@skorous said: I have ordered one and my order number is: 7376288853
If someone notices an issue with this wheel let me know, the wheel I'm spinning is in the screenshot, I don't know if I made a mistake or not, but all results still stand if you chose to spin it and it had some error.
Okay I need to center the recording better, let me know if you want to spin the second wheel.
Ryzen 384
Lol, I got dropped down to 384. I'll spin a second time. Not much to lose. :-D
@VirMach said: We specifically stated that Kris's wheel does not count and it's only for reference, so the last person that spun this second riskier wheel is Crab and therefore he gets your service whether he wants it or not. For future reference if this happens again, although unlikely, it will be the last wheel spin on the second wheel only that was not just for reference after rejection, and wheel spins can go in any order as I process them (it's not in the order posted, otherwise it would have said the last one that posted or something like that.) Just posting this in case I made a mistake, then i can retrace my steps if anyone says anything before I process it.
I DO NOT WANT people to feel guilty if this occurs or to feel bad and transfer it back. Everyone knew this is a risk, so please don't do that. Think of it like one service got deleted and another created or something more positive, that Sanvit gifted it to Crab or we'll have to ruin the fun and pull the second wheel away and/or end the sale. Thank you.
Totally I was fully aware of the risk, and I asked the wheel to be ran anyways, because I already get more than what I've paid for with VirMach. Congratulations @Crab! (I'm not paying for his renewals though, right? )
@VirMach said: Tell your friend he better register and then give me his username, if he wants to negotiate. You can negotiate on his behalf too I suppose. I won't make it easy!
lol I'll tell him to DM you as soon as his account gets approved!
@sanvit said: @VirMach Order #7283568451 is for my friend's account, as he can't currently sign up for LES
He'll also like to spin both wheels, whatever the outcome is for the 1st wheel!
@PiCel said:
the approval was faster than expected.
that cursed one is mine...
what should I do now 🤣
What's your request? Do you want to live with the cursed plan for a while to see how it goes? We need to negotiate. You seem eager to get anything else so my first offer will be the following (you seem too nice so I'll let you know, you're supposed to reject it.)
1MB RAM, 1 Core, 1GB Bandwidth, and I'll stop rebooting it. (I still get to reinstall and do everything else.)
@VirMach said:
You know what, for this one I'm just going to reveal the mystery ahead of time. Since it already involves risk and you still won't know what you're really getting, just so we're on the same page here. This is our version of a real Mystery Box this year. The one that upset some people last time.
I think @Kris is the only one that ordered and based on what I've learned I think he'll be okay with taking the risk. This way people can also post early and get their mysteries throughout the day and we just don't get a bunch of mass posts at the end. Otherwise I really don't want people to order and then feel like they were forced into rolling.
Edit - This mystery is being modified to improve it. Check below for updated post/version.
You will be provided an opportunity to re-roll your plan if desired (optional.) This is optional because it's possible you could end up with a smaller plan. This will result in a termination and re-creation. It can re-roll into any of the 9 different Christmas deals, with lower odds for larger plans. From 384MB to 5GB plans, with odds respectively being: 20%, 20%, 20%, 10%, 10%, 10%, 5%, 5%. Everyone will be asked to pick a number between 1 and 20, which each represent a 5% portion of the above (so 20%, four numbers, 10%, two numbers, 5% one number.) Random dice rolls determine which plan they represent. 20% chance it stays the same, 40% chance it's lower, 40% chance it's higher.
I guess the only problem with rolling early is the way it's set up, but I'll figure something out that translates to the same results. One moment.
@VirMach said: Okay here's how it'll work for early rolls. Instead of picking a number, you get a wheel spin. Otherwise if it's mapped to numbers then we'd have to keep shuffling them and it won't work. Your decision if you want to wait until the end and pick a number instead.
The wheel will look like this:
I just noticed something though after I looked at it on a wheel, the odds are kind of not how they were intended. Let me see if I can improve this mystery...
@skorous said: I have ordered one and my order number is: 7376288853 . I'm okay being first and figure we'll work something out if it turns out I get screwed by the process instead of just poor luck. I am a good sport.
Hold up I'm not trying to screw you over. Right now the odds are all wrong, if they're added together for just memory that means if you spun the wheel forever, then the average plan you get would be 486MB memory which was not intended. It was supposed to be balanced. I guess my brain might have had a malfunction when I originally divided it out.
No wait my brain didn't have a malfunction then, it had one now. The average would be 1459MB which is fine, it's above the original.
Okay here's my idea then to improve complicate it anyway.
You also have the option to roll a second wheel. Originally I wanted to do two wheels or equal but opposite, but I'm just going to go wild with it, this wheel is going to be high risk and not very balanced. It's just cool ideas I started putting on the wheel. This is very risky, if you roll this with a 384, it could mean there's a chance you completely lose your service. And other weird stuff. Read it all.
Double Specs - All specs doubled. Including IP
Roll Two Times - You get two more rolls. This could technically go on and on if you keep landing on it.
Move to Furthest Location - Your service gets transferred as far away as possible from your selected location, this could be a good thing for some since it could mean you get moved to Tokyo. I'll make best effort to figure out where that is. Actually we'll probably just trust ChatGPT, even if it's wrong.
Split In Half - Your service gets split in half. You get a courtesy extra IP or core if necessary. Keep in mind this also splits port speed in half, disk, whatever's possible
Nothing - You lose your turn and get nothing.
Reroll - You have to reroll the results for the original wheel, which overwrites the original results, and you have to roll this wheel again afterward. Will happen automatically after these results (you don't decide.)
Double CPU, Half RAM - Double your CPU but halve the RAM.
Halve Specs - All specs halved, if possible.
Next Plan Up - Get moved over to the next Christmas deal up. If you're 5120 that means 8192.
Next Plan Down/Terminate - Get moved over to the next Christmas deal down. If you're 384 it's game over, there isn't a next plan down. Service is terminated and we keep your money or if I'm generous I'll just give you a tiny plan that's useless anyway.
Merge - Your service gets merged into your last purchased service with us. If you do not have any other services with us, nothing happens.
Transfer - Your service gets transferred to the customer that rolled this wheel (not the first) before you. If you are the first person to roll, it gets transferred to me or I'll figure something out. By participating in this you understand you might end up getting someone else's service.
Opposite Last Roll - Do the opposite (as best as possible, decided by me) of the last roll on this wheel. This could be your own roll or someone else's roll.
Half Duration - You lose a year on your biennial service.
Double Duration - You get another 2 years on your biennial service.
Third Wheel - A third wheel gets created exclusively for you that you can choose to spin with some of the outtakes from this one.
Double Bandwidth
Add 2 IP Addresses - If you don't want them, you can spin again.
Ultimate Cursed Idler - You'll get upgraded to an NVMe32G but it's effectively unusable. I can keep powering it down, reinstall it, migrate it around without notice, and other shenanigans as long as it's still assigned to your account and an NVMe32G. Both parties are allowed to attempt to negotiate on LES to lift parts of or all of the curse.
@PiCel said:
the approval was faster than expected.
that cursed one is mine...
what should I do now 🤣
What's your request? Do you want to live with the cursed plan for a while to see how it goes? We need to negotiate. You seem eager to get anything else so my first offer will be the following (you seem too nice so I'll let you know, you're supposed to reject it.)
1MB RAM, 1 Core, 1GB Bandwidth, and I'll stop rebooting it. (I still get to reinstall and do everything else.)
@PiCel said:
the approval was faster than expected.
that cursed one is mine...
what should I do now 🤣
What's your request? Do you want to live with the cursed plan for a while to see how it goes? We need to negotiate. You seem eager to get anything else so my first offer will be the following (you seem too nice so I'll let you know, you're supposed to reject it.)
1MB RAM, 1 Core, 1GB Bandwidth, and I'll stop rebooting it. (I still get to reinstall and do everything else.)
How about running a custom wheel where the numbers are sourced from Random.org?
You can configure the minimum and maximum values as you wish, including setting a random reset duration.
I'm already cursing the wheel because I have a feeling we're stuck in an endless loop, but hopefully I'm wrong.
Oh god I was only kind of kidding. The suspense on that at the end was killing me, time stopped. Get me out!!! I should've been nicer to the wheel, it holds all the power. Okay I have an idea.
I'm already cursing the wheel because I have a feeling we're stuck in an endless loop, but hopefully I'm wrong.
Oh god I was only kind of kidding. The suspense on that at the end was killing me, time stopped. Get me out!!! I should've been nicer to the wheel, it holds all the power. Okay I have an idea.
Why did I add this?
Okay let me catch up on all the above first.
I was fully aware of the risk, and I asked the wheel to be ran anyways, because I already get more than what I've paid for with VirMach. Congratulations @Crab! (I'm not paying for his renewals though, right?
lol I'll tell him to DM you as soon as his account gets approved!
Your friend should be able to comment now.
For staff assistance or support issues please use the helpdesk ticket system at https://support.lowendspirit.com/index.php?a=add
Here's your third wheel. Let me know if you want to spin it.
the approval was faster than expected.
that cursed one is mine...
what should I do now 🤣
Spin it!
oh that half splited wasn't mine.
apologize for mistake
Haha, this was just hilarious! Thank you @VirMach once again and even bigger thank you @sanvit to pay all of my renewals!
🎇🎉Happy New Year to everybody! 🎉🎇
I could be wrong but I think that you got the cursed machine.
Since you were the only new applicant waiting for approval.
For staff assistance or support issues please use the helpdesk ticket system at https://support.lowendspirit.com/index.php?a=add
The dopamine rush lol
Got 1 last server for the last candle, order #5502631682
As always, please spin all available wheels
Yup, he thought the 3rd spin was his, thus the mistake. He is the one who got the cursed machine
What's your request? Do you want to live with the cursed plan for a while to see how it goes? We need to negotiate. You seem eager to get anything else so my first offer will be the following (you seem too nice so I'll let you know, you're supposed to reject it.)
Would you like to spin the first wheel again?
OMG I don't think my heart could take it if I bit this xD.
Yes please.
Aaaand, the obligatory YABS for the cursed machine, in case anyone's wondering
OMG not again. Okay customizing one for you now.

So lucky that you got
8 vCPU
1 TB Storage
All for $18.88 and 2 years plan.
Okay this is just cruel to everyone involved. Would you like to spin the second wheel?
Nah, it's @PiCel's server, and he did not get it. It's just a temp plan
Lmao. Sure!
Wow, and it was able to run the YABS without getting powered down?
How about running a custom wheel where the numbers are sourced from Random.org?
You can configure the minimum and maximum values as you wish, including setting a random reset duration.
Well, it seems like it's still up for now. Let's see how it goes
I'm already cursing the wheel because I have a feeling we're stuck in an endless loop, but hopefully I'm wrong.
Oh god I was only kind of kidding. The suspense on that at the end was killing me, time stopped. Get me out!!! I should've been nicer to the wheel, it holds all the power. Okay I have an idea.
Sounds like foreshadowing
