[2022] ★ VirMach ★ RYZEN ★ NVMe ★★ The Epic Sales Offer Thread ★★



  • AlwaysSkintAlwaysSkint OGSenpai
    edited October 2022

    @Franzkafka said: Maybe we..

    No, YOU should just STFU and stay at hostloc, where you belong!

    It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
    NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)

  • edited October 2022

    @yoursunny said:

    My crown is better.

    There are things which are incomparable, for example boolean variables ("False is greater than true."), some abjectives ("Some animals are more equal."), and the pictures above.

    The reason is obvious, if I claimed that "Oh yeah, yoursunny has better crown than Anthony's", then challenges or assaults might come that "Why one is better / worse than the other? What are the standards or criteria? How dare you ....." just like people doubt Virmach right now.

    I use incomparable or indefinable words to say, The crown is spectacular.

    LowEndSpirit is most supreme.

  • Ticket: 1397296
    Ryzen Special 768 - WeightyVicious-VM (03/12/2022 - 03/11/2023)
    Selection Location: Tokyo, JP - Later Equinix & Inap - HANDLING

    Reason for suspension: Account not in good standing
    Cann't appeal.

    I didn't abuse the machine and got suspended.
    What a random reason to suspend my machine.

    Really have to admire this nasty means.

  • @AlwaysSkint said:

    No, YOU should just STFU and stay at hostloc, where you belong!

    Sorry but I may let you down.And you have no right to do that.

    💩:Virmach,Greencloud,Pacificrack really sucks

  • edited October 2022

    @sunday01 said:
    Ticket: 1397296
    Ryzen Special 768 - WeightyVicious-VM (03/12/2022 - 03/11/2023)
    Selection Location: Tokyo, JP - Later Equinix & Inap - HANDLING

    Reason for suspension: Account not in good standing
    Cann't appeal.

    I didn't abuse the machine and got suspended.
    What a random reason to suspend my machine.

    Really have to admire this nasty means.

    You need show your proof,post here to prove yourself.

    💩:Virmach,Greencloud,Pacificrack really sucks

  • skorousskorous OGSenpai
    edited October 2022

    @sunday01 said:

    What a random reason to suspend my machine.

    Not really, who'd you buy your account from?

  • edited October 2022

    @sunday01 said:
    Ticket: 1397296
    Ryzen Special 768 - WeightyVicious-VM (03/12/2022 - 03/11/2023)
    Selection Location: Tokyo, JP - Later Equinix & Inap - HANDLING

    Reason for suspension: Account not in good standing
    Cann't appeal.

    I didn't abuse the machine and got suspended.
    What a random reason to suspend my machine.

    Really have to admire this nasty means.

    Exactly, how dare Virmach discontinued the machine.

    Of course I endorse environment protection.

    LowEndSpirit is most supreme.

  • JabJab Senpai

    @sunday01 said:
    Ticket: 1397296
    Ryzen Special 768 - WeightyVicious-VM (03/12/2022 - 03/11/2023)
    Selection Location: Tokyo, JP - Later Equinix & Inap - HANDLING

    Reason for suspension: Account not in good standing
    Cann't appeal.

    I didn't abuse the machine and got suspended.
    What a random reason to suspend my machine.

    Really have to admire this nasty means.

    Please confirm for everyone here:

    1. I created VirMach.com account myself, not via some external website, I created it on www.virmach.com
    2. I did not bought this service from someone else without proper service transfer (for example via hostloc)
    3. I do not have more than one account on VirMach.com website
    4. I provided real name, surname, address and all of those when creating account and my data is not
    akjhdhjkahjd hjahjdahjdjhajh
    Ahjkdjahdhjajhdhj Virginia 17575
    United States

    Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.

  • @Jab said:

    Please confirm for everyone here:

    1. I created VirMach.com account myself, not via some external website, I created it on www.virmach.com
    2. I did not bought this service from someone else without proper service transfer (for example via hostloc)
    3. I do not have more than one account on VirMach.com website
    4. I provided real name, surname, address and all of those when creating account and my data is not
    akjhdhjkahjd hjahjdahjdjhajh
    Ahjkdjahdhjajhdhj Virginia 17575
    United States

    @Jab , is #4 a primary reason for suspensions? I thought that was semi-acceptable as long as you hadn't also violated #1-3.

  • JabJab Senpai
    edited October 2022

    @skorous said: @Jab , is #4 a primary reason for suspensions? I thought that was semi-acceptable as long as you hadn't also violated #1-3.

    No idea, just covering all the bases in one go :D

    Thanked by (1)skorous

    Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.

  • _MS__MS_ OGSenpai

    All Quiet on the Eastern Front.

    Thanked by (2)FrankZ AlwaysSkint
  • FAT32FAT32 OGSenpai

    Weekend incoming and I am here thinking about life.

    What is something that you learned too late in life?

    食之无味 弃之可惜 - Too arduous to relish, too wasteful to discard.

  • @VirMach said: That'd have essentially zero effect here since the majority of services happen to be used for purposes that don't actually involve important irreplaceable data.

    Well, data recovery is one of the more frequent whining points, so decreasing the friction might get rid of some of that. Even if it's not completely automated, you could have a simple shell script that bundles up the files from a suspended vps and just give the tarball to the user if they ask for it.''

    I wonder if there is a way to authenticate whether someone has the payment credential that the vps was purchased with. Conceptually, ask for the complete credit card # as part of the ticket creation process, run a 10 cent authorization to make sure that the card works, and compare the last 4 digits to see that it was the card used for the original purchase. The above can fail in many ways (person changes their card # legitimately, plus other payment services like pp/alipay/etc) but it is the general idea. No idea if it's economically feasible to send an SMS to the billing phone number. Snail mail like paypal uses is impractical I guess.

  • @FAT32 said:
    Weekend incoming and I am here thinking about life.

    What is something that you learned too late in life?

    How short it can be.

    Thanked by (4)FAT32 bakageta ehab pikachu
  • FrankZFrankZ ModeratorOG
    edited October 2022

    @FAT32 said:
    Weekend incoming and I am here thinking about life.

    What is something that you learned too late in life?

    That humanity is f*cked up. :(

    @skorous said: How short it can be.

    I know that many people say this, and who am I to dissuade them from this thought, but for me even being an old guy, I have never felt this way. I expect that is because I have done so many different things, and lived in so many different places that it seems that I have lived at least three lifetimes. I've even gotten to the point of calling this point in my life bonus, bonus time.

    I guess what I am trying to say is maybe a life lived without fear, and in the way you really want to, might change how you feel about it being so short.

  • skorousskorous OGSenpai
    edited October 2022

    @FrankZ said:

    I know that many people say this, and who am I to dissuade them from this thought, but for me even being an old guy, I have never felt this way. I expect that is because I have done so many different things, and lived in so many different places that it seems that I have lived at least three lifetimes. I've even gotten to the point of calling this point in my life bonus, bonus time.

    I guess what I am trying to say is maybe a life lived without fear, and in the way you really want to, might change how you feel about it being so short.

    Heart attack at 42 while driving my car. I mean how short it can be ( and almost was ) in the most literal sense. :)

    seems that I have lived at least three lifetimes.

    What a coincidence. By some counts I'm on my third life! ;-)

  • AlwaysSkintAlwaysSkint OGSenpai
    edited October 2022

    @skorous said: Heart attack at 42 while driving my car.

    Bloody hell that was young! I was spared quite a few (bad) more years before mine: still struggling a bit.

    @skorous said: By some counts I'm on my third life!

    Lifestyle changes for one of them? ;)

    Thanked by (1)skorous

    It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
    NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)

  • @FAT32 said:
    Weekend incoming and I am here thinking about life.

    What is something that you learned too late in life?

    It is not healthy to go around angry and vengeful all the time. Don't worry about things beyond my control. Life is too short.

  • Suddenly
    I'm not half the man I used to be
    There's a shadow hanging over me
    Oh, yesterday came suddenly

    Thanked by (4)FAT32 localhost ehab ariq01
  • skorousskorous OGSenpai
    edited October 2022

    @AlwaysSkint said:
    Bloody hell that was young! I was spared quite a few (bad) more years before mine: still struggling a bit.

    Yeah, they run in my family but I shouldn't have had it for another fifteen to eighteen years. Messed up part if it'd been five minute earlier I'd have been in my office and they'd have found me Monday morning. Five minutes later I'd have been on the interstate. It was supposed to rain that day or I'd have been on my motorcycle. So many alternate paths....

    Lifestyle changes for one of them? ;)

    ( lol ) Well that's entirely true but I was actually referring to having drowned when I was a kid. Full on blue, not breathing. So that was my first life. Heart attack was my second life. Now I'm on my third. That's not accounting for the stuff that didn't technically kill me hence "by some counts". ;-)

    Thanked by (3)AlwaysSkint bakageta FAT32
  • @skorous said: I'd have been on my motorcycle..

    Staying off mine until finished with blood thinners: not fair on emergency services, should I crash. It's bad enough when I scraped my leg on a cycle's crank sprocket! (Was folding the bike at the time.) I bet that you're a good swimmer now; alternatively keep well clear of water. ;)

    Meanwhile, one wonders if Virmach is staying off the Valium ! :o

    Thanked by (1)skorous

    It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
    NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider
    edited October 2022

    @ForMat_eXt4 said: If your service got suspended, then @Virmach must be hysterical.
    Since you are the original owner of the account, Virmach has to resort to another excuse to suspend old offers.

    You do realize if that's the goal, I wouldn't need an excuse, right?

    Because if you are assuming we have malicious intent, there's plenty of things we could do to achieve that goal you claim we have, to suspend old offers. We could do what pretty much every other provider does: raise prices, refuse to renew based on pricing.

    In fact that would be much more effective. Plus you're claiming we're hysterical since he's the original owner, based on what he said, yet you're not taking into account anything we said. Of course we will review his claim and see what happened and be fair. If he is the original owner and there is no other problem, we'll disclose what happened, how we'll prevent it, and credit him for the downtime.

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    @ForMat_eXt4 said:

    So you mean that Virmach doesn't bother to create excuses (whether clumsy or plausible),
    Virmach just suspend services whose owner committed "pocket crimes"?

    I mean the TOS is lengthy enough to scare away most, if not every customer, and when enforced, shouldn't Virmach state the exact term which its vicious customers have broken?

    Or just a murmur: "You are FIRED because of violation of TOS"?
    I would recommend a shorter version of "pqpt" or "dpo". Which one do you prefer?

    We do state why in the appeal, and if we permanently reject a suspension, we provide the evidence when requested (unless in some cases where it's legally not possible, just to be very clear. For example, if you are involved in a serious crime then US law may prohibit us from disclosing this information per the court.)

    It's not like we "hid" this from everyone. We even have systems in place to prevent it from happening but they can be initially circumvented, no matter what we do, since we aren't collecting and verifying everyone's personal identity on orders.

    This was communicated many times via public channels. People also would immediately understand they are purchasing account information from a third party and that usually would involve referring to the terms of service regarding account transfers and such or asking us a question if you're unsure before assuming that we allow it. This is common sense, where you can assume it's not permitted for most services. I am sure you could find exceptions to this, but they would be exceptions and not the norm. If you go online to a message board, and find someone selling login details to an Alipay account, and you buy it from them, do you then say the TOS was lengthy and scared away people, and it's unfair, you didn't know that you can't do that? No. Because it's common sense that you should realize they're not an authorized reseller of Alipay accounts.

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    @ForMat_eXt4 said: Please take it NOT seriously, of course I don't know the details of the exodus from Colo-Crossing to Ali-Cloud.

    We don't use Ali Cloud.

    They have excess IPv4 space, which they have agreement with Zenlayer to lease to us. It's on ARIN. It's not announced on Ali Cloud ASN.

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    @willie said:

    Well, data recovery is one of the more frequent whining points, so decreasing the friction might get rid of some of that. Even if it's not completely automated, you could have a simple shell script that bundles up the files from a suspended vps and just give the tarball to the user if they ask for it.''

    In this case, there isn't much friction regarding data. The only one guy that seemed to bring it up was only using it as a strawman. He never requested a backup when he first otherwise claimed his files were important, and then basically requested everything be deleted even though it was made clear he could request it. He didn't. So far all the ones reviews, not one mentioned data. If they do, it won't be to a level where we'll need to deploy any automation.

    Should we ever need to do something similar with let's say... a group of customers that have services they're using to host unique website data (or higher likelihood of that being an issue) then we'd of course re-evaluate how we'd proceed first.

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    @skorous said: Is #4 a primary reason for suspensions? I thought that was semi-acceptable as long as you hadn't also violated #1-3.

    First of all we don't have any official "guidelines" so I don't want to confuse anyone into thinking any of this is a requirement, just refer to ToS and my previous posts, but not doing #4 would make it very difficult for us to be able to assist someone if it reaches the point of having to prove the account is theirs.

    As for people not doing #4 we only care about this in terms of billing details if it is a requirement of the payment provider, so for example, credit card.

    It wouldn't directly relate to this issue in any way but could potentially aggravate it if there's already multiple other issues, especially if it also looks like there could be payment issues.

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    @FAT32 said:
    Weekend incoming and I am here thinking about life.

    What is something that you learned too late in life?

    Most adults are just pretending. Earlier in my life when growing up and probably earl adulthood I always thought certain people had in some way "figured it out" but the main difference is just the level of confidence someone presents.

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    @AlwaysSkint said:

    No, YOU should just STFU and stay at hostloc, where you belong!

    He might stick around long enough to assimilate, at least to the point where he understands it's possible to hang around here and do something other than being obnoxious.

    Thanked by (1)AlwaysSkint
  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider
    edited October 2022

    @ForMat_eXt4 said:

    Exactly, how dare Virmach discontinued the machine.

    Of course I endorse environment protection.

    I'm interested, what do you guys get out of pretending like it's random? And if it really is a misunderstanding, why would anyone come here to claim such things before even trying to work it out with the provider? It seems to me that the people who do that are generally just angry and think if they do that we'll quickly just undo it because it makes us look bad, but I do not understand why some minimal level of research wouldn't first be done to ensure it's a good strategy.

    Out of any host, it's been proven time and time again that it has no effect on us.

    We do not operate like other companies where if you make a claim without evidence publicly, someone reaches out and tries to get you to stop repeating it. Free speech. But all you end up doing is wasting your time, weakening your case, and annoying everyone here.

    Thanked by (2)FrankZ AlwaysSkint
  • @VirMach said:

    I'm interested, what do you guys get out of pretending like it's random? And if it really is a misunderstanding, why would anyone come here to claim such things before even trying to work it out with the provider? It seems to me that the people who do that are generally just angry and think if they do that we'll quickly just undo it because it makes us look bad, but I do not understand why some minimal level of research wouldn't first be done to ensure it's a good strategy.

    Out of any host, it's been proven time and time again that it has no effect on us.

    We do not operate like other companies where if you make a claim without evidence publicly, someone reaches out and tries to get you to stop repeating it. Free speech. But all you end up doing is wasting your time, weakening your case, and annoying everyone here.

    Any argument seems to be moot anyway what are you going to do with the suspended machines that's the point assuming that the suspended machines are all violating any possible TOS. Will the machine be cancelled? Permanent suspension? How will the bill be handled? That's what I want to know. Does this determine what I should do next instead of waiting indefinitely for a "trial"?

This discussion has been closed.