new project! :D Happy to have you around here!"

"I always love how you come up with new ideas :D Good luck, mate!

"May you continue to learn and inspire others."

"he is a great guy!"

"he is the sweetest guy in LES .."

"Everybody loves @Not_Oles! <3"

"resplendent as the Sonoran Sun"

"god bless not_oles ^^"

"every time I visit les and see that profile picture, it brightens up my day."

"As for the new administrator, I nominate @Not_Oles."

"I would love to see @Not_Oles as a moderator or a bigger role."

"I would also support @Not_Oles as admin :)"


Tom gets a lot of help from the friendly MetalVPSians and from many other friends. <3

I hope everyone gets the servers they want!

Thanked by (3)FrankZ Ganonk vr10


  • MEMEtal VPS

    Thanked by (3)yoursunny Not_Oles Ganonk
  • wat?

    Thanked by (1)Not_Oles
  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer

    @dedicados said:

    Hi @dedicados!

    There's nothing special going on. I'm a hobbyist. I like to install weird stuff. All kinds of OSes. Every distro. All kinds of userland programs. I like to compile stuff.

    Every once in a while some knowledgeable guys come out to play for a while. I've had friends from Bell Labs back when it was a thing; nowadays guys from Google. A bunch of college engineering and pre-engineering high school students who really are fun. Some impressively bright and hard working Chinese guys.

    Maybe someday I will learn more C. And some Chinese wenyanwen. Meanwhile, I enjoy playing with servers and with my friends!

    Best wishes and kindest regards!


    P.S. I think the price is going back up to $20.23 really soon.

    Thanked by (2)vr10 dedicados

    I hope everyone gets the servers they want!

  • @bdl said:
    MEMEtal VPS

    Not_Oles animation

    Thanked by (1)bdl

    No hostname left!

  • @Not_Oles said:

    Hi @dedicados!

    There's nothing special going on. I'm a hobbyist. I like to install weird stuff. All kinds of OSes. Every distro. All kinds of userland programs. I like to compile stuff.

    Every once in a while some knowledgeable guys come out to play for a while. I've had friends from Bell Labs back when it was a thing; nowadays guys from Google. A bunch of college engineering and pre-engineering high school students who really are fun. Some impressively bright and hard working Chinese guys.

    Maybe someday I will learn more C. And some Chinese wenyanwen. Meanwhile, I enjoy playing with servers and with my friends!

    Best wishes and kindest regards!


    P.S. I think the price is going back up to $20.23 really soon.

    Do you have a tech background, @Not_Oles ?

    And what do you think of the meme flood you've been receiving at LES and the OGF? Did you wake up to 1000000000 mention notifications? :)

  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer

    @bdl said:

    Do you have a tech background, @Not_Oles ?

    How do you define "tech background?"

    By the way, you seem pretty knowledgeable to me. Do you have an engineering degree? What's your tech background?

    And what do you think of the meme flood you've been receiving at LES and the OGF? Did you wake up to 1000000000 mention notifications? :)

    The guy who runs @crunchbits is a nice guy! He has only nice guys on his staff. He kindly donated a nice server to He hangs out on Discord with the FreeVPS Team. We joke around a lot. He kindly asked for and received permission to do the @Not_Oles meme sale thing, which started from his last offer featuring raindog308.

    No, the "meme flood" wasn't quite so many zeros, but there were many notifications! :) I looked at maybe 90% of the pages on the ad threads both here and on OGF. I thought most of the memes were great, and a few were outstanding.

    I hope everyone gets the servers they want!

  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer

    Okay, thanks everyone! That's it for the flash sale! 💥

    Why? I gave up my i9-9900K because the server auction prices fell. It would take at least 14 minutes to replace it. So, for the moment, I have two E3s. That's one server to keep more or less stable, and another to be a hot spare (except when I'm actively blowing it up).

    If, nevertheless, for some crazy reason, you still wanna be part of the clueless™ cucaracha's 🪳 always moving catastrophe, please feel free to get in touch. Maybe we can work something out. 🌹

    I send all of you the very best, most friendly greetings! <3

    I hope everyone gets the servers they want!

  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer

    Wow! "Clueless™ Cucaracha's 🪳 Catastrophe™" would be CCC!

    I hope everyone gets the servers they want!

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