I cant wait till OGF have their "Top Provider of 2022". I hope LES can vote Virmach to get back the title that jibiloh removed because he doesn't like virmach. And because I would like to see everyone on OGF completely lose it
@lemoncube said:
If I understand correctly, Virmach won't accept orders from any accounts of scalpers but the victims are still allowed to use the their own accounts to get future deals. For those who are willing to provide information honestly, they could have a chance to transfer the services to their own account. So in this case, I don't see where Virmach is doing anything unprofessional.
If you are like me who just renewed then got suspend, everything you just said is meaningless, and virmach this time only hunt for the Chinese which is racist and very shameful.And specifically on Tokyo's low-cost, high-value Black Friday machines, which seems to be very regular. Of course he won't admit it verbally,He will use the so-called tos, abuse, etc. as a shield.when the Chinese are not cheated by him and run away, you are the next batch of victims, wait for it!
It's interesting you're affected. I suspected you had some motivation to speak the way you did, I assume it was before you were suspended so decided to speak in the third person as an impartial party. I'm assuming you got suspended after your first or second message?
If so this could probably be you then:
@VirMach said:
There's a guy that just renewed. He's still getting suspended but I'll reach out to him (to refund.) I'm just saying this publicly in case he comes here and says we conspired against him.
@Franzkafka said:
There is no need to argue with them. Next time when such things occured to themselves, I hope they can recall what they said here. Actually some of them have caused dramas once in LET.So just keep your dignity and don't waste time again.We have much choices better than Virmach.As for Virmach, it is falling down.Time will prove what I said here.
@pdd said: If you are like me who just renewed then got suspend, ... you are the next batch of victims, wait for it! @Franzkafka said: Next time when such things occured to themselves
I didn't create multiple accounts and didn't trade accounts so I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be suspended for the same reason you were.
I started to buy from Virmach before I fell victim to AlphaRacks, Hiformance and such. While those took my money and vannished, Virmach migrated my tiny cheap OpenVZ instances all the way to Ryzen ones today. So even though I don't trust them as my sole vps provider I do trust them more than other affordable hosting companies.
And I do believe if you'll ever communicate with reason, you might be able to minimize your loss.
@ccc said:
FYI, the spelling is "chick" not "chink".
Find an ophthalmology otherwise an English training course.
the supposed issue here might be the chick - allow me to explain by quoting a famous (?) post from LET:
Hehe, that means a large group in hostloc.com forums who is proudly labelled as Mei Ji Ji (没有鸡鸡, no reproductive organs) OR loving Mai Ji Ji (买/卖鸡鸡, buy or sell Ji Ji) where Ji Ji (鸡鸡) means VPS. Because Ji Ji (鸡鸡 in Chinese or chick in English) and VPS are born from big hens, they are magically equivalent in Chinese.
@Franzkafka said:
There is no need to argue with them. Next time when such things occured to themselves, I hope they can recall what they said here. Actually some of them have caused dramas once in LET.So just keep your dignity and don't waste time again.We have much choices better than Virmach.As for Virmach, it is falling down.Time will prove what I said here.
You keep coming and wasting your time xD
No.I keep coming here for letting those victims keep their dignity while not been insulted by some arrogant guys.
@chimichurri You shouldn't have bothered, as it's obvious they're thick as shit anyway - regardless of race - and think rules don't apply to them. Simple.
@pdd said: If you are like me who just renewed then got suspend, ... you are the next batch of victims, wait for it! @Franzkafka said: Next time when such things occured to themselves
I didn't create multiple accounts and didn't trade accounts so I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be suspended for the same reason you were.
I started to buy from Virmach before I fell victim to AlphaRacks, Hiformance and such. While those took my money and vannished, Virmach migrated my tiny cheap OpenVZ instances all the way to Ryzen ones today. So even though I don't trust them as my sole vps provider I do trust them more than other affordable hosting companies.
And I do believe if you'll ever communicate with reason, you might be able to minimize your loss.
What you said here is good and I am happy to listiening some kind of warm words from you but I have already cancelled my service and let it go.I just lost a few bucks here.Everything will be OK.
@pdd said: If you are like me who just renewed then got suspend, ... you are the next batch of victims, wait for it! @Franzkafka said: Next time when such things occured to themselves
I didn't create multiple accounts and didn't trade accounts so I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be suspended for the same reason you were.
I began to buy from Virmach before I fell victim to AlphaRacks, Hiformance and such. While those took my money and vannished, Virmach migrated my tiny cheap OpenVZ instances all the way to Ryzen ones today. So even though I don't trust them as my sole vps provider I do trust them more than other affordable hosting companies.
And I do believe if you'll ever communicate with reason, you might be able to minimizing your loss.
Yes but that's not enough, we should also be able to move to Tokyo and if we can't then it's not our fault, we are therefore FORCED into purchasing an account from a scalper, and I refuse to understand that this means it looks exactly like there's a guy with a bunch of accounts constantly abusing. It's VirMach's responsibility to accommodate me and others for the situation we helped create.
@lemoncube said: And I do believe if you'll ever communicate with reason, you might be able to minimizing your loss.
What's not understood is that this is hardly the first time I've tried getting this to happen. There's plenty of these accounts that have been around long enough for people on HostLoc to be very aware.
In fact there was a point in time where we allowed people to come forward and basically get their accounts cleared up for free. Want to guess how many people did it? On the same threads where the offers were posted I asked people to not do it and told them it wouldn't end very well, and some of the scalpers were there and spoke to us directly, as well as others, saying basically the same things here, then it seems like they forgot or thought we'd forget about it permanently which is clearly not a possibility when we're reminded of it every single day with the general behavior associated with most these accounts.
@soulchief said:
I thought this would be a lot more entertaining.. Instead it's just the same 3-4 abusers pumping each other up and spamming the same insults at everyone else.
Yeah, it usually goes along the lines of:
1) I'm innocent and/or I am going to pretend like I'm not affected and I'm here to provide advice.
2) You are unprofessional and malicious, and terrible, no one will use you/I won't use your service.
3) I am going to pretend to admit fault now that you've stated it's better to be honest.
4) I am too impatient to allow you to evaluate my situation before going back and forth on the above 3 at least 2-3 times
5) This isn't worth my time, I am leaving
6) Stay to spurt out a bunch of negative comments but basically the same thing over be
Out of all that the part I still don't understand is basically repeating the same thing over and over. I mean clearly when there's a discussion there should be some level of shift in the discussion, which does happen, but then at some point it just fully resets and starts over.
@Franzkafka said:
There is no need to argue with them. Next time when such things occured to themselves, I hope they can recall what they said here. Actually some of them have caused dramas once in LET.So just keep your dignity and don't waste time again.We have much choices better than Virmach.As for Virmach, it is falling down.Time will prove what I said here.
You keep coming and wasting your time xD
No.I keep coming here for letting those victims keep their dignity while not been insulted by some arrogant guys.
@Franzkafka said:
There is no need to argue with them. Next time when such things occured to themselves, I hope they can recall what they said here. Actually some of them have caused dramas once in LET.So just keep your dignity and don't waste time again.We have much choices better than Virmach.As for Virmach, it is falling down.Time will prove what I said here.
You keep coming and wasting your time xD
No.I keep coming here for letting those victims keep their dignity while not been insulted by some arrogant guys.
Will you just go away already? You've posted dozens of comments over many hours worth of time over something you claim to not care about and will never use.
Just go away then, find someone new to abuse, er, new provider to use and put your energy there. Please. You are not entertaining and are not accomplishing anything but making yourself and any others associated with you look even worse.
@ixixan15888 said:
I regret that I bought the account from someone else, but I like your service very much, I feel it has the right price and very good performance, after I bought the account, I paid the account within a short time. The account has been recharged, which shows that I have the will to continue to use it. I hope you can reply to my service. I am willing to continue to increase the account funds, and I promise not to change the email name of the account in the future. My support ticket number is #968440, thank you! @VirMach
@windytime said:
I think @VirMach should ignore them and get back to work. There are a lot of things to do other than arguing with them.
No! You can't spend 24/7 debugging/solving things and you need a break from time to time. VirMach likes to keeps us updated/gather feedback on those times so it's a fucking double win for cough normal*cough customers
Hehe, that means a large group in hostloc.com forums who is proudly labelled as Mei Ji Ji (没有鸡鸡, no reproductive organs) OR loving Mai Ji Ji (买/卖鸡鸡, buy or sell Ji Ji) where Ji Ji (鸡鸡) means VPS. Because Ji Ji (鸡鸡 in Chinese or chick in English) and VPS are born from big hens, they are magically equivalent in Chinese.
You should tell them machine pronounce the same as chick in Chinese and the Chinese character of chick also has meanings of dck, cck, hen, prostitute apart from the creature chick. So, do you have any virtual machine @VirMach get suspended?
I'm here to ask for a hot Japanese chick offer, there's no racial joke.
Will you just go away already? You've posted dozens of comments over many hours worth of time over something you claim to not care about and will never use.
Just go away then, find someone new to abuse, er, new provider to use and put your energy there. Please. You are not entertaining and are not accomplishing anything but making yourself and any others associated with you look even worse.
Did I bother you?It seems not.Did I hurt you?It seems not.Did I violate the rules?It seems not.Did I bother Virmach again?It seems not.So It 's my right to come here to experss my thoughts here.
@HarveyLee said:
You should tell them machine pronounce the same as chick in Chinese and the Chinese character of chick also has meanings of cck, dck, prostitute apart from the creature chick.So, do you have any virtual machine @VirMach get suspended?
@HarveyLee said:
You should tell them machine pronounce the same as chick in Chinese and the Chinese character of chick also has meanings of cck, dck, prostitute apart from the creature chick.So, do you have any virtual machine @VirMach get suspended?
@Franzkafka said: So It 's my right to come here to experss my thoughts here.
Just to make sure - it's not your right, it's your privilege.
It's not privilege at all,Maybe some mods think I violate rules(alough I'm not) and ban me,I can not express my thoughts any more.So it's betweer to use right here.
@Franzkafka, not most relevant for thread, but privilege is proper term. Server/forum isn't our, we're just visitors and they kindly allow us to use it, hence it's privilege not right.
@QuantumCat said:
Hi, I'm the original owner of my account, why my vps got suspended, I have no idea what term I abused, I have all the correspondences from Virmach system from first day I registered, included notification from system and I can provide all the payment receipt for my purchasing. I just renewed annual service of all my vps on last month, that's so unfair to me.
I would like to know if I provide relavent evidents to proof that I'm the original owner of my account,(and also I can provide the evidents that I'm the domain name owner of my email address), my suspended vps can be relieved?
Thanks for your help in advance.
Best Regards
If your service got suspended, then @Virmach must be hysterical.
Since you are the original owner of the account, Virmach has to resort to another excuse to suspend old offers.
@QuantumCat said:
Hi, I'm the original owner of my account, why my vps got suspended, I have no idea what term I abused, I have all the correspondences from Virmach system from first day I registered, included notification from system and I can provide all the payment receipt for my purchasing. I just renewed annual service of all my vps on last month, that's so unfair to me.
I would like to know if I provide relavent evidents to proof that I'm the original owner of my account,(and also I can provide the evidents that I'm the domain name owner of my email address), my suspended vps can be relieved?
Thanks for your help in advance.
Best Regards
If your service got suspended, then @Virmach must be hysterical.
Since you are the original owner of the account, Virmach has to resort to another excuse to suspend old offers.
I'm living in China,it seems I'm not suspended due to use of proxy to access my virmach account,even there's other coworkers within the same proxy server or coporate network.
I cant wait till OGF have their "Top Provider of 2022". I hope LES can vote Virmach to get back the title that jibiloh removed because he doesn't like virmach. And because I would like to see everyone on OGF completely lose it
It's interesting you're affected. I suspected you had some motivation to speak the way you did, I assume it was before you were suspended so decided to speak in the third person as an impartial party. I'm assuming you got suspended after your first or second message?
If so this could probably be you then:
You keep coming and wasting your time xD
I didn't create multiple accounts and didn't trade accounts so I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be suspended for the same reason you were.
I started to buy from Virmach before I fell victim to AlphaRacks, Hiformance and such. While those took my money and vannished, Virmach migrated my tiny cheap OpenVZ instances all the way to Ryzen ones today. So even though I don't trust them as my sole vps provider I do trust them more than other affordable hosting companies.
And I do believe if you'll ever communicate with reason, you might be able to minimize your loss.
Hopefully, this quote won't turn out to be racist...
Also, I may be overanalyzing this, but
the supposed issue here might be the chick - allow me to explain by quoting a famous (?) post from LET:
Contribute your idling VPS/dedi (link), Android (link) or iOS (link) devices to medical research
No.I keep coming here for letting those victims keep their dignity while not been insulted by some arrogant guys.
💩:Virmach,Greencloud,Pacificrack really sucks
@chimichurri You shouldn't have bothered, as it's obvious they're thick as shit anyway - regardless of race - and think rules don't apply to them. Simple.
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
What you said here is good and I am happy to listiening some kind of warm words from you but I have already cancelled my service and let it go.I just lost a few bucks here.Everything will be OK.
💩:Virmach,Greencloud,Pacificrack really sucks
REGARDLESS of race?! Oh no...

Contribute your idling VPS/dedi (link), Android (link) or iOS (link) devices to medical research
Yes but that's not enough, we should also be able to move to Tokyo and if we can't then it's not our fault, we are therefore FORCED into purchasing an account from a scalper, and I refuse to understand that this means it looks exactly like there's a guy with a bunch of accounts constantly abusing. It's VirMach's responsibility to accommodate me and others for the situation we helped create.
Clearly I am not wrong, have you not seen their reviews?
What's not understood is that this is hardly the first time I've tried getting this to happen. There's plenty of these accounts that have been around long enough for people on HostLoc to be very aware.
In fact there was a point in time where we allowed people to come forward and basically get their accounts cleared up for free. Want to guess how many people did it? On the same threads where the offers were posted I asked people to not do it and told them it wouldn't end very well, and some of the scalpers were there and spoke to us directly, as well as others, saying basically the same things here, then it seems like they forgot or thought we'd forget about it permanently which is clearly not a possibility when we're reminded of it every single day with the general behavior associated with most these accounts.
Yeah, it usually goes along the lines of:
1) I'm innocent and/or I am going to pretend like I'm not affected and I'm here to provide advice.
2) You are unprofessional and malicious, and terrible, no one will use you/I won't use your service.
3) I am going to pretend to admit fault now that you've stated it's better to be honest.
4) I am too impatient to allow you to evaluate my situation before going back and forth on the above 3 at least 2-3 times
5) This isn't worth my time, I am leaving
6) Stay to spurt out a bunch of negative comments but basically the same thing over be
Out of all that the part I still don't understand is basically repeating the same thing over and over. I mean clearly when there's a discussion there should be some level of shift in the discussion, which does happen, but then at some point it just fully resets and starts over.
You're doing a great job at keeping your dignity.
Thank you very much.
💩:Virmach,Greencloud,Pacificrack really sucks
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
I see Greencloud is also on your shit list. Did they kick you out as well?
Will you just go away already? You've posted dozens of comments over many hours worth of time over something you claim to not care about and will never use.
Just go away then, find someone new to abuse, er, new provider to use and put your energy there. Please. You are not entertaining and are not accomplishing anything but making yourself and any others associated with you look even worse.
I think @VirMach should ignore them and get back to work. There are a lot of things to do other than arguing with them.
Hope to receive your reply! thanks!@VirMach
No! You can't spend 24/7 debugging/solving things and you need a break from time to time. VirMach likes to keeps us updated/gather feedback on those times so it's a fucking double win for cough normal
cough customers*
and those that did not seek FFFME04 infoHaven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.
You should tell them machine pronounce the same as chick in Chinese and the Chinese character of chick also has meanings of dck, cck, hen, prostitute apart from the creature chick. So, do you have any virtual machine @VirMach get suspended?
I'm here to ask for a hot Japanese chick offer, there's no racial joke.
Nope.I just kick them out because their bad support.
💩:Virmach,Greencloud,Pacificrack really sucks
Did I bother you?It seems not.Did I hurt you?It seems not.Did I violate the rules?It seems not.Did I bother Virmach again?It seems not.So It 's my right to come here to experss my thoughts here.
💩:Virmach,Greencloud,Pacificrack really sucks
Contribute your idling VPS/dedi (link), Android (link) or iOS (link) devices to medical research
Just to make sure - it's not your
, it's yourprivilege
.Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.
Contribute your idling VPS/dedi (link), Android (link) or iOS (link) devices to medical research
Don't you love hot Japanese chicks?
It's not
at all,Maybe some mods think I violate rules(alough I'm not) and ban me,I can not express my thoughts any more.So it's betweer to useright
💩:Virmach,Greencloud,Pacificrack really sucks
@Franzkafka, not most relevant for thread, but privilege is proper term. Server/forum isn't our, we're just visitors and they kindly allow us to use it, hence it's privilege not right.
If your service got suspended, then @Virmach must be hysterical.
Since you are the original owner of the account, Virmach has to resort to another excuse to suspend old offers.
LowEndSpirit is most supreme.
I'm living in China,it seems I'm not suspended due to use of proxy to access my virmach account,even there's other coworkers within the same proxy server or coporate network.