@shallow said:
Any ETA in months as to when the pending flash sales are going to be provisioned? Funny at first, now just seems like a clown op.
Welcome to the masochist club mate!
My 4th Jan $6.66 is still pending
We should be grateful. WehrMacht is working hard to deliver best possible user experience focused on simplicity and unusability.
Waiting months for paid service activation will give us experiences that are personally relevant, meaningful, and add value to our lives.
@shallow said:
Any ETA in months as to when the pending flash sales are going to be provisioned? Funny at first, now just seems like a clown op.
Welcome to the masochist club mate!
My 4th Jan $6.66 is still pending
We should be grateful. WehrMacht is working hard to deliver best possible user experience focused on simplicity and unusability.
Waiting months for paid service activation will give us experiences that are personally relevant, meaningful, and add value to our lives.
If you're already flagged problematic, whether or not the merge was correct it will just be closed as there's already a high indicator for previous negative behavior (same with multiple account and merged.)
that's what I get for waiting 15 months
edit:not mean dedi reinstall,i mean the service transfer
I just came across your ticket in the queue, naturally. I also made sure not to close this important one and didn't put it on hold. I'm skipping it for now because I remember the situation differently so it means I have to read through your comments here as well as the ticket again.
Or let me know if this would the correct way to proceed: the server is being surrendered/terminated on one account and it's being created as-is on the second account. And any wiping, whatever else, is irrelevant.
I thought we scheduled this for around the 12th but I don't see a bump up for that, did you want to proceed now or wait until 2/12? It's a terminate, meaning no pro-rated credits. So it's to your benefit to time it right.
sorry, now I read my post I found I said something wrong.
@VirMach said: I also made sure not to close this important one
I have a ticket(#196817) in my main account, it merged so hard, mixed other things in it. but originally this ticket is for dedi server reinstall, and I bump and try to explain what this ticket was for. but it closed without reply, I think maybe you want to split it out into a new ticket, but it doesn't.so I thought maybe i am on the list of flagged problematic.
here is the screenshot to save your time
@VirMach said: scheduled this for around the 12th but I don't see a bump up for that
actually, I replied to this ticket on 12/18/2022, maybe because I reply too early, so you are not able to process it before 01/12/2023?
@VirMach said: did you want to proceed now or wait until 2/12?
now, I'm afraid I'll be missed again.
@VirMach said: Or let me know if this would the correct way to proceed: the server is being surrendered/terminated on one account and it's being created as-is on the second account.
@alexxgg said: Thanks for sharing that information. I'll wait and hope for the service come online during this month. When the issue is finally fixed, I'll post about it.
and registered user for one hour? congratz for your first post
Ontario Dildo Inspector
Not gonna happen because box5 is hogging all the resources.
No hostname left!
Yo @ChadFranz is there @StaceyFranz
Only find @StaceyX89 instead
Ontario Dildo Inspector
isn't there always.
Mod EDIT:Link removed
Yo wtf are ya suffer from Schizophrenia
Ontario Dildo Inspector
Any ETA in months as to when the pending flash sales are going to be provisioned? Funny at first, now just seems like a clown op.
My ESL attempt at irony.
Welcome to the masochist club mate!
My 4th Jan $6.66 is still pending
Yo chad wa'z ESL?
Ontario Dildo Inspector
We should be grateful. WehrMacht is working hard to deliver best possible user experience focused on simplicity and unusability.
Waiting months for paid service activation will give us experiences that are personally relevant, meaningful, and add value to our lives.
I am what Überchadfranz Sr. taught me to be. They are planting trees now. Don't judge!
English as a Second Language
hello sir,
can you help to refund my service if you cant make them active
1523174 01/02/2023 01/09/2023 $24.60 USD Paid Pending
1524589 01/04/2023 01/11/2023 $5.00 USD Paid Pending
1524658 01/04/2023 01/11/2023 $12.21 USD Paid Pending
1524728 01/04/2023 01/11/2023 $7.11 USD Pending
I just came across your ticket in the queue, naturally. I also made sure not to close this important one and didn't put it on hold. I'm skipping it for now because I remember the situation differently so it means I have to read through your comments here as well as the ticket again.
Or let me know if this would the correct way to proceed: the server is being surrendered/terminated on one account and it's being created as-is on the second account. And any wiping, whatever else, is irrelevant.
I thought we scheduled this for around the 12th but I don't see a bump up for that, did you want to proceed now or wait until 2/12? It's a terminate, meaning no pro-rated credits. So it's to your benefit to time it right.
sorry, now I read my post I found I said something wrong.
I have a ticket(#196817) in my main account, it merged so hard, mixed other things in it. but originally this ticket is for dedi server reinstall, and I bump and try to explain what this ticket was for. but it closed without reply, I think maybe you want to split it out into a new ticket, but it doesn't.so I thought maybe i am on the list of flagged problematic.

here is the screenshot to save your time
actually, I replied to this ticket on 12/18/2022, maybe because I reply too early, so you are not able to process it before 01/12/2023?
now, I'm afraid I'll be missed again.
i agreed this in the ticket reply
All issues have been fixed.

Issues fixed on TPAZ003
Whenever I see TPAZxxx, the 1st thing to spring to mind isn't Tampa but topaz.
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
Same here, but as my VPS on TPAZ002/005 is dead for few months I totally stopped seeing TPAZ so no more topaz(es?) for me!

Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.
Just finished LET NextBytes threads, holy moly.
Well, VirmAch is also one man biz I presume?
If the old fart went deadpool, would my chicken as well?
Ontario Dildo Inspector
VirMach is not one man show.
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
its one man plus a developer show
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
Plus lowend support, the emotional coach Alpha Franz
Ontario Dildo Inspector
But no Yetis
Free Hosting at YetiNode | MicroNode | Cryptid Security | URL Shortener | LaunchVPS | ExtraVM | Host-C | In the Node, or Out of the Loop?
Yo back to the cave
Ontario Dildo Inspector
This is true, unfortunately.
As far as I know VirMach has not on-boarded a Yeti as of yet.
All right you asked for it bud
Free Hosting at YetiNode | MicroNode | Cryptid Security | URL Shortener | LaunchVPS | ExtraVM | Host-C | In the Node, or Out of the Loop?
Maybe two developers, plus a Chinese speaking customer service rep, some undisclosed new guy, an office, and a phone line.