[2022] ★ VirMach ★ RYZEN ★ NVMe ★★ The Epic Sales Offer Thread ★★



  • @matheny515 said: But I use the Add Funds feature, so it's a one-off payment. Normally, if you click Paypal Checkout, a popup will open allowing you to select the payment method. But if you have automatic payment setup, then VirMach use that to charge instead, and there is no Paypal popup asking for consent.

    If I understand you, I think what you want to do is click on Unpaid in the invoices tab. That way you can select Credits/Defer. I have autopay ( though direct to my card instead of Paypal ) and use Add Funds if I've got three or four all pending. Works fine. I don't recommend using Mass Payments currently as, at least in my case, it only closed one of the invoices though it deducted the money for both.

  • edited November 2022

    @skorous said:

    If I understand you, I think what you want to do is click on Unpaid in the invoices tab. That way you can select Credits/Defer. I have autopay ( though direct to my card instead of Paypal ) and use Add Funds if I've got three or four all pending. Works fine. I don't recommend using Mass Payments currently as, at least in my case, it only closed one of the invoices though it deducted the money for both.

    I use Add Funds to add 20$ to my account, then I was charged 20$ twice but only got 20$ in account credits. I would be okay if I got 40$ credit, sadly that's not the case :'(

    Thanked by (1)lemoncube
  • Virmachs billing system seems to be greedy currently. I paid for two invoices at once, and the amount for both was charged to the credit card, but only one invoice changed to status paid.

    Most probably the system figured out that my BF deals are way too cheap.

  • @matheny515 said:

    I use Add Funds to add 20$ to my account, then I was charged 20$ twice but only got 20$ in account credits. I would be okay if I got 40$ credit, sadly that's not the case :'(

    Oh ok. Sorry, I misunderstood you ( and I think @FrankZ did too ).

    Thanked by (2)FrankZ matheny515
  • cybertechcybertech OGBenchmark King

    TYC040 is up

    I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.

  • @VirMach Can I change my account email? I don't sell it to anyone, just wanna change it to my most used email account and don't wanna be flagged as multi accounts

  • @ripeapple said:
    @VirMach Can I change my account email? I don't sell it to anyone, just wanna change it to my most used email account and don't wanna be flagged as multi accounts

    That's the entire reason users are allowed to change them without a ticket in the first place. If you didn't buy your account from someone else, you shouldn't worry about an email change, there are other things that VirMach looks at to determine that. I've changed mine before with no issue.

    Thanked by (2)FrankZ ripeapple
  • Does anyone know how Virmach calculates monthly data? Is it bidirectional or outbound only?

    Thanks for the help!

  • FrankZFrankZ ModeratorOG
    edited November 2022

    @sorachan said:
    Does anyone know how Virmach calculates monthly data? Is it bidirectional or outbound only?

    Thanks for the help!

    My understanding is both in and out transfer is counted. (bidirectional)

  • @VirMach My previous tick was merged with #218112, which is awaiting the billing dept, but you have already dealt with the billing issue yourself. Can you look at #218112 and get someone on it? I've been waiting since September.


  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    @Civalo said:
    @VirMach My previous tick was merged with #218112, which is awaiting the billing dept, but you have already dealt with the billing issue yourself. Can you look at #218112 and get someone on it? I've been waiting since September.


    Dedicated server issue would've been resolved yesterday if you had a ticket that mentioned a dedicated server in the title or description. I think previous issue was that it didn't and it got overlooked, and I remember looking over this and fixing that (hopefully, or thought I did.)

    If you opened another ticket and it got merged, that sounds like another potential obstacle.

    I have not had time to address any of these for the past week, I delegated them to our other team member. I'll try to create some time today to finally close these out, sorry for it taking so long.

  • @VirMach any thoughts on sending the XPG paperweights ? Will be a good gift...

    And Ofcourse ssd32G for life!!!!

  • This is the last message i put on this thread to remind virmach for the free 2GB SSD.
    I guess he has his own schedule and cleaning up this mess is more important.
    I will not tag virmach, if he reads this best wishes and i hope you get kicked on the balls soon.

  • @VirMach said:

    Dedicated server issue would've been resolved yesterday if you had a ticket that mentioned a dedicated server in the title or description. I think previous issue was that it didn't and it got overlooked, and I remember looking over this and fixing that (hopefully, or thought I did.)

    If you opened another ticket and it got merged, that sounds like another potential obstacle.

    I have not had time to address any of these for the past week, I delegated them to our other team member. I'll try to create some time today to finally close these out, sorry for it taking so long.

    What is the correct way to label dedicated server tickets? As soon as you take care of the billing issues I'm going to put one in to reinstall mine since it didn't patch properly so it'll be good need to know.

  • @sorachan said:
    Does anyone know how Virmach calculates monthly data? Is it bidirectional or outbound only?

    Thanks for the help!

    Any data gong through the port, so bidirectional.

  • @skorous said:

    What is the correct way to label dedicated server tickets? As soon as you take care of the billing issues I'm going to put one in to reinstall mine since it didn't patch properly so it'll be good need to know.

    Vaguely curious about this myself, I need to open a ticket at some point to get the rest of my IPs configured correctly, I don't want to risk messing with the network config when I've got no IPMI.

  • @bakageta said:

    Vaguely curious about this myself, I need to open a ticket at some point to get the rest of my IPs configured correctly, I don't want to risk messing with the network config when I've got no IPMI.

    Yeah, no IPMI is a serious limitation. I thought I was okay to patch since it's really vanilla but apparently I was wrong. :-/

  • I have found I had lost migrate/ip change features in my Vir panel half month ago.
    Am I the only one have such issue?

  • @nightcat said:
    I have found I had lost migrate/ip change features in my Vir panel half month ago.
    Am I the only one have such issue?

    You are not alone. I even have not been able to use my VMs since April :)

  • Ready for Black Friday?

  • Well that's not great.

    Thanked by (2)tototo FrankZ
  • The billing one is still active until Dec 1st, so use https://billing.virmach.com/ directly I guess for now

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    @bakageta said:

    Well that's not great.

    This is a good indicator on how behind I am currently, it was on the high priority list maybe two weeks ago and I didn't even realize it's already the 19th.

    Thanked by (1)bakageta
  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider
    edited November 2022

    We already have like 5 certificates, I swapped two out with each other in a weird way, long story, to get our CDN functioning more quickly, and it brought the deadline up to November 20th. I already have my friends roasting me in private so I figured someone would've also mentioned it here by now as it has been 2 hours.

    It's funny because I basically for a split second tried talking myself out of doing that as I knew this would happen. But hey we did technically save several hours of the same warning showing maybe two weeks ago so who knows, net positive?

    Thanked by (2)FrankZ bakageta
  • The one I saw was from letsencrypt, which makes me think "apt install certbot" could help ;).

  • @VirMach said:
    This is a good indicator on how behind I am currently, it was on the high priority list maybe two weeks ago and I didn't even realize it's already the 19th.

    If it's any consolation, I'm so behind on things that I STILL haven't brought my personal website back online. It was running on the colocrossing dedi when that all went down, and I've got backups, I'm just too busy with actual work. I just finished up with maintenance on one of our main backup systems at work, updating zfs and patching since it hasn't been touched in a year.

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider
    edited November 2022

    @bakageta said:

    If it's any consolation, I'm so behind on things that I STILL haven't brought my personal website back online. It was running on the colocrossing dedi when that all went down, and I've got backups, I'm just too busy with actual work. I just finished up with maintenance on one of our main backup systems at work, updating zfs and patching since it hasn't been touched in a year.

    It's been real bad on my end, basically November 1st until now is a blur and hard to believe it's been 3 weeks.

    @willie said:
    The one I saw was from letsencrypt, which makes me think "apt install certbot" could help ;).

    Our CDN setup got changed to where we were trying to use both CF and another CDN except they both prefer running in a way where they don't serve just certain objects from a subdomain. Previous setup was from a subdomain and CF on main domain. We had a certificate for main domain that we used for miscellaneous setups and that was Let's Encrypt. We have one that's EV SSL but got stuck on re-approval, another wildcard that was expiring December 1st but was used for our old server and I was having a hard time locating the private key backup (it's there, just probably somewhere I didn't have time to look) but I had to renew it soon anyway. Then there's the SSL we use multi-domain for the CDN, another set for billing, another set from CF directly, and another set from the other CDN which we switched, to another set from the other other CDN.

    The best overlap was the Let's Encrypt one at the time when the setup changed, and then I was supposed to either switch over to the new CDN Let's Encrypt or just install the one we already renewed. It wasn't a huge hassle just missed it on my list since I lost track of time, I thought I still had some time left. It look a little bit longer just because I had to figure out what key and certificate combo to use since we had so many (took about 30 minutes.) And then 2 hours to notice it initially.

    Thanked by (1)bakageta
  • When will the Black Friday event plan be announced?

This discussion has been closed.